Simply by virtue that it appears to have not got even one vote in this thread I would say Tekken tag tournament 2. The depth and balance of the game considering its 60+ character roster is simple staggering.
Honorable mention to Bushido Blade. That game was amazing and the fact none of its unique mechanics appear to have been used in any sort of follow up is criminal. We need a spiritual successor to the original.
I’m pretty sure that’s what Examu had in mind. They didn’t care about pleasing people that weren’t their target audience and I respect that. It has a niche appeal.
Why not? And once again, the devs didn’t care.
Speaking of Examu, someone named Aquapazza somewhere in this topic. I tried it and it’s a cool game. Kinda like a throwback to oldschool FGs. I just wished I had more than just A, B, C and B+C as normals. Some more command normals wouldn’t hurt.
Oh and Advanced V.G.2. I already namedropped it in an older topic similar to this, but still. It’s pretty underrated. For an anime-style game, it plays much more like late 90s Capcom/SNK games (think Alpha 2/RB2).
BzChoy. Yeah I respect that they’re looking out for the fans they have outside of Japan. A lot of Big name companies wouldn’t even do that. Cough Capcom’s Monster Hunter series Cough Darkstalkers PS2 collection Cough. So I respect them for that.
As for your other point. You’re right. I may not like their choice for characters and the aesthetics but they’re free to make their games however they like.
Spice is our parody of the typical high school slut…well, ok maybe we took it too far making her a violent prostitute working for her pimp, Uncle Guido. Those are real sample from a porno movie she makes when she does her moves! Her reason for fighting - she hates men, and she hates women for liking men.
High Heel Spin Kick: down, downback, back(kick)
Slut Floor Spin: downback, down, downforward(kick)
Limber Leap: charge back - forward(kick)
Beaver Buzzsaw (found/named by BloodyVirgin42): charge down - up(kick)
Super Ho: back, back, forward(punch)
Boots were made for walking (found by ShadowBlade): forward, forward
Ho On The Inside: ?
THE EMASCULATOR: back, down, down(kick)
Sega Saturn was the first console I ever bought, had to play snes/mega drive at a friends house.
A tonne of great 3D fighters that haven’t made it out alive into retro ports.
5. Virtua Fighter
4. Battle Arena Toshinden
3. Last Bronx
2. Fighters Megamix
I’d kill for a Fighters Megamix 2. Just imagine all VF, FV and LB characters in one game with other secret characters. Ugh Sega why can’t you just revive FV and LB so we can get this made? Fml…
Super Smash Bros. on N64! Yeah its like 15 years old and counting and yeah compared to Melee and Brawl, its lacking severely in well…everything, but this is the game that launched the long running franchise, made crossover fighting games popular, and of course made platform fighting games a bit more known.
Pickle962. “made crossover fighting games popular” Hold on now that credit goes to SNK with King of Fighters and Capcom with Xmen vs Street Fighter. Nintendo probably noticed the popularity of the later and were inspired to make their own crossover fighter.
Crossover-wise, I’ll always hold Capcom vs SNK Millennium Fight 2000 very close to my heart. When that hit the shelves it was such a huge kick up the ass for crossovers. From the crossover artwork, to the 6 meter variation (3 Cap themed, 3 SNK themed), to the sheer presentation of the damn thing. CvS2 overshadowed it, but the big steps were made in the original.
I wasn’t fond of some of the game’s design choices like the 4-buttons only layout and the locked ratio system, but aesthetics/presentation/fluff-wise, it was awesome. It looked very Y2K-ish (that clean, white, futuristic look).
It’s true SNK’s been doing crossover stuff ever since the early 90s when Ryo Sakazaki showed up in Fatal Fury Special and when they made King of Fighters 94 for sure.
sorry, even mixed myself up lol. All excited cos I picked a copy up the other day (but don’t have the Dreamcast to play it on yet).
The game was just trying everything new it possibly could, really bold. Was a great era for that.
I think first west crossover fighter must have been One Must Fall 2097, full version released in 1994
they added characters from other Epic games, like Jazz Jackrabbit
Notice though that it was released in beta in May 1993, few months earlier than Fatal Fury Special
there was also a freeware beta version earlier, featuring characters from Karate Champ and also two characters resembling Ken and Ryu
Mike Z keeps mentioning One Must Fall 2097 as the first game with an infinite prevention system and the inspiration for his IPS IIRC. I haven’t played it myself so I don’t know if it’s underrated or actually a crock of shit, though.
Maximum Impact Regulation A
Fighters History Dynamite
Melty Blood AA:CC
Samurai Spirits Tenkaichi
Guilty Gear AC +R (fuck Xrd)
and so many more…
Too many games never get the recognition they deserve, whether if it’s for innovation, successful combination of mechanics, presentation, or just being overall solid and very playable. It takes a more known developer to take their ideas and use them in more established games to make people take notice ala Weaponlord/SFIII stealing parrying from Samurai Spirits 2 or EVERYONE stealing throw teching from World Heroes 2. World Heroes itself is like the Hollywood Nova(for my wrestling fans) of fighting games. It did a lot of things first, but NEVER gets credit for them.
It wasn’t lacking, it was just a new idea and the N64 couldn’t possibly be expected to stand up to any of the later consoles. Saying Smash 64 is lacking is like saying the NES version of Mario is lacking compared to the recent titles.
Not to mention, Smash 64 is hardly underrated. It still has a pretty strong community online through emulation. It’s no Super Turbo, but it has its place in many people’s hearts.