"Movie And A Show" Thread: Popcorn Optional

Yeah spend 2 hours not doin work lol. Aladdin was alot of fun. I def didn’t feel like it was a waste of time

Should probably worry less if it’s better and more about if it does anything interesting or new compared to the original.

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Godzilla King of Monsters was great!

They even showed Skull Island on one of the maps (I wonder who lives there?)…

Nice, they got a Rambo and Terminator coming out within months from each other (are we in the 1980s or 1990s?)…

Too bad Kevin Bacon skipped out on the Tremors movie. Kevin Bacon and Fred Ward were supposed to release another Tremors movie!!!

Well, I haven’t seen any of them. Those are just general impressions I’ve always heard about them. I guess if they’re actually switching things up a tiny bit, then that’s worth some consideration.

The response you have gotten from viewers is exactly how I feel. The last one I saw in theaters was Beauty and the Beast. It was more mediocre than anything because it was a shot for shot remake with 10 -15 minutes of useless story detail. They also added a new song which was ultimately forgettable.

Ford vs Ferrari looks hype AF.


Last good race movie I saw was Rush. I am looking forward to that.

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Sigourney confirmed that she’ll be reprise her role in the new Ghostbusters movie…

…and Cena is officially F&F bound.


Heard Kevin Hart is also gonna be in the new ff. Bout to replace Tyrese lol


“Talking all that shit, you happy now!”


Will The Rock’s character and John Cena’s character in Fast & Furious make WWE references…

Yeah, I feel Hart (if he is coming to the series) is definitely a replacement for Tyrese. Was there ever any explanation for that craziness surrounding him a year or so back where he was crying on camera about some things and later threatened to quit if the Rock was in the next film? Was he off his meds?

Prob. Vince and thr rock did the doomsday device in one of the movies

The rock bullying him, plus stuff happening with his wife and kids I think. The rock went straight heel on his ass, the vids were hilarious because he rock was all Mr. Positivity for years then Tyrese crossed him and Hollywood rock came out

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Speaking of which. The WWE had Hollywood Hogan, Hollywood Rock… When will we get a Hollywood Cena? If Hollywood Cena happens then I’ll watch again…

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Watched Godzilla on the theater. Was alright, kinda long I guess. Like the action scenes with monsters were great, really well done. They should stop trying to shove us drama with the human characters and instead go straight to business. Like take the Predator (80s one) approach. No one gives a fuck about the soldiers/their motivations. I don’t think a single person at the theater gave a fuck about the daughter either. Just give us better written stuff. Watanabe and surprisingly Ziyi were very redeemable tho

Frozen 2 trailer…

Doctor Sleep teaser trailer…

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5 Nights at Freddys, the movie (not quite). Throwback show from Cartoon Network rebooted as a horror film

I refuse to click that. How the character in the thumbnail looks is how I always saw them as a child. I hated the banana splits. Legit scared me.

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