"Movie And A Show" Thread: Popcorn Optional

True. That library scene and the knife fight scene right after are the main things that brought me back into the theater 4 times to see that movie. I doubt JW4 can live up, but I hope I’m wrong.

The knife fight made me giggle…i dunno why but I just started laughing. Was so funny.

That whole room could have been the movie and i would have enjoyed it. When he mcguyvered the gun in about a few seconds i knew this place spelled trouble for everyone in there.

Black centric prank movie…

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lol real pranks my ass…no way that many people signed off on appearing in that movie.


I was marking out when I saw Neo and Morpheus in John Wick 3. That ending was a Matrix like ending…

Watched Toy Story 2 and 3 today. While 2 was good, 3 was a gem. The ending of that movie was perfect.

Kind of on that note, I was thinking of watching Toy Story 4. Do I have to have watched Toy Story 3 to be caught up? All I remember was the ending.

Honestly I thought 3 was really bad except for the ending. The ending was very cute, touching and made me feel all the feels. Even if it was 100% sequel bait. I think a lot of people get this weird effect from movies where they think certain parts of the movie encompasses the quality of the movie as a whole.

The ending to Toy Story 3 and the prologue of Up are two movies that immediately come to mind. Toy story 3 has an amazing ending and Up has an amazing beginning. But neither movie is really that good.

Toy Story 4 looks…uh…eh. Passable I guess. There’s a lot of things that put me off from seeing it. Weather permitted I’ll likely see it this week since tickets are half off on Tuesdays at my local theater

Toy Story 4 isn’t worth the price. An unnecessary movie and somewhat ignores the last one to a degree

I take it that you’ve seen it? I have heard positives but most do mention that it’s another jump point like you mentioned.

In a way I feel that some of these franchise that extend beyond 3 movies fall into a trap of retreading. I was thinking about Creed following Toy Story 3. I liked the movie, but there needs to be a cap. Creed does not need another movie as it pretty well wrapped up the character’s arc. I don’t want to see a Mecha-Clubber Lang pop up.

Edit - Did not know that Joss Whedon had writer’s credit for the first Toy Story.

Imma sum it up in a spoiler tag later but 3 and how it ended was fine. I saw it Thursday via gaining some company tickets

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My biggest issue with Disney is that I don’t think they’ll ever let the term nostalgia become a thing. I find these live action remakes to be some of the worst things done in modern cinema.

oh they’ll allow nostalgia be a thing but then bank on this by repackaging the movies you know and love and pressure you to rewatch it for full price again. the side benefit is to update and subtly modernize some stories. for better or worse, it works for Disney.

Also sadly the movies are to a degree critic proof. If you criticize it too much you’ll get ignored. I refuse to watch Lion King coming out. The movie was already made and it was already great 25 years ago.

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I am in the same boat. It’s like with anything else, you show them with your wallet what you are willing to put up with.

Toy Story 4 was a great movie. But it’s biggest flaw is even existing in the first place. The ending also kinda invalidates the great ending that the third one had.

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Black and Blue trailer…


Actually looks really good.

We’ve seen this story before… But I like this take. Also lmfao at Luke cage taking king of Harlem too seriously

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