MTV's Jersey Shore Thread

I think we’re smart enough to know not everyone in New Jersey acts like this.

camden feels left out :frowning:

best show on tv.

the situation is the best character on the show

I’m liking Ronnie more and more but hating everyone else even more except Vinnie who’s Ok. I find it funny that the 2 youngest guys in the house are the most mature.

Snooki deserved to get slapped around by the grenade launcher because she had no reason to kick those girls out the house… and what the hell did Sammi say to them?.. “you dont even look Italian, you dont belong here,”… what an idiot.

Snooki only kicked out the zoo cause she was trying to help out Situation. He wanted the two other bitches gone and wasn’t man enough to do it. So if anything, Situation is a fucking self-absorbed pussy. Ronnie and Vinny are my fave. They don’t get any publicity like Snooki and Situation. That chick in the blue tank top was pretty huge. Sammi x Ronnie is so yeck. Ronnie can do so much better than that weave wearing fool.

No at this point I disagree. Until one of these juiced clowns brings home AT LEAST A 7 I will not agree that any of them can do better. I mean if this is the best they can do while on a MTV Show then I’d hate to see what they were bringing home prior to the show.

Ronnie = roid rage.

They’ve been bringing home some monsters and it’s pretty hilarious to watch. I only mean he can do better than Sammi cause of her attitude. Drama queen to the max. But they all are.

Side note: I tried to watch Real World DC… Yeah, shit’s soft compared to Jersey Shore. -fist pump:


Upon subsequent episode viewings, Paulie D and the Situation seem like okay guys. They just want to fuck chicks. I’m cool with that.

Plus Ronnie said “it’s time to creep on girls”, who doesn’t like a guy who uses that expression? The girls are coming off way worse then the guys. They look like dummies.

Way too fucking soft. I’m so tired of MTV casting the low self esteemed gay Guy in denial. And Real World seriously needs some REAL Black Guys. Like Ty or Greg who literally made the show. Ty was the only Black Guy in Real World History who was pulling Attractive Black Women. But who knows Real World doesn’t usually pick up until the third or forth episode.

lol, Snickers talking about her aspiring Vet career, I hope she gets it in from that white guy. Gets it in hard.

MTV was showing old episodes of Real World DC and Jersey Shore back to back. So I stayed around to watch RW:DC and I couldn’t help but laugh at how lame they are. Ty would be better looking if he got that gap fixed. Haha. I like that weird artsy cartoonist. Probably cause I’m an illustrator, so I’mma go for the guy with similar interest. But, I might keep watching RW:DC for shits and giggles.

Can’t wait for the new Jersey Shore though. Situation gettin’ hated on now. Dun dun dunnnn~ Cue lightning and thunder, bitches!


Five Ways Jersey Shore is Just Like Final Fantasy:

RW:DC is fucking boring. I’m done watching that trash.

Ahaha. I love the Chocobo comment. Probly cause I still <3 Snooki regardless.

This series is just too good. I love how everyone’s basically getting their last minute shots in on The situation.

Wow in every episode Ronnie is knockin niggas out. Ronnie’s like the one dude that can put his muscles into work out of all the guys in the house. Nigga’s like 3-0 now.

Ronnie is god tier on this show.

dude was kissin that floor for like fuckin 30 mins.

side mounted a nigga then TKOs another.

This show is hilarious. I like the Cena guest plug between the commercials. “When does the pain stop?”

Rnnie cool. Dude was out cold.

The situation is a very rememberable guy. He is the guy you will remember years later.