Most Under-Rated Fighting Game?

The Mother Fucking TRUTH!.
Too bad the series abandone and the developers are now with Bandai. Who is responsible for Gundam Vs

Because SCs fanbase couldn’t appreciate the SFIII treatment.

Darkstalkers 3. Blood Roar series, DefJam Fight for NY.

DS3 is the fighter I have the most fun with and I only started playing when Ressurection dropped. Someone mentioned earlier that for its time when the series debuted it was too anime. I agree and the characters were so off the wall and unusual for the time too. From a naked catwoman to Frankenstein grabbing you with his butt cheeks. People were propably like “The fuck is this?!”

And the first game used the SFT engine, earning it the title of SFT halloween edition. Some ignorant fools also believe NW and DS3 are copies of SFA 2 and 3. So all that pretty much hurt DS3’s reputation.

Bloody Roar was a good series and fun, but it had little exposure and did NOTHING to teach you the game. Earlier entries didn’t even have a command list. You had to figure it out on your own. So I don’t blame people for not getting into it.

Def Jam Fight for NY was epic! Everything you could want in a fighter. But it’s Hip Hop themed so most peopoe didn’t get into it

I enjoyed Fight for NY. Then they ruined Def Jam Icon…

Wow I had a look through all the comments and here are some of my thoughts,

Bloody Roar 1/2/3 back when I was a kid I played so much they were my favorite fighting games on the PlayStation and then on the PS2, you know why play Alpha 2/3 and Tekken Tag when you can turn into beasts and wreck havoc ! Played competitively with friends now who know a lot more about fighting games it turns out to be a pretty defensive based game with timeouts happening quite frequently, but still pretty interesting in its own right

Virtua Fighter- I always think its crazy how people think these games are so complicated and inaccessible as I’ve always though of them as really simple and easy to pick up. You have 3 buttons to worry about and whilst characters have giant move sets (that I have watched expand since VF3 that I played back on the Dreamcast) you actually only need to know a handful of moves to cover you in most situations, the rest of it is just being able to make reads on your opponent !

Evil Zone- I saw 2 people post about this earlier man this game on the PS1 is my definition of under rated. Its a really insetting fighting game that only uses 2 buttons (attack and defend) yet has a enormous level of depth to it and me and a few friends have been busting it out for a couple of games for the last 13 or so years ! I would really recommend people to try it out if they get a chance its very interesting at the very least !

Street Fighter Ex 2+@- Excel combos :slight_smile: and the (Ex serries) exclusive characters of Skellomania and Garruda just make this game so fun for me, not to mention the GDLK soundtrack !

I’d play VF is there was a TKD character and cool one at that too. They need to remake the BR series…seriously…

As much as theirs a lot of no frills characters in Virtua Fighter theres actually a few interesting ones that I kind of find my self drawn to wards playing!

Lion has been my main character basically since I first played the game back in 2003 he fights with a praying mantis style that can either be crazy in your face or tricky and evasive that I know the most about and enjoy playing as :slight_smile:

Shun uses drunken kung fu and gets stronger the more he drinks so it creates alot of interesting situations where you do a launcher combo for example and you have to decide to do the full combo or max damage or drop it so you can take a drink to boost your attack damage (this bonus stays between rounds so in round 3 a shun that starts with say 20 “drink points” in him can be a much stronger opponent than a Shun in round 1 with 0 “drink points”.)

Elieen is another character that I really like to play as sometimes who fights with Monkey Kung Fu and she can do all these little monkey rolls and goofy looking attacks that are awesome.

Well VF has Sarah who uses elements of TKD as well as other styles… I doubt they’ll add a pure TKD fighter though.

TKD doesn’t get a lot of respect because its literally the least effective Martial Art All masters of any other art that fight masters of other arts will all say TKD masters are the easiest to beat. 10-10 times.

Ouch. Well I guess that’d explain why I felt I was getting nothing out of my Taekwondoe lessons. When I was practicing I felt I wasn’t getting much out of it. Too much focus on kicks. Legs should be for mobility first. But that could just be the boxer in me being bias.


Flying Warriors.

Samurai Shodown II. Swordplay in a fighting game, without it feeling too detached from other standard fighting games.

Kinda hard for most people to get into a fighter that aestheticaly, looks like Fan Service for Pedos. It’s a good fighter from what I played with a friend who wanted me to get into it. But not only the gameplay just not my cup of tea, but those characters. Like why would you have young girls dressed provactively and look uber pretty? I guess that’s cool in Japan but the devs should’ve known most Westerners would frown upon this.


Evil zone, spectral vs generation and garo mark of wolves.

Barbie Horse Ninjas!!

Man, and don’t forget about Skullomania! Though, truth be told I’m a bit surprised they never brought D.Dark or Cracker Jack over to other games. Or hell, since they like clones and Shoto-clone stuff, Kairi.

Perhaps it never occurred to you that they don’t care about the west? Seriously, with Arcsys publishing the game, they have the marketing muscle to get it out there, and why not… but I’m pretty sure Examu don’t care one way or the other. Dojin soft for life.

Also, there’s nothing particularly provocative about AH3… I think most of the problem lies in the suppressed libidos of FG nerds with no alternative sexual outlet.

Not saying that’s you, but this is getting a bit boring:

"Girls suck. Dey weak and shit. Pretty gurlz is worserer. Got a vagina? Don’t got a dick? Don’t got a bodyshape that’s essentially impossible to find in the US anymore? GTFO!

We needz moahr sweaty menzz wiv muskllez, minimal cloving and a whole lot of oily physical contact - but no gay shit… and no loli! Cos we can’t separate comic book drawings/video games from reality… ah raeped mah friendz dortah cos she froo a hadookin at me! Itz cos dem loli FGs"

Weedian. Well I’m just saying AH3 seems like a title that should’ve stayed in Japan unless they didn’t care wether it sold well in tge west or not and were just looking out for fans. Like I said the aesthetics are really unsettling for me, and the gameplay isn’t for me. But it’s a good fighter.

As for your other point. I agree and disagree. Some people in the FGC are shallow and judgemental towards anime styled/ air dash fighters, very true. However IMO Arcana Heart takes it a step further with a cast of young girls that are made to look very pretty with some wearing provocative outfits. That is just not cool to most westerners.

Anime style fighters like Guilty Gear are cool. But AH3. Good game but it’s characters and aesthetics are just not for most westerners.