MTV's Jersey Shore Thread

Snooki’s scene with the pickle and the “Pornstar in Training” cap was just amazing to me.

“I like to suck the juices out first!”

Angelina is a contemptible human being, that is all.

I still can’t believe I’m giving MTV ratings.

Greg on a challenge show would be funny

And even though he would eventually piss everyone the fuck off he would somehow make it to the finale.

Greg - Top Tier

High-fives for everyone?

Followed by fist pumping perhaps?

I see this hasn’t been posted yet.


They act like Sammie is some great prize. All she does is smile like 12 year old and look alright. I wonder what these people do for a living besides coming up with new theories in quantum physics. Shnookie the lead scientist of course. i think that whole punch scenario was just an experiment for us viewers at home about how the physics behind momentum work using her face as an example. She looks like an alien with big breast.

bahaha the way situation says cougars sounds so retar-tett, he goes "everyone loves the situation even “coooo-gehss!”

this show is filled with trashy jersey people and thats why i think it will become very addicting

Found this:
Queens gym teacher Brad Ferro, 24, of Deer Park, LI, was arrested in late August for punching out Nicole ?Snooki? Polizzi at the Beachcomber Bar & Grill in Seaside Heights, according to local police.
Ferro, a gym teacher at North Queens Community HS, was initially told to lay off the booze by bouncers at the popular resort bar because he seemed too drunk.
Ferro managed to stay inside the bar and eventually swiped booze belonging to Snooki and her entourage that had been placed on the bar top.
?That started a verbal altercation after which he struck her in the face,? said Korman. ?She sustained an injury to the inside of her mouth due to the punch.?
In fact, the video shows Ferro suddenly walloping Snooki in the jaw ? sending the 21-year-old beauty?s head reeling backward.
?Maybe he had a little too much to drink, but hitting a woman is a bit much,? said Jinny Tanawots, a neighbor of the Ferro family ?There?s got to be a different way around it ? I don?t care what she did.?


What’s his bitch ass doing all way down at Sleazside anyway?

Dude probably wanted to party, anyway this is the greatest comedy to hit TV since Chappelle show.

There are better places that Seaside to party… WAY better places. :rolleyes:

Snooki punch will not air in the episode

Well, it’s a bit too late. That clip is all over the internet. I got that .gif saved on my computer. I understand why they did it… They’re probably gonna get mad love and hate from not airing it.

Snooki 4 lyfe. :clapdos:

Fuck that christina aguilera look alike. I feel bad for the guy in the middle catching the hit though :frowning:

I was thinking they were going to either not air the episode or edit around the actual altercation. Only reason I say so is because they’ve actually shown it before it aired which they never do. You usually get some slow mo or flashing glipse of it before they cut it off and leave you like Damn I gotta see this show!

Plus that guy from UNICO has been all over the news cycles complaining about the show. The same guy who complained about the Sopranos.;photovideo

To be honest I feel sorry for Snooki…

Yeah. Him punching her was really uncalled for. It was super hilarious at first, but she sustained injuries because of it (obviously). And I was thinking they’d either edit as well, maybe show like a quick second of what happened and what not.

I hafta agree. I feel bad for her too. I wonder how that affected their shooting of the show.

Moral of the story: Don’t drink and punch.

Probably not much because there is still some more altercations in the previews.

It’ll live forever in my AV.

That goblin girl deserved it.

Yup, She had no dignity.

IMO they should keep it in and follow up on the douche that punched her to see the reprocussions. Everyone saw it, including the demographic (probably minors, probably girls) that they’re presumably keeping it away from. Hell if there’s anyone that sat through the whole 2 hours and the clips at the end for the season opener it’s that demographic.

They could’ve totally kept it and tried to spin some positive message like, “Assault is still against the law” and show how this guy got fucked over from punching her. I dunno why they keep trying to censor out this stuff when it happens to people.

And if kids are up at 10pm watching this on MTV, then it’s the parents’ faults for not monitoring what their kids are doing. It’s not prime-time, so why should it be censored? Just play it through and try to run some positive message behind it. Maybe they could’ve gotten some president or rep. from a Woman’s Battery Association or something. That way it’ll make it seem like MTV isn’t trying to promote violence, but are advocates of awareness and prevention.

See? I just made MTV sound like they cared.

What? So not fair! What about when The Situation got backhanded by one of the girls? Dammit MTV, you’re supposed to teach the kids right from wrong.