Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe

so you play MK for blood and fatalites? PHAIL!


My goodness, people just don’t get it.

You know what kills me? Is that the same people that complained about MK being all gore and fatals and gameplay are the same ones that knock this game for the lack of gore and fatals.

i dont play mk that much last mk i got into was mkII which was when i owned snes lol.
with the other mk games(forgot their names) released earlier on ps2 i didnt enjoy it much.
blood and fatalities was the mk signature it wouldnt feel right i guess…
thats like playing street fighter without hadoukens… just my opinion no need to get bashed for it :slight_smile:

lol no sweat that wasnt really directed to you. There was alot of people in the last thread that did much worse than you did. BTW if we ever have a Tampa/St. pete get together I’ll brng the game and show you how it is offline. Trust me you’ll be impressed. maybe not blown away but impressed.

i like the game a lot actually. i havnt seen anything crazy broken besides the green lan thing. i use him and i didnt kno he had that until today playing a guy then reading it here. joker low idk i use him dont have many combos and no solid distant moves but i think he out prioritizes a lot of shit

Man that gameplay looks pretty wild. Its still jerky as hell but I’m genuinely interested in buying the game now. Its a pity Midway’s history and Mortal Kombat fans are so fucking bad, this game needs some tournament exposure. Its a lot more fun to watch than Smash at least.

I still need help on beating Shao Kahn shoulder thingy with Sups, and also that Liu Kang move where he does something like a cartwheel. Some medium patterns also give me problems if I don?t have a breaker, like SubZero repeated knees.

I have my zoning and footsies going on, but I still can?t get out of these trap situations. Please help.

About throws, I still don?t understand them really well. Which throw beats what? I just throw turtles who block standing since my lows don?t do much damage anyway.

Any top Sups vids yet?

BTW, even if Midway somehow doesn’t patch it, tourneys can happen with bans, or even without them to see what happens. ST did it, MvC2 does it, almost every game has some kind of ban. As long as we don’t pull a Smash we’ll probably be just fine

:looney: w/e bro , pull your panties out your ass and give them back to your girlfriend.

Anyways ,

But no … in real news I actually got to try this game out myself yesterday. I will say its quite fun and interesting.

Im prolly gonna pick up wonder woman… that launcher kick ( BB+4) and the low command grab thing out prioritizes like hell.

Seriously all I did was set up ticks in the grab and then combo into a crossup. It was quite strange… considering is seemed like that low grab move tracked.

But ehh I dunno , maybe Im just tripping. Ill prolly pick it up in the next few weeks.

TBH , With a few tweaks I think this game could potentially… be tourney worthy…

My personal opinion is that MKVDC was a step in the right direction, however in some ways I do feel a little like it “sold out” in some ways to appeal to a larger audience. MK has for a long time been too bloody, so I actually like the fact that in MKVDC you don’t get globs of ketchup blood every time you throw a punch. However, at the same time I do think that having gory fatalities is kind of a must for the series. They don’t have to be ridiculously gory, but it was always fun to be able to add one last bit of humiliation onto your opponent’s defeat, and seeing them reduced to an armless, headless corpse was oddly satisfying. The fatalities in MKVDC are not as bad as a lot of people make them out to be, but the fact is that seeing someone’s neck get snapped just doesn’t have the same impact as a decapitation.

Mortal Kombat has always been “the M-rated fighting game series,” (although technically there were no ratings for the old ones), which is why some people threw a fit when they moved it to a T rating. What I think a lot of people want is a balance-- they don’t want globs of blood flying mindlessly throughout game matches, but they do want to see a brutal finishing move at the end. Hopefully when the MK franchise has it’s next solo outing, the developer will keep that in mind.

you can punish them if you time it right only if they try to repeat it again. other than that it shoudl be a you block then he blocks kinda thing. you can grab low blockers by pressing d then grab. ive never done it but ive seen the animation for it.

bad? who are you calling bad?

My feeling on about the fatalities is…I really dont care, but I do have 2 comments about them. 1) Shame on Hector for showing us the Joker fatality 3 MONTHS before the game came out, knowing it hasnt been rated yet. If they would have never let us see that in the first place, people wouldnt have had such an uproar over the “toned down, censored” fatalities that we got. 2) the fact we couldnt have decapitation 27 different ways I thought would force the team to come up with some creative fatalities. But instead, we got 18 different way to shoot the loser after the match. LAME. 3) Saying very early on there were to be 2 fatalities per player was another way to force stupid finishers. Only 1 would have been fine. Maybe introduce Friendships again, or even bablities.

Anyways, rant over about the most overblown, overrated part of this series. And there hasnt been good fatalities since MK4.

so why is joker low again? i member hearing people saying how powerful he was

I will say this, they need to fix the “free combo off of a breaker” bullshit they got going. I just had some matches that were down to the wire that were decided because some did the breaker combo with GL when I hit him with a low or even to throw!!


The trick when playing against Green Lantern is to force that mofo to jump at you, then ainti air him with an uppercut so that you can make him waste a breaker while he’s in the air. Airborn breakers are worthless to the Green Lantern players. I know this, because I use him as one of my mains.


Yep. At MKO, the most common species you will find grazing the fields are the scrub-a-sauradon and the the Lose-a-sore-us-Rex. These animals are known for their inability to grasp fighting game mechanics on even the most basic level and are known to charge at you when they feel cornered or threatened by your knowledge.

Use caution when entering their territory.


Ok, I agree, lol.

WORSE MK community on the web. At least the Midway kids are ignorant fanboys.:rolleyes:

The problem I have with that is what can I do that’ll make a GL player wanna jump when all he has to do is walk up and wait for me to hit/throw? In fighting games you are taught to punish when someone whiffs or makes a mistake. Please tell whats to stop GL or Kahn from just walking up to me or whiffing anything knowing that no matter what i do they can do a breaker and get free damage because I retaliated? I just got beat yesterday in 3 matches that I should’ve one because I LANDED a low hit or I tried to throw the guy! not blocked, not whiffed, but landed the hit which would’ve killed him. Instead he broke it and got a free 25-30ish % combo from it. I’m getting punished because I hit the guy? Thats bullshit!!

The original concept of the breaker Im ok with. The fact that you have a move to give you space and a shot at coming back is one thing, but when it gives you free damage thats when its broken and go against everything we been taught to do in fighting games.