Most Under-Rated Fighting Game?

The Clash of Ninja/Gekitou Ninja Taisen series. Before it got overrun by its flashier Ultimate Ninja counterpart, GNT was there to prove that you could still have a competent, deep fighter even if it was based off of a licensed property. It adopted many 2D game mechanics that other 3D fighters are still afraid of using, like super meters, pseudo roman cancels, advanced aerial movement, and projectiles. To this day it remains the only traditional 3D fighter that I’ve really enjoy playing.

Although an honorable mention goes to Rival Schools.

cool game, shit console

SFxT v2013 - Had a really crappy start; between the DLC fiasco, Cross Assault, and the game itself having some issues, people (including myself) really didn’t want anything to do with it. Once I saw what was coming in the update I decided to give it a try, and yeah, it’s pretty fun. It’s not a perfect game, but I definitely think people that have a bad taste in their mouths from the vanilla version should definitely give the updated edition a shot.

Karnov’s Revenge - A SF2 clone that I find more enjoyable than SF2 itself.

Breaker’s Revenge - Sho might be OP, but the game itself is still really fun. Kind of feels like SNK’s answer to Street Fighter Alpha.

Vampire Savior - Extremely solid Capcom title that doesn’t seem to get too much love. Very mechanically sound, creative roster, and features beautiful artwork.

TvC - Capcom’s answer to ‘anime’ games. Solid game that suffered from both being on the wrong console and having a more obscure cast from a western point of view. It got played for a while, but once Marvel dropped that was essentially the final nail in the coffin.

Pocket Fighter/Super Gem Fighter Mini Mix - Once you get past the ‘cutesy’ aspect you’ll find that the game itself is surprisingly deep and fun.

Street Fighter EX - I always felt that the EX games were some of the most mechanically sound in the entire franchise, but it tends to get viewed as the red-headed stepchild. Also DAT SHINJI HOSOE PRODUCED MUSIC!

Ha. Used to play the SNES CF a lot as a kid.

Yea, it sucks that the game is based around expansion material (like extra gems) but that you can’t buy those anymore. This is why DLC as a generic concept sucks. If you stop support for a game, why not release a deluxe edition before? I think Injustice was handled the correct way.

The Ultimate Ninja games on the PS2 were really good, particularly UN3/NH3 and NA2. Once Storm came out the competitive aspect of the games went down the toilet.

I though you were talking about champ and other mvc3 players when you say “certain top players”, and that the 2 top airdash players was a separate statement, also i am pretty sure that both of them getting very far on the brackets is not a surprise considering that both of them already are top players on other 2 games that share some elements with P4A.
It is not uncommon that players with better understanding on the games can place high on other games compared to others that meanwhile probably have been playing the game longer, they have worse fundamentals, or are we forgetting about how Justin Wong has placed well on some GG tournaments, are we gonna start calling GG fraudulent because of that?

Lol they let justin win? Do GG players suck that bad?

I wouldn’t say they suck, but Justin is Justin, when a game rewards strong fundamentals he can do well, also it wasn’t against all the players.
BTW i forgot to add Tokido vs Dacidbro on BBCS, where Tokido beat Dacidbro becase his stronger fundamentals.
Or Daigo vs USA in general on GG, where he won some evos despite he being at best an average player on japan

So the GG scene doesn’t have strong fundamentals? Daigo won an evo here to? Damn, american scene needs to shape up.

I take it you haven’t played them in a while. For Storm 1 and 2 that was absolutely true, however they have improved dramatically since then. It’s basically baby Marvel now with a pretty interesting meta. There’s a small scene out here for the Storm games that has really opened my eyes to how real those games are. I won’t say they deserve more respect or anything, but if you get the chance give them a try.

I tried the Storm Generations demo out; they did fix the KnJ issue which I liked, but the whole ‘calling assists during hitstun/blockstun’ still rubbed me the wrong way. Eh, might have to give the series another look to see what else has changed.

Actually 2, Evo2003 (GGXX) and Evo2004 (GGXX#R), he got 2nd place on Evo2006 (GGXX Slash)
As for justin, if it helps in something he was using Pot which i assume combined with his playstyle you can guess what happens

I always liked watching Daigo play GG, I think he plays like it’s more SF than GG but he wins so who cares.

This is such a fun series, it’s great to get a lot of people who aren’t really into fighters around and play it. They always have a good time when I do it.

The game had its fair share of issues and I’m a bit of a fanboy, but I’m gonna throw it out there:


I’m surprised Asura Blade and Asura Busters aren’t mentioned, they’re very decent even if they’re not my favorites and feel like a crossover between snk and capcom games. They seem to be forgotten today.

One that I really appreciate is the Fist of the North Star on sammy’s atomiswave, very underrated as well.

Street Fighter: The Movie The Game Kappa

Virtua Fighter 5: Final Showdown. should get mad love.

Street Fighter The Movie The Game may be one of the shittiest things ever, but good lord, that Game A-Cho match footage of it was the best 20 minutes ever.

I forgot what exactly it was that Mike said. I just recall some people talking about it when the P4A section here actually had people posting in it.

As for SEAM2013, well for those who aren’t familiar with the SEA scene, McArthur is arguably one of the top 3 or 4 players in the region when it comes to airdashers. Him and Duqs used to play P4A too, but after awhile started to openly criticize the game. So at SEAM2013, when there was a chance to play the game at a major, they decided to join with only minimal training with what they called “fraudulent tactics” that surprisingly worked on everyone except Kazunoko and Tokido and eventually got them into top 8. Off course, even before that, the damage to the game was already done and competitive P4A had already died in the Philippines.

Don’t forget the whole “2 frame DP” or overhead or whatever it was thing from 2012, too. Though, I’m not sure anyone took that seriously.