Montreal August Thread 2004

Tourney at 2000+? any ggxx? ill be there.

let make a tournament of socom2…

louisssssssss louissssssssss saidomi rawww rawww grenade!!

sir! your team has been incapacitated your mission is failed!
we have lost jester sir!
boomer can’t no longer transmated information for us!
sir mastermao is the best captain plz make sure you have him on your team! :cool:

If there’s a tournament at 2000+, I’m in for sure !!!

BTW 3 des 4 manettes fonctionne parfaitement, s’il pouvait juste remplacer la premire manette de la 1iere arcade on aurait 2 machine pour faire le tournois… Ca serait vraiment plus le fun (et moins long) :slight_smile:

Ben comme tu est toujours labas…demande au boss si il peut reparer la mannete pis dit le cest pour un tournois.

Today at Mira

Veas vs Alex cvs2 2/3 200$ (I think)

Alex P-Groove (Sakura,Blanka,Cammy2)
Veas C-Groove (Sakura,Sagat,Blanka2)

1st Match : Alex parrying his way to win the first match.
2nd Match : Alex still parrying like a beast but then ,being very cocky, fools around a little which gives Veas the opportunity to make a great comeback and wins the 2nd Match.
Final Match : Veas wins the Sakura mirror match and takes off half of blanka’s life.Alex makes a blanka ball,Veas blocks with Sagat and does Lvl.2 TIGER FEU!!! BUT WHAT’S THIS??? ONLY THE FIRST HIT OF THE SUPER HITS!!! What a lucky break for Alex still alive to kill Sagat.(I think)Anyway,it ends up with Cammy full hp vs Blanka full hp.Alex still parrying and giving lots of making full use of the rc electricity.At the end they both have like 1cm of left.Veas jumps in,Alex parries and goes for a grab.TECH GRAB! Alex tries to grab again.TECH GRAB! Not much time left Veas makes a final attack but fails to land it and Alex goes for the win with a grab.GG Veas Peace OUT!

Alex ou est mon Final Fantasy online?

A while ago I asked Chris to talk to the boss about fixing the machines for a tournament and the boss didn’t really care.

Maybe he will say something different now, but the only game we can have a tournament for at 2000+ is CvS2. It’s the only fighting game with good sticks.

Now that JM Amusement is closed and Daniels is long gone, 2000+ might be the best place to hold the next best tournament. Good location, large arcade, right in the heart of downtown.

If and when we decide to do M.A.T. II we should definitely try to hold it at 2000+. Somehow we have to convince the boss to atleast put Perfect-360 sticks on the major games, and replace some really shitty buttons.

I could try to speak with the boss since he knows me from working at JM Amusement, but if someone else knows the boss better they should bring it up.

youpiiiiiii dooooo

Apart from cvs2, forget about the other games… cause the 3rd strike machine is fucking wack at 2000, and I dunno about the mvc2 machine, but if I recall wel, its fucking garbage as well…and if im right, then M.A.T. is gonna fuckin suck, as it will be only cvs2 and maybe ggxx, but I think that machine sucks as well.

Whats the problem with having it at mira again?

Oh yeah its too small and its in the middle of nowhere.

just my 3 cents

IF the 2000+ owner(s) replace the 3S sticks with Perfect-360s and de-magnify the screen then it will be like the Mira cabinet. I don’t play MvC2 so I don’t really know if that cabinet is good or not.

But yeah, big tournaments at Mira = chair deprivation and over crowdedness.

talk pas shit Rene :rolleyes:

JD’s right, let’s make MAT at 2000+, MIRA is just too small, but getting all sticks working proparly’s gonna be so hard :rolleyes:

I’m gonna put my money on SAM (the Ryu/Guile guy) at this tournament lol
but seriously, I really wanna see how T.O. players do against him, it should be funny roflz

ps: :d: :hp: >>>>>> all

Funny Shit,You guys can forget about it…It’s just not gonna happen.Not at Mira,Not at 2k+,NOWHERE NADA!

Fred,First player stick at Mira sucks.I dont think im the only one who thinks the same way.

About the tourney,If someone runs it,becuz im not,theres no way there can be a mvc2 or ggxx tourney.Not enough peeps.

Not enough people? If M.A.T. was at 2000+ we’d have more people sign-up then we normally do, even without the Mira crew.

I’ll run M.A.T… We just need to convince the owner of 2000+ to fix the place up a bit.

YEah 2000+ NEED to fix they stick.
each time i go they broken, least 1 side
and 2k+ is a better choice since its way bigger than mira… i remember last year -_-
i hope u guys get the go for it.
otherwise we can trash the place

I dont care about cvs2,I know like 10 peeps more will show up.

I was talking about all games actually. When I’m at 2000+ I always see so many people playing GGXX and MvC2, even though they might be scrubs they still count as people. The only game that gets no love at 2000+ is 3S. Lots of SvC and SC2 players also.

true dat, if u guys remember the past tourneys, many “unknown” players participated in those we used to hold at Pino’s.
It would be great if 2000+ get those big cabinets that were at Pino ( keep dreaming lol )

M.A.T…of corse

I went last year for the GGXX tournement and if there is one this year count me in,i can still get poulet sandman and assrider to come those guys continued to play A3 saturn version so they probably will come for sure.If your asking who am i ,i was the guy who played CvS2 a-todo,i came sathurday and played against flowcus,mana-boy and another guy who played v-charlie GG this only means i need to play more against Higher lvl people

Err…that wasnt flowcus.

The Mvc2 machine at 2000 is okay. Nothing broken.

3S sticks aren’t that good. Me think 3S is best but it’s expensive.

its true that the ggxx gets lots of loving at 2k+
but its all scrub i go there and i clean house
its only more fodder for the tourney… which can be good.

my error

yup i remember your potemkin quite a killer but i’m sure my slayer can stand up to him this time