More info on on P4A SEAM2013 and what MikeZ said ? Would like to read up on that.Also **" stigma among certain top players for supposedly being fraudlent at high level" **They must haven’t heard of MK9,Vanilla SFxT,and Marvel 3 then.
I came to this thread to post “SFxT” thinking that nobody here would say it. I’m glad that I’m not alone. 2013 is really a different game, an amazing game. It’s a shame that the DLC debacle and the Street Fighter x Time Out reputation dominated the popular opinion.
I would really love to see it’s inclusion in a major tournament, and even a return to the 2P v 2P tournament play. It would make a really big difference if some of the SF pros voiced some support for it. There aren’t enough videos or interviews or commentaries on this game. (If I was any good at the game, I’d be doing this myself!)
The talk of Arcana heart 3’s visuals turning off people from the game, shows the importance of visuals in fighting games. I believe why the darkstalkers series failed so hard in America was it was way too anime for the time. Looks matter a lot to people.
Few other games to mention. Skullgirls. IMO the best modern fighting game, and one that really brings something new to the table. It is so smartly designed, and imaginative.
SFXT…for what other people have said. It is much more street fighter than SF4. Vanilla must have been awful, cause I’m surprised at the amount of hate it gets. Not just that people may not play it, but they loath its existence.
Samurai shodown 5 special. Well it was Japan only so kind of its own fault. However I feel this is the high point of this excellent series.
Pretty much any SNK game that isn’t KoF. Fatal Fury is just a rad series, LB2 is SamSho: Marvel Edition, Neo Geo Battle Coliseum is way more legit than anyone ever gave it credit for, you could basically run down the entire SNK fighter catalog and find great games people don’t talk about or didn’t get much attention.
tobal 2 is one of the best 3d games ever made to date. I feel like its stronger as a game than t3 2\vf3 or even modern 3d games like soul calibur\doa. Very well done game that has stood the test of time. Ehrgeiz can go fuck itself, that game put a black eye on the whole tobal concept which is a pity really. I think if Ehrgeiz was replaced with tobal 2 instead, it would of made a FAR better arcade game.
vampire savior imo is the best cps2 game and possibly best game during the golden age of fighters. It went underplayed in the US\world but its an incredible game. To this day, I’d still rather play vampire savior over sf4 as it allows good players to be good players rather than factoring us down to the lowest common denominator.
Psychic Force 2012 (Footsies with ONLY PROJECTILES = WTFOMGBBQ)
Bloody Roar 2
Bloody Roar 3
Street Fighter EX series
Dragonball Z Burst Limit
Dragonball Z Budokai 3
Dragonball Z Infinite World
Dragonball Z Hyper Dimension (Awesome)
Rival Schools series
Garou Densetsu - Wild Ambition
TMNT - Tournament Fighters
Power Rangers - Tournament Edition
Alot of KoF titles. Most are good with only 12 being outright bad imo.
Yu Yu Hakusho Final