Most Under-Rated Fighting Game?

I’m pretty sure Melty Blood is the most underrated fighting game in the west. It was among the biggest three for half a decade in Japan, had the strongest fighting game players in the world playing it and here? People just know to call it “doujin” and “anime fighter” lmao. Other underrated games (but not as remotely as Melty Blood) are Vampire Savior, Virtua Fighter and Guilty Gear. Arcana Heart is underrated too, but I really don’t blame the players for not wanting to play it since you know… but as a fighting games, it’s good.

Lo-Fi Dickfight

You can do that only on PS3.

Breakers Revenge is actually really fun imo

I’ve seen these before, I have no idea how this guy pulled them off. I’d like to see some match videos.

The only one I understand is cancelling the full charged Rei Gun at the end of his desperation move and then using that to start the Rei Gun loop.

Hm. I do recall a game known as Battle Arena Toshinden… but…

Was Toshinden a legit fighter? I remember putting it on the same level as Criticom (a.k.a. Shiticom).

Battle High, the game is underpolished, the art is ghastly, but the system is innovative.
You can air-dash and dash-cancel moves by using meter, and being able to FADC a final move in a combo to dash in and continue the combo reminds me of Alpha 2.
The game plays like a mixture of ST, Alpha 2 and KoF, just underdeveloped.

I always thought Yusuke was top tier or somewhere around top tier just because he may be the only character who can cancel his Super.

Your wish was granted like 6 years ago bruh bruh

Power Instinct Matrimelee is fun and funny as fuck

Is that the one with the fighting old lady? That game was awesome.

Oh gee, brings back all the memories. Yea, the fun factor in this game is very very good. I play lots with my friends, it is so much fun.

Here’s a good one: Samurai Shodown V SP. Big cast of diverse characters, relatively easy to play, and fairly balanced. Only thing fucked up about it are the layout of the buttons and being unable to tech or soften throws. May also have the distinction of being the goriest Japanese fighting game ever made.

Waku Waku 7.

How many fighting games allow you to play against My Neighbor Totoro? The pre-fight and post-fight dialogue is also hilarious.

Greatest sprite fighter ever made.
Capcom vs SNK 2.
Capcom’s greatest fighter I think.
That game needs a re-release with great online. That’s all it needs to bury SF4, SFxT, and pretty much every other online 2D fighter out there today.

But Capcom doesn’t wanna make money so…it’ll never happen.

Goiken Muyou II is a good game for the psx

I dont know how people rate matrimelee, game is boring as fuck, feels nothing like a power instinct game, all the new characters are boring as fuck, hell even the old ones lost all the charm, like saizo and thin nen, just feels like lets add some stupid backdrops and stupid music and slap power instinct on it.
Groove on fight was the last decent power instinct, check it out

I haven’t played the old ones to know any better but I really like matra melee, but then maybe that because I like the new cast olof and buntaro.

SNK vs Capcom 2, KOFXIII style engine with maybe 2 or 3 grooves possibly. That’s the dream.