MTV's Jersey Shore Thread

Dirty thought. Better get your mind out of the gutter.

Its called College Hill, just as entertaining! lol

Sounds like something you’d hear on Gangland. Like when they do interviews.

Leon James a.k.a LJ has been a member of SRK since he was 13.

(In deep masked voice over)

LJ: Yeah I was locked up. Shit was mad scary up there man I seen all kind of shit. My first day in I saw some guidos kidnap the warden. Took him in the showers and fist pumped’em. You could hear the screams through the entire cell block. Shit was crazy…they fist pumped him good.

LMAO i couldnt stop laughing! whats with these weak men? i couldnt marry a chick like that. my chick is already acting like that, she’s on the brink of being sidewalked.

I wanted this as an avatar! I had that saved so I could request it as an avatar once I went prem. :cool:

When you go over to the Darkside remember the Little Big People.

I’ll bring you over a cookie. Or a piece of cake. Whichever your preference is. :smokin:

lol That was quite good, I could visualize it and everything. ('cept the part with the “fistpumping”)

I wish I could drop this bitch off in Ethiopa and make her actually fend for her bitchass.

The thing about it is the situations in which its used are different. Unlike hey whats up Nigga! Or Yo whats up man!? I never hear people say something like whats up my Guido or hey Guido! It’s almost always used in a self describing fashion or describing someone else like Yeah I’m the tannest, most juiced up, hair gelled fist pumping Guido on the Shore.

I’d have no qualms at all with a punching a bitch like that

alrite heres my thing on the jersey shore… i live here… first off, seaside heights, where the show is located is a big place people go to during the summer, and i mean out of towners, the phrase reffered to these people are BENNY’s (bayonne, elizibeth, newark, new york)… now the phrase is used when u see any guido at the jersey shore. And yes seaside is filled with guidos who are there only during the summer. I acctually went to school with samantha (aka sammi sweatheart) who is on the show, she is acctually not good looking at all. And she never had a guido/new york accent her entire life. She is acctually in fact a cool person tho, but she told us she put on an act for the show. Im not a hater of the show at all, unlike every1 who lives in hazlet (hometown) i think its great tv. And almost every club they go to are known guido/benny clubs.

i am a hater.

also, i heard that definition and another for bennies. apparently when all the new yorker’s/ no. jersey folk came down, they’d bring with them nothing but 100 dollar bills. so the vendors woulds say "here come the ‘bennies’ " .

h8. ^_^.

jersey shore seasonally has these people, but as said earlier, these fools are not in town.

Thats pretty sad pretending to be like that. But people will do anything to get on TV. Even pretend to be a complete jackass, hoe, idiot etc. Whats worse is alot of people think that just being on these shows will make them famous. Which it will in a below C - List celebrity kind of way but only for a few months until the next big reality show. Then hardly anybody will remember them.

Even with VH1 trying desperately to make that trash New York a big deal by giving her show after show she is still a nobody. Being famous for being a loud ghetto hoe who likes to start shit only goes so far.

I think the only reality show that could get you somewhere is I Want To Work for Diddy. Even if you don’t win getting far on that show could impress people in the business and entertainment world and get you a foot in the door.

C- list celebrity makes money and live a pretty nice life. No offense, but if I can make a living by giving college kids random speechs, showing up on a random CSI ep for like 10 minutes, and taking some modeling pictures. I probably would.

You also know they get paid per ep as well right?

Lauren Conrad get paid about 75k per ep. So you can see that even C level stars get decent amount of money.

I’m sure New York whack ass made at least 100-200k off VH1.

I’d love to be in ANY situation to make more money…but that’s anyone who’s got some type of idea period.

if it means spendin that shit on some games and fuckin setups. But i’m not that desperate for money. At least not to be on some reality tv show.

This is true for a small number of people on these shows though. The only exception I can think off is Devyn from Real World. She is doing some big things in New York. She hangs out with A - List celebs and athletes. But this is mainly because she is a good actresses and got good connections while on the show. Not simply because she was on the show.

And yes some of these people do make money doing stuff after the show is over but not all or a majority. Only the popular ones. The others burn through that money in probably less than a year or two. Then if you get called on to do a challenge you get paid and paid again if you make it to the finale.

And a even smaller number end up on real TV shows like CSI.

I’m so angry they took out the guidette punch dude that could’ve made Jursay Shore so much funnier!

Once it hit the evening news you knew it was getting taken out. MTV got want they needed though…extra hype for the show.

Extra hype = ratings

Ratings = $$$

Can anyone put a link for the punch video? I tried to watch it for the first time it got discovered but it has an age block on it.