EX3, it has so many awesome mechanics and moves stolen from it that it’s criminal, not to mention it’s tag system was way ahead of it’s time and shits all over most tag systems in today’s fighters.
Matrimelee is a great game because it’s easymode KoF. Saying all the characters care boring is really subjective, I personally think all of the characters are really fun.
I don’t know exactly how damaged you’d have to be but Chaos was pretty ass and is in no way better than the other crossovers involving those two companies AND Alpha 2/3 are always talked about whether it be head to head or otherwise.
Fatal Fury Wild Ambition
Bushido Blade
Project Justice are all games that hardly get any type of mention.
Did Fatal Fury Wild Ambition actually come out on a home console?
Yeah, came out on PSOne.
Personally I feel that Aquapazza is a very legit game. The game has anime visuals so it tends to get lumped in with the air-dashers but it is actually more of a footsie/space control game in the vein of SF. It has a fair selection of characters with very distinct styles and most of them are viable in high level play. Granted, it has balance issues with two godlike characters and one unplayable character but I would still consider it underrated since so many people dismiss it based on baseless assumptions from looking at the visuals (so many people think it is an all-female fighter or that it plays like Guilty Gear, which could not be further from the truth).
PS1. Heck, I think I may still have my copy of it.
Because Alpha/Zero 2 is the better game, IMO of course.
EDIT: Speaking of Zero 3.
Anyone for Bleach: Blade Of Fate/ Dark Souls? It was made by the same people who made Yu Yu Hakusho Makkyou Touitsusen.
Also, do we count arena brawlers like Anarchy Reigns as fighters? Because that game is my ultimate pick. Before it released, I saw a trailer for it and I was amazed at the huge open world and the 16 player battles and the random happenings. Didn’t pick it up until recently, and I’m not sure if it has anyone online (I’ve got no internet, using my cell phone), but it’s a really solid game.
Battle Arena Toshinden 2.
Granted, In comparison to good under rated games, it’s still shit.
However, it is MUCH better than 1 or 3.
Haven’t played 4 so I can’t speak on that.
“the hardest fighting game you’ll ever play”
one could pick any 4 weapons (kendo, bo, nunchuks or karate) and play against each other.
players had stamina too and when it was depleted, player moved slower.
one of the more popular pre-Capcom/SNK fighters
If it hasn’t been brought up, I gotta say this was fun as hell to play as a kid.
Fantastic game, only released on the Atomiswave. Rumble Fish 1 was released on PS2, but it’s meh.
Last Bronx was the shit!
[quote=“petran79, post:190, topic:168605”]
“the hardest fighting game you’ll ever play”
one could pick any 4 weapons (kendo, bo, nunchuks or karate) and play against each other.
players had stamina too and when it was depleted, player moved slower.
one of the more popular pre-Capcom/SNK fighters
[/quote]I remember seeing this in my cousin’s comp. Shit’s hard as fuck.
[quote=“LivewireX, post:191, topic:168605”]
If it hasn’t been brought up, I gotta say this was fun as hell to play as a kid.
[/quote]There is still a scene kicking around out in here in the US for this game and I think there may also be one in Japan.
Real Bout Special needs more love.
You weren’t the only one sadly lol. It’s a good game. I need to play the sequel ‘DUO’, it looks like they improved in many ways and they still kept that catchy intro theme. It’s a beautiful combination of fighting games and shoot’em ups that gets no love.
Why is the 360 region-locked? Makes me hate it. Can’t wait to get an RGH system to bypass that nonsense.
**Gotcha Force
Capcom’s answer to** Virtual On**
Because somebody mentioned it in the lounge thread, Capcom Fighting Jam/Evolution.
So… no one is going to let the OP know that underrated is an actual word in the English language?
Anyways good older games that no one inexplicably plays- Martial Masters, Sailor Moon Super S (snes), Mach Breakers…
Props to whoever first mentioned SCV, because I still have no idea why that game died out so fast. A true tragedy for the FGC to not experience some of the best 3D fighting action ever made.