Miðgarðsorm Presents The Street Fighter V Story Thread

Well, the difference there is that Dhalsim’s original design…kinda sucks. Whereas they nailed Zangief right out the gate.

I have no problem with an iconic character getting redesigned, as long as the new design is an improvement. Dhalsim and Vega are both improvements in my opinion.

I’m not sure how you can improve upon Zangief.

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Yo guys, i tried to recreate some iconic scenes from Ryu’s Street Fighter 2 ending in Blender 3D as i could for now , hopefully you like them.

Originals :

What i managed to do :


Perfect timing, I was just wondering how your adventures in blender were going! Nice job! The only change is that I’d add a bit more light in the forest with Ryu to help it have a warmer, hopeful feel. Currently there’s a few too many shadows that are affecting it’s tone. Still nice work overall!

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Thank you !

I will keep improving the scene or even try to create others. I want to try and make an actual sun object but it’s difficult to make it light specific zones. All in time though.


Just added one more SF piece :smiley:
Will probably still edit it fuckton of times before i call it finished though LOL

Cool idea! If you want i can shoop Ryu to have his SF2 colors


Great stuff now we got to see the version of his ending in modern 3d glory

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They could always update twelve moveset different every now and then. If he would return because there are tons of twelve

They mass produce twelve so every twelve can be a variety of each other depending on the data they achieved and from whom they encountered.

Since they are not like other characters that is about techniques.

In the end, when you change a character’s movelist, you sort of create a problem.

Since some people don’t like the new movelist and some others like only the new one, so you can’t please both groups if the character’s to return, unless you start creating “EX versions” of characters like in The King of Fighters (and they don’t do it very often either).
I mean, I hate what they’ve done to Yuri, King and Maxima… the ‘back to basics’ approach they took with the first two (and the new version of Maxima) really feels like a big downgrade at least to me.

Giving these moves to a new character gives you at least a hope someday both could be playable in the same game.

Yes, it does for the likes Ibuki, Cody and etc.

This problem is mainly for characters that are known to be favorite because of their personality and those that are popular because moves-set or being influential in the competitive scene.

But Twelve isn’t along those category. There probably a tiny bit that would care on Twelve specials in 3S because Twelve doesn’t have the competitive edge. Other than people knowing him that can shape shift traits.

I just downloaded SvC (neogeopocket) on Switch, really fun game.


I don’t know. As a CONCEPT, I think all the ‘Numbers series’ have chances to do a lot of really out there things for the SF series.

I think I would prefer to have an ‘Eleven’ character with a completely new and creative movelist, rather than Twelve with a revamped movelist.
I’d say leave Twelve with his tools, improve them and then add a couple more moves, and also you can do something completely new and exciting with Eleven.

Yeah I love that game! Super fun!

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Like I said before

It’s not worth it because Twelve and Seth already exist. Which is also unique to each other. Everyone should be unique.

Eleven has no personality and character unlike Seth. It’s sounds exciting but it’s not worth it. There’s nothing to lose with a revamp Twelve either.

The good thing about it is that Eleven is now a visual representation for gameplay purposes nothing anymore needed to go further.

There are tons of interesting characters other than Eleven, it’s just a 3D model. There are other NPC in cinematic mode, NPC in stage background(like Sodom and Necro), tons of CFN profile and other characters from Alpha and SF3 that is worth for the resources and time to be a full fledge character.

Seeing a 3D model is nowhere the half of completion of a playable fighting game character. nothing is wasted and there is nothing to regret with the likes of Eleven that has no character and personality. His just alternate costume or a skin for another version of random select with other features. That’s the best position Eleven should be.

Those that would want to see Eleven having unique moves or unique traits will just later point out something else should had been done better. like pointing out to other 3D models they already seen in other mods and modes of the game. Then add the people that would say it’s a waste and laziness because of being a incomplete and not a full fledge unique character. The point is Eleven is meant to be bellow of a fighter and incomplete, also not equall to the likes of Twelve. So making him another version of Twelve or Seth in gameplay is a poor choice of design.

In future SF, I don’t mind the dolls or another version of Seth that copied each other from backed up memory than multiple version of Twelve that would just call itself Eleven lol. Eleven in SFV is the perfect usage of Eleven mythos.

If people wanted Eleven as a character then that is no other than TWELVE because that’s when Eleven became a character that has it’s own attacks and more than just a mimicker.
Save the balancing, resources and time for other 3D models you have seen else in SFV.

Only two dolls I would want is Thawks cousin and the chick with the spear/monkey

Rest are either blah/have already been in/too similar to what we already have (like the chinese girls above)

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They had weapons and I want them to work in pair like chang with choi in CVS2 and not separate individual characters.


Yeah Noembelu would also be fine

or be like

Fuck that, that shit suuuuucks!

Stop trying to make Ice Climbers happen in Street Fighter people!

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It’s better than another clay face without personality and character other than another version of twelve that only offers an alternative or an improved version because twelve isn’t competitively viable back in 3s.

Which would also do conflict if eleven ended up as a better and more playable character in competitive than twelve

Jianyu and Xianyu doesn’t really need to be them both on screen when the other is not doing anything. The other one would just appear in when doing an attack or landing a hit.

Zeku manage to have that switching system. Mika manage to have a assist system and Abigail manage to call tires to give pressure on combat.

If that were this two blood related dolls working in synchronized fashion during a activation of a V-skill. That would be a new dynamic and something new and further than the rest can offer.

Or can take inspiration to Felicia’s Dark Force

It would be something interesting to watch and play with in competitive scene too

if was for me these would be the most acceptable two

On reality the only i would add to SF cast is Noembelu, she can work as native american rep in a game where T.Hawk is’nt in

Spear girl is nice but i woul prefer give that tribal girl slot to Elena, i need Capoeira in SF much more than i need spear fighting… easily the most important female missing imho

Now that i think about spear girl having a monkey, with a SFV Elena they could have gone bit crazy with animal VT (think Zeku) too

Like VT1 Healing, VT2 the white monkey or something else lol

Ok, that’s a good point.

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I used to like also Santamu but as soon she became an NPC than you can fought with, She already loss the appeal with the weird move sets and capability to fight independently.

So Noembelu is the better choice plus the backstory of T-hawk can have a better conclusion.

The Delta Red Team would also be interesting

Or Lee

and Shin