Virtua Fighter gets top honors its such a deep, fun, fair game, easy to pick up with a high skill ceiling, its just perfect.
Project Justice not so much fair (from a character balance perspective) but I don’t think any game matches it in fun.
Playstation All Stars Battle Royale this game is really good it takes the best parts of street fighter and smash bros takes away the technical BS and adds in very unique character archetypes super slept on.
It was mentioned briefly, but SVC:Chaos is so much better than any of the CVS games and got no attention in the US. I feel like Alpha/Zero 3 doesn’t get enough respect either.
Once the full character roster is unlocked, SVC is much more enjoyable . Having so many fighters to unlock is inspired from the vs capcom games but it was one of the things that turned players away from snk’s svc imho, others say it’s blocky graphics, but I found it more enjoyable than a 100th version of kof.
Character unlocking is the least chaos problems, try the worst hit boxes since samurai showdown 3, the worst controls since kof96, busted characters, busted mechanics, horrible to look at, horrible to listen to.
Just a rubbish game
All the Samurai Showdown games are a bit picky/random with the hit boxes but I still like them, they have a unique feel and look that is only rivaled by the Last Blade series. As for SVC chaos, I have to say at first I was even harsher than you, I thought it was one of the shittiest versus game SNK ever produced (can’t be worse than karnov, double dragon, breakers & co) , but being bored with the endless kof series (some were excellent but it’s getting old now, the new characters are worthless imho) I gave the hacked svc chaos versions a try and with the proper training (the hitboxes are tricky) you can still have a good time with some pals. Serious Mr Karate must have the strongest hitbox problem ever but hey Snk just loves unbeatable characters and once unlocked it’s fun to blast everyone with him in a breeze.
They could have studied their snk roster better, like wtf is Earthquake doing here? Ryo when we already have 2 versions of mr Karate? Kasumi has so many fans ? I would have put Robert, Joe, Kyoshiro, Hanzo or other iconic characters. The capcom team was more representative.
I think you’ll agree Capcom vs Snk 2 is leaps and bounds better, but I don’t think SVC chaos is a pile of shit anymore, it’s just tricky and much better than some stiff fighters .
Other than that it’s a matter of taste, and tastes sometimes change with time. I know people who like only specific versions of SF2 and hate everything in the Guilty Gear series, saying it’s modern crap, of course I disagree because I know most of them are more into the memorabilia trip and refuse to test anything that was made post 90’s… or sometimes it’s just a question of taste.
Power Stones
Fighters MegaMix
Fighting Vipers.
Almost anything SNK makes with the exception of the first Art of Fighting, it was kinda Meh-.
Waku Waku 7 and Galaxy Fight
Dark Stalkers
Skull Girls
underrated isnt the word that i would use to describe vf’s situation. critics love it, consumers are at least good at pretending to like it, it’s profitable in japanese arcades, and i think most of the console ports have sold reasonably well. not being played in tournaments outside of the japan doesnt happen because its underrated… it happens because people are too lazy to learn something that is stigmatized as difficult or not being immediately rewarding, or they dont want to invest in a scene that they’re afraid could dissolve shortly after they join. underplayed by non-japanese players, maybe.
yeah cause svc wasnt even released in the US at the time that it was relevant. dont act like none of us have played it. we ALL gave it a chance (mostly via arcade or modded ps2s, admittedly) and most of us hated it.
lol. a3 is one of capcoms highest selling games. they even used that fact in their marketing lingo for some of the console ports. what group has ever underrated a3? it enjoyed lots of attention from arcade players in the late 90s when all versions of sf3 were dead in comparison. critics and casual players fawned over the character selection and world tour shit. the only casual players who hate it are the ones who found out about the dominance of vcs, cc infinites etc. and decided that they didnt want to play a game with things they didnt understand or looked cheap. im not an a3 fan by any stretch but just because a game doesnt last forever doesnt mean it didnt get respect.
Yeah Jojo bizarre adventure was awesome with the stand system. It was really fun, simple to get into, yet having tons of depth. I also think while Warzard wasn’t necessarily a great fighting game, with the rpg type experience system and only 4 playable character, it was a very interesting universe. Especially the non humanoid enemy only fighters, I felt this is something that could have been explored further in a sequel. The CPS3 engine in general despite its age, still produced some of the most gorgeous 2d fighters ever made.
I love this series, I think it really captured weapon fighting better than any other series. Weapons aren’t just extended hitboxes, or for show, you can disarm, or send them reeling, and a simple strong slash can knock of a ton of the opponent’s lifebars. Plus I love how it uses animals, animal helpers like eagles or wolves that you can ride or send out for attacks. Samsho is maybe the SNK series more people in America know than any other, cause the first game was insanely popular in arcades. 2nd was very popular as well. I think a new, well made game with a nice graphics engine could make SNK a lot of money.