MTV's Jersey Shore Thread

Watching Real World DC and then watching Jersey Shore…Real World is so fucking boring.

I wouldn’t be surprised if Jersey Shore gets another season and basically kills Real World for good. Comparing the first 2 episodes of both shows, Jersey Shore was much more interesting that Real World DC. I only wanted to watch it cause they finally put real world in dc but…it’s just so boring.

Ronnie landed a running right on that guys chin. I think he linked it from an FADC. Looked like Abel charging that guy with mixups.

had that nigga in side mount

He look like he’s got some roid rage goin on. Flippin tables, pushing Sammie, hittin that guy with the Tyrant Slaughter, throwing my girl Snooki off the boat. He needs to read a book and calm down. LOL, at Jwow hittin Mike with the spinning backhand. Such good form too. She’s the hype of the show.

lol, then he had homeboy fully mounted with major ground and pound. And trust i dont really fuck with the shore but dudes stay talkin shit and having their girl in the way.
I love my state but damn if a brotha hate the shore.

The situation needs his own reality show. dude=cash cow with his terms. The wild zoo animals and grenade i slip up and dont even say chicks are busted now. I just say damn get away b4 that grenade blows up…lol.

Damn Ronnie went in on that fuckin dude. He didnt give Sammi a hard push she should have stfu and stopped being a drama queen because she was part of the reason it escalated.

Vinnys mom came through with the bomb 3 course italian lunch. I wish I was there. Thats why 1st generation italian women are the best. I dont see any of these hoes in the house cook a damn thing.

I wonder who is going to get a spin-off. I mean even Tila Tequilas show got a spin off and this is way more successful than that.

:rofl: shows too good.

Mike The Situation has to get a spin off. Or him + Paully D.

i just wanna see him in a normal situation where he tries to get people to call him the situation.

Yeah but the problem is the Spin off might try too hard to be like Jersey Shore and be a bust. You gotta keep it fresh with new people each season. Then hopefully do some cameos with people from this season dropping by and having some random ish start.

Also Jwow’s lariat has crazy range Situation should have evaluated the situation and zoned the hell out the way.Basic SFIV techniques…

That would not have happened to Alex Valle…

the girl on hippo fight was trashy as hell! Mike and co need to stay away form the drama… and heffers. Im glad ronnie fucked that guy up, sammi should kicked the guys girls ass as well… the image of mike face super impossed onto his sisters had me in stiches as well :rofl:

I can’t be the only person who has noticed EVERY girl they have brought back have been grenades…

post explosion grenades

no, you’re definitely not. horrible, horrible looking women they creep on. you have to keep in mind, though, what kind of girl is gonna go home with guys whose whole persona is “GTL”? these guys are clowns, and their girls have clown faces. even the girls in the cast are like three’s in my book.

Thats true but if you listen to them they swear they are pulling supermodel girls left and right. I remember the preview of the show with Situation saying if your a hater I have a full time job for you. But who exactly is hating on some juiced up clowns pulling fat ugly girls? I mean after awhile it becomes an issue of believing your own hype. It reminds of the DVD commentary of Training Day when the director was talking about how Alonso believed his on legend and couldn’t die. This is why he was running around the city doing whatever he wanted thinking nobody would dare oppose him.

But seriously if your on a TV show a MTV show at that and you can’t get attractive women to at least come back to the house your a lame. Sorry but the idiots on Real World do it every season with out hair gel and fist pumps.

I’m putting Jersey Shore guys at Low Tier and Real World Guys at Mid to High Tier…

Let the hate begin.

I’m wondering how long until Snookies sex tape comes out.

too bad Real world is just boring overall compared to Jersey Shores. At least this season of Real world so far. (I haven’t really watched RW since the Paris season and kinnnda watched the one after that one.)

while RW dudes may get better girls, these dudes at least clown on the trash they bring in.

lol jersey shore guys havent gotten super popular like rw. Like rw status=instant pussy. Give them a another season and they will get instant pussy off of jersey shore name.

No one knows the jersey shore name since this was filmed in the summer.

snookie gets a 10k appearance fee
pauly d/situation get 7.5k

its kind of pathetic how much they make now

And I remember someone telling me they don’t get paid… oh Kaori… anywho

How the fuck is Snnokie getting paid more than the situation? Don’t tell me it cause she got punch in the face. If so that dude should ask her for royalties

good agents. they probably dont get paid by mtv, they get paid through agents. i dont think real world cast members are paid, but when u make an appearance at a club or bar ur def gonna get dough.

lol pauly d’s gonna be in new england thur…def not going.