MORTAL KOMBAT 11 | NetherRealm Fighter Lounge

I’m playing on pad.
Played MK9 last couple of weeks with a stick since it had some annoying inputs like 1+2.
I used:

Dunno what I mapped the 2 useless buttons to.

MKX doesn’t have any of these weird inputs though, and stuff like JK xx Teleport punch with Scorpion seems really easy to cancel, so I most likely gonna stick with pad, no pun intended.

The game doesn’t have a run button by the way. You run by forward dashing and holding block at the same time.
Oh and for some reason they switched the position of the grab button to L1 and on R1 they got the command to use environmental shit.
Just switched that crap around in buttons config no problem.

Online is pretty crappy (PS4 version). Like a chunk worse than USFIV on PC (the current Steam patch version) but not as bad as pre-patch USFIV PC or as MK9 on PSN.
I really hope they patch in better netcode along the way because shit like that is getting me really pissy.
I mean at least you get your combos done if the opponent is not a complete moron or lives at the ass end of the world.

The game is a whole lot of fun though, not gonna lie.
Feels a bit faster and more responsive than MK9, button inputs feel stricter, but it’s really easy to cancel normals into specials.
Kinda feels like a real fighting game where when you do something 9999 times, the result is always the same unlike MK9.
Animation quality reminds me of Injustice and MK9 but it’s not quite as stiff. Feels a lot more fluid.

Overall artwork is darker than MK9 and it has a lot less green.

Pretty sure the game is broken as fuck, but fuck it I can cut off faces and shit.

if you bought it on steam restart steam and it should start downloading the whole game.

Lol, worth buying then?

I’d probably stick with pad, don’t see the justification in getting one for 2 games. I haven’t played KI and I’ve had XB1 for over a year. Will be getting a ps4 soonish, or maybe I’ll wait until SFV. Not greatly bothered about next Gen atm.

I heard the XB1 version is supposed to be even trashier online.

Really? I may as well just buy another game in the meantime. -_-

It’s not, really.


Switch stance , lp hp
Block lk hk
With the last 6 bottons… your thumbs always hovering over the block button .

Ya can use grab or whatever ya want.

G 12
B 34

Quite a large bug found.

It was in the story vs. Kenshi, can’t quite remember how it happened but Kenshi had his possessed variant on, he hit me with an attack and I was froze static in the air, eventually he grabbed me out of it but it’s a thing can happen. I’m trying to recreate it with other characters but I can’t remember what attack caused it.

Also dont forget ya guys can turn off negative edge in toogle on n off input short cuts in options

Do we have any confirmation on what joysticks are backwards compatible for MKX? This will determine if I buy it for PS4 or PC…

Ok, thanks for reminding me. I remember thinking QCF were QCB in MK9 for some people because the move would still come out. It had that insane move buffer or some crap. I never got around to Playing SF4 post patch on PC so I guess Its more of the same for me, as long as it isn’t worse.
Tag button eh? like MvC assists or is it multiple teammates?

I have negative edge and short cuts on and I’m still having trouble getting some moves out.

Try taking negative edge off. Some chars like injustice did better with it off

Ended up getting it on Xbox One (using a pad), haven’t been online yet. Just training mode with Scorpion, want some good BnBs, even though all that goes out the window online.

I see other forums shitting on the game hardcore.

Game is much more fluid, and faster paced. I hope it sticks around a lot longer, as much as I like SF4, I’m getting bored of it and lost interest in most other fighters. I joined MK9 late, and tbh after story mode, I didn’t give a crap about the game. Felt like I wasted my money and shoulda just watched the cutscenes on YouTube.

What is the difference between Kotal’s normal command grab and the MB version? The stats show no difference.

Probably armor?

Did MK9 get its own little sub-fourm with character fourms on here? I want to say it did but I’m not quite sure. Either way, I’d be surprised if MKX didn’t get that treatment some time soon.

I just got this combo for Kenshi off of TYM, can anyone translate it into Tekken or Anime for me:
Ji2 b1 rk d1 ex lift ji2 f32 tele slam

Sick moment online, beat somebody and guessed the second fatality. Such a good feeling. Sub-Zero’s second fatality is OD as fuck!