MORTAL KOMBAT 11 | NetherRealm Fighter Lounge

Also, is there any kharacter you would like added to Family Kombat X? Cassie’s grandmother’s neighbor’s dog, perchance?

I dislike that they’re adding children on the classic cast too. Seems uninspired, but I’m more excited about the gameplay and story if I’m honest, as long as Sub-Zero is present I couldn’t care too much about characters I’m not going to play.

I have the same question. I pre-ordered the game yesterday. But now I think about canceling it. Because without multiplayer, why would I play it? I’m an online player, it’s simple as that.

Also, the game will be region-locked

I started out super hyped, but it was a real stupid decision of NRS to give us the nice bits first and then shower us with a barrage of Family Kombat semi-clones. The new characters started out great with Ferra/Tor, D’vorah and especially Kotal Kahn, but really, then came four Special Forces teens along with Erron Black, meaning HALF of the new characters are SF teens – and in along with their parents. I have actually NEVER seen a more ridiculous cast decision in a fighting game.

It wouldn’t be so bad…if NRS didn’t plaster a ton of NPCs in the game like Li Mei, Bo Rai Cho, Sareena, Frost, Tanya, Rain, Baraka (though I guess Story needed more jobbers) and made reference to Taven, Shujinko, Reiko and Mavado among others.

Those fanservice nods are going to backfire on them.

It would be terribad regardless, due to this lazy Family Kombat cast, but I agree with you: such fan service cheapens the experience and will NOT serve the game’s popularity well.

Well it’s only 4 characters essentially and half of them barely share any resemblance to their kin. But when Tanya was probably taken out of the main roster because they didn’t have time to finish her (I wouldn’t normally take that stance saying it’s the clones or nothing, but Tanya has a suspiciously decent amount of story relevance and we know she’s DLC so it wouldn’t surprise me if she was planned to be a Main roster character) it looks worse.

We probably aren’t getting Rain at all either (Boon somewhat wisely stated that he doesn’t want to make a character be DLC twice in a row, that would be an awful look). Idk it just seems like to avoid the sins of the DA-Armageddon Era with those mostly disliked characters they tried to play it REALLY safe here.

wonder if SRK is going to unhide this sub-forum now…

An updated version of MKX down the road with say, 6/7 more characters (Rain, Baraka, Kabal…etc.) would be better than a DLC pack. Mortal Kombat X - Fatality Edition or something idk. I do think the current cast is a little bit…lackluster. The new additions look quite interesting though and they at least look like they’ve put thought into their designs, so I’m happy with that at the least. The gameplay and story both look really fun, and fatalities look gorier than ever. The only thing that would really bring a downer on the entire experience is if the netcode is nigh unplayable, and going off of Injustice’s netcode I can’t see it being too bad I suppose? IMO Injustice’s netcode was at least playable, MK9’s was the real issue with me, that shit was fucking terrible - Injustice at least improved it by quite a lot considering how bad it was. Region locking is completely fine with me, I never play with anybody outside of my country anyway for connection purposes, France/Germany are the only two other countries I ever try to play with. German tier internet, man.

Making an enhanced version of MKX maybe a year or so down the road actually wouldn’t be a bad idea at all. NRS could expand and add a good handful of content including putting in fan favorite characters like Fujin, Reiko, Frost, Ashrah, etc. and make them playable. However that could be seen as a problem with casuals complaining of “charging twice for the same game” and Capcom fanboys ridiculing NRS for “copying Capcom” by making updated/extended editions of their flagship game. Anyway that’s some good insight you have there.


Just ignore the troll yall

It’s not trollish to point out that Reiko, Frost and Ashrah are NOT fan favorites. I personally don’t mind Ashrah, but she’s not popular. Stop being so petty.

R.I.P Sektor & Cyrax

Loved by few, hated by probably many.

Sektor and Cyrax are easily among the most popular characters that are gone. People are raging about their absence in the MKX streams. Not sure what you mean by that post. :-S

Most popular characters that were cut are probably, in this order: Noob, Smoke, Cyrax, Sektor … uh, who else? Kabal, Shang Tsung?

Kold War Scorpion gameplay

I hadn’t played many MK games before MK9 and I played Cyrax a bunch, I got a LOT of hatemail for playing him.

I miss Noob the most, your list seems pretty on point yeah. Rain? I’d make an argument that they wanted less clone characters present so cut off the fat of all the ninja clones, but the new characters are kids of some of the older cast, so that point doesn’t make complete sense to me.

Definitely not a fan of that.

[details=Spoiler]What about Quan Chi’s ending? The Elder Gods now fear Raiden!!!

Wait a minute!!! Look at that one Elder God. Is Noob Saibot now an Elder God?

@ 0:43 seconds… [/details]

Sektor and Cyrax are popular and the ones people are most upset about being absent (it makes no sense – for several reasons). The reason you got hatemail for using Cyrax in MK9 is because he was basically broken in that one. His reset game was just stupid. He’s a cool character, though, and it is ludicrous that neither him nor Sektor represents them in MKX.

Yesterday when I googled for UMK3 I saw a “Tournament Edition” patch has been released for UMK3 to balance the game like 20 years after its release. Damn, that game is so good … and with a viable Sektor … wow! The game is so fucking good for its time. I’ve played fighters for a long time, and I personally consider UMK3 to be the best classic fighter of them all; the only thing holding it back is lack of balance, but this patch is supposed to take care of that.

Official 8 man tournament streaming now with over 70,000 viewers!!!