MTV's Jersey Shore Thread

Lol! :lol: No thanks. Camel toes are gross. This thread needs more Snooki.

I haven’t heard that term in years! :lol:

And I guess that makes senses since there’s a lot of people seem to fall into that category of “guido” and their “guidoism”. I guess since MTV only choose to do Italian/Italian-Americans, they make it come off as if they were being racist. But c’mon… it’s MTV…

Lets not get carried away…you will still find dudes with high maintenance hair and extra young t-shirts. I have close friends who i consider guidos but they’re not as extreme as the clowndicks on this show.

I agree that the red-orange complextion and over the top attitude isnt as common buts its very much out there. You should know that too…i mean…you live in ny. Its full of these mooks every where.

Edit: And yea…guidos can only be italian.

I hate your AV.

Kind of like how a crackhead hates himself every time he lights a spoon.

Cause they shouldn’t do it, but they do anyway? :coffee:

Well if the Nessa Thread is as entertaining as this Judge Judy clip I will be an a regular poster .


Damn, Judge Judy shut her down and made her look like a bitch…I wonder what would happen if The Situation was on Judge Judy. I know I’d watch that episode and probably DVR it.

I laughed inside with this. Considering those breast about as fake as they she throws it in the camera. then I don’t even need to explain the “hair and the makeup” bit. lmao.

To me, it is all the same. Regardless of race, if you dress and act in that manner, it is acting like a “guido” and have forms of “guidoism”. I see it the same way as peeps in frats that have the “bro” attitude. White, black, hispanic, asian. Whatever. It is all the same.

Of course, I can be completely ignorant on the subject when it comes to the actual word guido. Don’t want to come off as a borderline racist :rofl:

I don’t think I’ve seen another show in which vanity commanded the stage so well. It beats MTV cribs and Sweet 16 ( “Mom, I said I wanted a Mercedez not a BMW you stupid b**ch!”). I couldn’t believe Cee LO was lettin his daughter be a little brat. This was the Goodie Mob’s lumberjack, now he’s all soft.

Yeah I hear ya. I just thought they were being preppy. Didn’t even think that it was acting like a “guido” or whatever since I thought it was a derogatory term. But then again, they are using it as a term of endearment. Kinda like how black people call themselves “nigguhs” or whatever.

To each their own, I guess. :china:

“Hey yo honah, uza cougah!”

A few weeks ago, my g/f and I were watching an episode of Bridezillas and we stumbled across [media=youtube]qRbPWSdVB6Q"[/media]. We thought she was your typical Staten Island guidette and then we later found out she’s actually Jewish.

Damn. That’s pretty accurate, sir.

Damn… She came off like a bonafied bitch. She makes Jolie look like she was a saint. Jeez man, I’m still like, “What the fuck”?

“Look you $9 an hour human!” Classic bitchzilla.

Freebase that shit!

yea…its really totally different from “bro” but yea. I wouldnt just start calling random Italians guido if i was you. Its like calling them a guinea. I have friends who would get mad upset over that lol.

Double standards, man. Double-fucking-standards.

my point is that saying it freely and labeling someone a “guido” might get you in trouble in some circles. Kinda like how people say nigga…but know they wouldnt utter it in certain places.

Just be careful with it.

I would never know when to just straight up call someone a guido like it was cool in the first place. I think it’s silly, imo. I’d never use nigga either and I’m “allowed” to use it. Either words shouldn’t be used anyway, but whatever. I agree with people being careful with it.

I wonder how many teens that watch this show will have the wrong idea of what a guido is and use it outta context. Some skulls are gonna get smashed in caose of this show. It’ll be funny too.

Edit: Holy shit. Tell me why some guy came to the student lounge in his Ed Hardy hoodie, shades like Vinny wears, realively tight straight leg (not skinnys) and a fitted. He looked like smushed down version of Vinny mixed with The Situation. I lol’d. People were looking at me weird cause I randomly started laughing as he walked past.

Should have fist pumped him.

Why does that sound illegal?

Sounds like something you’d hear in jail or something. Maybe a new commandment?

“Thou shall not fist pump in da club.” Just a thought.