MTV's Jersey Shore Thread

I seen a shirt at the mall that says “the situation” and has a picture of his abs on it. Yea…

Like his abs really arent that nice…anyone who rocks that shirt is a *** too.

If anything, they’re a situation because they look fucking weird. not because he’s packin.

and yea…they’re not all that.

Yeah, they’re not all that defined. They look like a pack of Capri Suns if anything.

What the fuck is wrong with Capri Suns? They are better than Hi-C!!

Sips anyone?:confused:

I actually like this tee though. Did it come out before the show?

Sometimes the straws might not be attached or you get the bust Capri Sun that squirts as you put the straw in. Either that or most of my Capri Suns had premature jucing problems.

Sips were the bomb back in like 1990s. Had those all the time in elementary school. But I’d trade off a Sips for a Capri Sun in a heart beat. :wink: I love 'em all though, so I guess that doesn’t matter.

I wonder which one the Situation would drink…:wonder:

Definitely. Since ATHF is set in Jersey.

i’m gonna go on a limb and say Juicy Juice.

Really? I’d think those Kool-Aid Burts. Cause he’s about as cheesy as the Kool-Aid man.

Those never tasted like REAL Kool - Aid to Me. Mainly because they don’t put pounds of sugar in like I do.

I use to down those things like water when I was little. And they had enough sugar verses when I make it in a pitcher. My dad’s not allowed to have any of the Kool Aid made in our house cause he’s a diabetic.

Plus my mom wants to put insurance on him first. For the lulz @ my mom

heh kool aid burst really were pretty weak compared to the homeade kool aid. My mom would make it just right, my dad would make the juice feel like sugar bursts.

MY version was always just fuckin right.

Damn man, I want some Kool Aid now… :sad:

Jersey Shore Tomorrow. Although all the hype has been deflated since the episode will be edited. But anyway The Ruins Reunion comes on at 10pm. Should be interesting with all the drama that happened This Season.

Yeah, I’m not so hyped about it anymore. But, I’ll still watch it. :sad:

Yeah it sucks. I mean everyone has already seen it so why edit it out? Especially when this very episode raised ratings. Damn FCC and their regulations. At least there are more conflicts coming up.

Vinny important any?


Useless guy who catches pink eye and still hasn’t hooked up with random guidettes who are drunk at the club. Definitely the loser character in the show and probably will say he is coming out the closet later on in the season.

that’s cause Vinny is the only one close to not being the stereotype/smart guy.

plus he’s the official fist pumper. That gives him more than enough edge to be somethin.

lol the whole world knows that dudes got a pierced dick now. Who the fuck does that?