MORTAL KOMBAT 11 | NetherRealm Fighter Lounge

I tried Erron Black too, went back to Scorpion though. I’m a Street Fighter player, but I’m familiar with Scorpion’s, Sub Zero’s, etc. moves so I went to them. Will lab more with the others.

Also had salty mic guy. I took about 10 seconds to accept, cause my controller battery died. Dude was saying I’m dodging and a scrub, etc. Did actual combos and he was like “DUUUUUDE, ARE YOU SEEING THIS?”, to his friend. “This guy doesn’t even teleport spam, he’s definitely an experienced player”. I was thinking… What happened to that shit talk bruh? Then he refused to rematch. xD

People online do not block, and then if you finally get them to… Get grabbed. Online was fine for most of my matches, that guy lagged after I hit him with 2 combos for a few seconds. One match I kept dropping combos because of lag, almost lost cause I started getting hit by random stuff. Everything else was close to playing offline.

Got to realize alot wifi it and have there mom there sis n dad on tablets n comp watching netflix… online gaming altogether was best on xlive when the old fats did not come with wifi.
Bitchs checking there facebook likes n shit 247 plent of fish accounts. With the amount of social media and mofoz living with there mom. Dont expect godliness netplay even with great netcode.

P.s my rants induced by a kano yesterday thst knew we were lagging enough to kano knife spam me to death. I excepted it ., but it still hurt. Was trying to knockout that 10 rank matchs wins in row achevo.

And i hate the run mech in this game…maybe on a pad its easy.but stick ugg why cant it just be tap forward forward hold or fuck the stance n give a mofo a run/interactable. Fucking up my cassie cage game. Ps again fuck that nugga with the whip that plays like mk9 scorpion on steriods.

Lol these last 3 posts…

I’ve been fine with the run mechanic, but I haven’t played on stick since I can’t get mine to work on XB1. I’m not buying a new one for 1 game.

atleast my pain brings someone joy. Cassie whole game is off get away flip kick into run cancels mid screen . She cant do much mid screen. but she only a human tween hoodrat in a world of superfreaks. Tomorrow means i gotta sit in fucking training and practice flip kick to run cancel combos, but just more the flipkick to run tell it muscle memory. Only char so far i think she the only char that needs run canceling…wanted to spend my day farming casuals. Whitetrash n angry black men yelling in there mics while lagging. instead training room. #want2farmscrubscasualsNragequiters. With my mid tier regular ho.

i bought the x1 for killer instinct dead or alive ultimate n ufc when the priced dropped an a te2.

Nothing on ps4 except xrd and i just rock the ps3 version. When sf5 Comes or something worthwild . Loved killzone,but the new one did not look console buying inspiring .

Lol I was gonna farm casuals, but I’m gonna spend more time learning the game. After getting bored of my current games, I wanna push myself in something new that I find interesting. I got BNBs down for Scorpion unless the game lags, but that’s just Inferno. I haven’t spent more than 2 minutes on the other 2 styles.

I had a PS4, but long BS story lol, I will buy another when SF5 is out. Next Gen hasn’t interested me all that much so far. Only other game I got is PVZ (game is actually Godlike), and the free stuff they throw out. I haven’t played KI despite having XB1 for over a year. When I tuned in and saw almost everyone and their grandma playing Sabrewulf, I was like “Whatever…”, I may try this coming season. We’ll see how much involved I get into MKX, cause I still have SF4 and other games.

Maybe cuz he was the free guy? I tried last week and he was the only available char.
So far just messing with single player crap until I get more comfortable with Ermac.
As for Scorp, in storymode his Ninjutsu was amusing. I was able to spear, and Back+BP x 4 or 5 times. Cheap shit combos like that are what drive the online masses insane.

Fucked up thing was saberwolf was who i played with on SNes against homies and after evo wongs wolf made him played by everyone. So even i barely played it season 1. Season 2 got me excited. I play omen. Have not played much latley. The grudge chicks cool the whole second cast has been great concepts and design. Grudge chicks not my rush down style but want to try to make her my backup. Riptors free this week

I was a ermac main for a long time. Then jade n scarlet…figured alot of ermacs would rear there ugly head again and scorpoins. Ermac feels weird like with his variations he never feels like he is complete ,but to early to tell day 2-3ish and only gave um a quick wirl

In regards to sabrewulf, I meant tournaments. There was one where 7 out of top 8 were all Sabrewulf. How exciting.

Anyone tried sub zero?

Nope. It’s weird too because I haven’t really heard of anyone using Sub-Zero. Mostly Kitana and Scorpion.

Ranked is so trash tier.

I’m like 20-0 in normal and the players are actually decent, ranked is full of 56k players. Losing to 1 button jax, wake up teleport ermac, and press any button scorpion. I’m like 6-3 in ranked, and went back to team battles. One idiot on the mic was bragging about doing a 3 hit combo in that slideshow of a match.

EDIT: I know about the workaround for the error. I also know they are planning to release a patch to fix the issue.

GG Guys.

Quan Chi (Sorcerer) has a touch of death in the corner. Even if you’re blocking you can’t get out.

It looks like Mystic to me just for the TK grab. It sucks that in single player I can get a few decent looking things out, nothing super fancy.
BP, BP, BP, TK grab, dash up, neutral jump, punch bounce, BP, BP, then either tk grab or choke/push. You can get 3 more BP there but 3rd it is rough to time to hit or they land too soon.

Also Ive done some Teleport punch, low FP juggle into TK grab. ETC.

I go online, and its just BPx3. Tk grab almost never wants to comes out.

Is it me or it will buffer a wrong button and wreck a combo?
So on XB1, Y,Y,Y TK grab is good if I calmly hit only 3 Y’s. If I spam it and then stop during the 3rd hit and do a TK grab, nothing comes out.

Also to an extent with negative edge off, which I keep forgetting to confirm, I still get some stuff out. YYY QCB X will still give me a Soul burst instead of tk grab.

So yea, online turns into me struggling to do anything, just 3x BP combos and then lose to some just crouching with uppercuts.

I only did 1 normal and won and jumped into Ranked. And yes, its just them doing 3x punch combos and then an Xray.

I was trying to be classy, crossover jump, BK, teleport punch, low FP juggle, tk grab, etc.
And then they kept up and just projectile x4.

Also anyone feel some of these projectiles are hitting you in the air when you should clearly have cleared them?
I was at apex of a jump and got caught by Scorpions spear.

Dude didn’t even x-ray me. He didn’t even look like he knew how to play the game, low tier internet won him the game.

I’ve won against someone who hit me with a 44% combo, and then lose to someone using 1 button play. -_-

I feel to play Jacqui just because “Say my name bitch”.

Can anyone confirm if the Madcatz TE 1st gen PS3 fightstick work on the PS4 version of the game? I know they support PS3 fightsticks, but the 1st gen TE SF4 fightstick has compatibility problems on PC because of it’s usage of UHCI only.

Just picked up MKX. Playing with the PDP Kombat stick. What’s the best set up using thus stick. They seemed to have assigned run to 2 buttons this time around and xray is assigned to L2 and R2 which is extremely hard to pull off on this layout. Any suggestions?