MTV's Jersey Shore Thread

only a few people on these reality shows cash in. They have to be super popular and get jobs from the fame. Not one of the people on the real world or jersey shore get paid money for being on the show. They do however “try” and make money off of promoting themselves at clubs and events. But the truth is they do not make enough money to live a decent life. They simply get more oportunities off their 15 min of fame, and if i ever had the chance to be on a reality show, u bet i would b on it! but i would totally love to be on survivor or big brother over ne of the mtv shows. cuz if ur betrayed in such a way like the mtv shows… good luck trying to get a real job and a real career

The point isn’t to become a celebrity it’s to cash in when the opportunity is there.
They can easily make $50,000 for one season. With that you can go back to school, or start a business.

“And yes some of these people do make money doing stuff after the show is over but not all or a majority. Only the popular ones. The others burn through that money in probably less than a year or two.”

Kaori: They all get paid, and they burning through the money is irrelevant. The point is they made the money. Now if they decide to waste it stupidly it’s their fault. They had the opportunity to make that money, that most of us will never have. So they capitalize on it.

HardBody: That is incorrect the cast of "The Real World, and “Jersey Shore” get paid for each episode they are future in. (I got this from the guy that was the real world season with the dude with AIDS. Sorry forgot his name)

What I am saying is for 3-5 months they get free housing, food, and publicity and walk away with a $50,000 check when it all done. The smart one use that $50,000 and turn it into $75,000 or $100,000 +. The dumb ones turn that $50,000 into $0. However the point is they got that $50,000 check practically for free.

You guys are way over thinking it. Of course most of them are attention whores, but not all of them. Out of the cast usually only 1 or 2 of the cast really push for big time fame, while the other people just smile and walk away with their free money. Acting stupid for 3-5 months for a nice paycheck is well worth it for me. I probably take that money and see what I can do with it to make more.

OK So You HAD $50,000 and now have NOTHING to show for it. In the meantime MTV is still making money off you for acting like an idiot. I agree that it is easy money and if your smart you will invest and turn it into something. I’m not dissing that. But if you went on MTV for a show, acted like a dumbass hoe and blew through all of if not most of the money I don’t see the point in the money since it’s gone. I’d rather have the money than the temporary teen fame.

But your forgetting Devyn who I brought up because I agree with you on that point. She made her money, DIDN’T do anything hoe-ish and started her career based off a few connections she made while filming the show. One of mine friends here knows her or something from doing events in New York. I have her on My Facebook actually and I can tell you she is clearly the only person I know of from that season that did ANYTHING with the experience.

You are jumping to conclusion. Every heard of the slippery slope?

“OK So You HAD $50,000 and now have NOTHING to show for it.” 'Devyn"

So you’re saying one person has a direct correlation to every cast in the history of reality television?

“But if you went on MTV for a show, acted like a dumbass hoe and blew through all of if not most of the money I don’t see the point in the money since it’s gone.”

That fucking great for her, but I was talking about the “reasons” to do the reality t.v what you are arguing is fucking irrelevant.

“In the meantime MTV is still making money off you for acting like an idiot.”

Have you seen FOX news? CNN? NBC? ESPN? They all profit off their t.v analysis acting like idiots. Ever heard of Rush Limbaugh?

You know what you should just go back and read your initial post, then read my post that I quoted you and come back here and tell me what your actual point is. You are jumping left and right, and I have no clue what point you are actually trying to make. Mine is very clear. Act like idiot for 15 second of fame, get your money then walk away. Regardless of people actually doing that or not is not the point, the point is that was there intention of doing it. If they get carried away and get off track it FUCKING IRRELEVANT, because we are discussing “why” to do it in the 1st place. Not what they do 1month, 6 months, 1 year, 1000 years after the show.

I have no clue how can I can make it anymore clear. I’m not defending their actions on the show, I’m defending “why” they went through with the show. And if it just happens that the producers wanted them to be “stupid” you would understand why they said “yes” to the producers.

“You are jumping to conclusion. Every heard of the slippery slope?”


“So you’re saying one person has a direct correlation to every cast in the history of reality television?”


“That fucking great for her, but I was talking about the “reasons” to do the reality t.v what you are arguing is fucking irrelevant.”

Not arguing the reasons to go.

“Have you seen FOX news? CNN? NBC? ESPN? They all profit off their t.v analysis acting like idiots. Ever heard of Rush Limbaugh?”

Two different things. Yeah I’ve heard of him.

“You are jumping left and right, and I have no clue what point you are actually trying to make.”

I’m not arguing reasons to go on the show. My last post actually sums up my point pretty clear. Make some money, get some fame DO something positive with the money…GOOD

The opposite of that is what I’m talking about. But this isn’t even really that serious an issue. My initial post was about Sammie pretending to be something she isn’t.

And my post was letting you know “why” she was doing that. I wasn’t justifying her pretending to be stupid, Guidette, I was letting you know why she did it.

And please tell me how MTV making profit off their reality stars and FOX making profit off their tv personalities are not similar. Both companies are paying those personalities proportionally less than what they are getting in return. It’s just business. They are there to make money, that the point. Whether you hate it, like it, love it, loathe it, adore it they don’t care. They just care you watching it.

Going on TV and hooking up with random people, getting drunk, and arguing over nothing is very different than arguing politics on TV. No matter how stupid your position is on an issue. Yes Hannity, Limbaugh and others look like complete idiots every night on TV and radio. Yes FOX News makes millions of dollars for it. But they are pundits who are also getting paid MILLIONS of dollars are year to argue stupid political talking points. Thats vastly different than going on a reality show for a few months and getting a couple grand…once, maybe twice if you do a challenge. Just like Hannity goes on every night so do other pundits who are actually good. You can be a good or bad reporter.

I don’t care if MTV makes money off of them because I don’t have a problem with the show. Which is what it sounds like your implying.

I just got the notice. Is it true MTV will pull out the Snooki knock out clip? Not a smart financial move for them. The last episode served as a set up to this one. Would be a waste.

Yes they did. :confused:

Off topic: Ryuuu~ I miss you, boo! :lovin: My fist pumping buddy. I have no one to fist pump with anymore. :crybaby:

THe Punch clip is GONE. WHY.

Now I have no reason to watch the show. GJ MTV.

MTV doesn’t even keep it real anymore with the reality shows.

if this was early 90s mtv, they would’ve gave a big “Fuck you” to the people and showed the clip anyway.

Yea…i wanted to see the broad get snuffed in HD. I think im going to pass on the show now too.

I blame this on the assholes who sent death threats to the MTV employees. Fucking tossers need to sod the fuck off…

Don’t know if anyone seen this yet?

Jwoww in an Internet Adspace ad


Well, that’s one way to get your foot in the door, I guess?

too bad I can’t hear shit and of course, horrible acting for a horrible ad.

but…good for her…I guess? if that?:confused:

Yeah. It was pretty terrible… But maybe she’ll become a Youtube star and start a popular meme around the world.

Good for you, Jwoww… :tup: … I think?

Jwoww for just confirmed?:lol:

All she’d hafta do is just stand there. Give her no lines. Like another Megan Fox but not really. Wait, I take that back. I don’t want Jwoww all over the internet either. Nooo! :wasted:

I’m not going to diss Her. She is at least trying to do something, though She easily could have gotten a better gig somewhere else. Also She looked Nice in the video.