shut up bitch


You fuckers are so lame sometimes.

Spider-Man represent!

mvsc2: I didnā€™t close your thread; I tried a new mod tool on it (and I donā€™t know what it does). It just disappeared after that. However, I did that because the thread promotes plagiarism. Do your own work.

**ALL THE MODS IN HERE: **I have been trying to get images enabled in the Hardware Technical Support forum (like it is in Image Mishmash and some of the xbox forums). I PMā€™ed both mods there about it but they didnā€™t respond. It would help a LOT of people if we could post pictures in there hosted on other sites. Specifically, I want to make a pictoral tutorial for modding a RedOctane stick. Can someone help?

Is okay then, i understand its a bug because i hate it when my shit just gets deleted, i rather have it close cuz it looks cool seeing a lock on a thread. However, it wouldā€™ve been fair to close that other guys thread to because that was more that what i was asking. Mines wasnt help me out at the whole course. Just an easy microsoft excel work creating a made up budget which any office leet person could do in less than give or take 30min.
But thx for replying sep.:tup:

That request is being looked at, i do not have a final status at this time, sorry for not getting back to you.

Thanks FMJ. Hardware Technical Support is a pretty small forum, compared to some of the others, but it would help the modders in there a lot.

I just wrote this in another thread, but if you guys ever need a title change for your thread (because you messed up or something)?or any other type of thread moderation, actually?donā€™t hesistate to PM or IM me about it. I donā€™t have the time to read every thread in GD (nor does any mod), so we do miss things.

Donā€™t PM me, cause I ainā€™t doing that shit.


Kidding. =p

This shit is like American idol
Ronin = Simon Cowell
Koop = Randy Jackson
Septimus = Paula Abdul

i think the mods should add the rep system into the faqā€¦some of us still have trouble getting it.

If someone steals your avatar, can they be penalized in any way?

haha! shut the fuck and make an even pimpe avatar.

donā€™t be a bitch be a trendsetter.

Exactly what is it that you are saying?

who cares if someone steals an avatarā€¦just make an even more pimp one to annilhate the old one.

What about RU?

or Seacrest

Question, may be stupid, maybe not.

Is it a bad thing to ask for help finding mp3ā€™s of an obscure band?

to add to Bobā€™s question: say i had mp3ā€™s of said obscure band. would it be alright if i PMā€™ed him a link to recieve them?

also, are you guys tweaking the rep system or something? i just lost 300 points with no negative rep noticeā€¦
EDIT: nevermind about the rep thing :tup:

I also would like to request [img] tags be enabled in The Premium Members Only board. After all, weā€™re paying, and a lot of premium taggers do premium-only av requets threads that would be a lot easier to manage with [img].
