Montreal August Thread 2004

Talk pas shit
It will be like 10 people each game lol

3S is probably my favorite game, but nobody plays it at 2000+. I have no choice but to play CvS2.

If I or we decide to organize MAT II we will actually be able to have a tournament for almost every game since there are so many challengers at 2000+ (regardless of skill level).

I was at 2000+ today but the boss wasn’t there so I didn’t bother asking the workers. I’ll let you guys know what the boss says about holding a large tournament during the middle of winter.

Gj jd. cant wait to hear about it.

hmmm sounds interesting :slight_smile:

Ninja Sentinel: :dp: :hp: :stuck_out_tongue:

Every single time I go to 2000+ Karamba is there (usually with his black friend…). He’s like the most devoted CVS2 player ever… even at Trix he use to go everyday. I’m happy for him though cause he use to never ever win against us but now he could own almost everyone.

Is Capcom Fighting Jam coming out in america ? I already picked my team it’s gonna be Rose/Sakura. Alpha mode is the only one with custom and if you look at history Custom bars always ended up being dominant in games even though they seem weak at first (A2, A3, CVS2).

Regarding MAT2… tons of people will come regardless whether it’s at mira or 2000+. People look for an excuse to come to montreal and I’m sure all of Ottawa and many peeps from Toronto and maybe even the States will come. I think we should definetly do it at 2000+, CVS2 is fine and 3S is still good compared to the sticks at T5. Don’t worry I don’t care about not having A3 I’m sick of running tourneys anyway I’d rather just have fun at 2000+ and I’m sure everyone feels the same. Maybe for the 5 on 5 or money games we can have those at Mira on friday.

:d: :hp: still beats everything roflz

3S sticks at 2000+ are fine, 2000+ stuff just need to fix the cvs2 ones and we should be ready for MAT2 :cool:

edit :
tony, well I’ve been telling everybody from the begining that Karamba is not a scrub. Except for our top4-5 players, he can beat anybody, don’t know why some people get frustrated when they lose to him.

Well, the only good CvS2 machine at 2000+ just lost player two side fierce punch. That’s pretty much the most important button for CvS2…

i’ll be at MAT2 for sure!

Random note:

MAT already happened twice, so everyone stop saying MAT2.

oh shit, JS master’s gonna be back in Montreal :party: :encore:
I wanna see how u’r gonna rape Prez for free :badboy: :devil:

I don’t think we called the first one MAT.

JD :
talk to me on msn or when we both go to netchamp, I have some good deals like … from now on, a p4 3.0 GHz costs as much as a p4 2.8 GHz :wow: :woot: :cool: but it’s only official at one store right now.

:annoy: :nunchuck: :karate:

lol I love these new smileys :badboy:

whom ever wanna buy cheap and high tech RAM, go to futureshop asap. they’re selling pc3200 400mhz 512 mb kingstone for just 99$ :wow:

I think i’ll be at 2000 this saturday. I dunno if I can make it to mira cuz my parents is driving. So yea… lemme know if/when you can make it to 2000 sat.

:encore: <- gayest smily ever… its going in all my posts for a while.

i was talking about the tourney at work.
and some guy was telling me that the owners of 2k+ is a bitch and doesnt wanna do shit to fix anything for special events.
He told me he held a few SC2 tourney and he was pissed at the owned.
I hope JD got charm :stuck_out_tongue: lol

gg with seb at 2000.

Maybe if we tell him that a bunch of people from toronto, ottawa and US will come to the tourney…

Well yeah i hope so. because i enjoyed the first MAT but god… mira was jammed packed… and smelly lol =)
I might be able to bring a few ppl from ubisoft… but they mostly all suck… -_- american gamers…

GG today at CVS2 at 2000+ whoever it was :tup:

btw what month will MAT2 be held ?

While i was working there I met ONE guy that was pretty good in SC2. I haven’t met any that were any good at fighting games beside that.

I’ll be at 2000 around 1:00 pm today… So people better come…!

:encore: :party: :tup:

was hhis name mathieu gagnon? im working with him and hes a fan of ggxx tekken and sc…
he was talking to me how he went to finas in philadelphia for tekken 3 or 4 i forgot…lol