Miðgarðsorm Presents The Street Fighter V Story Thread

Capcom in SFV had been a revisionist of the historical appearance of their iconic characters that resulted to be terrible like what they did earlier with Ryu and Ken in supposed to be their alpha representation. It turned meh and the nostalgia was gone to it’s aesthetics.

Probably they already realize that making changes to supposed to be nostalgia representation isn’t a good idea because of fans are more into the classic design.

So nostalgia costumes with slight update and alterations are the right choice for default costume, because most of them were commonly used even they are just the available default, Unless they plan to monetize that version of nostalgia costume.

this is why the other later nostalgia costumes are being 1:1 to there based counterpart

That may also be the reason why this stage never happen

we can still hope for that rose which kiki redesign to be a story costume

I don’t mind a slight update and age on him, like the Kolin model update in her cinematic model.

Again Kiki’s Abigail is trash, just did’nt have the retard move of stupid proportions, wich is product of some kind of visual stupidity SFV have in generous amount
Without counting that stupid decision, SFV costume is better

Poison is meh, i take SFV one we got, wich is not good either.
SF4 Poison shit all over both, that was best design, no idea why they had to ruin it

Dan… no. I like we got SF4 Dan, and overall design is richer than Kiki’s one, wich also fall redundant with SFV Ken already sporting something like that
I’m curious to see Nostalgia Code Version, i think we get this

Cody yes. But i guess i’m just not a fan of SFV Major Cody’s redesign… It IS “cool” (and i like the Geese tribute), but it have some details that i’ve hard time to buy as SF design, let’s say it break some rules (not that SFV is that solid in this regard)
The Nostalgia Code Version (wich is close to kiki’s) is one of my favourite options for Cody

Far worse crimes has been done

Sean is the youngest member of most important martial arts family in Brazil, in SF3 he’s built like a motherfucker, is used to brawl in Brazil streets

He looks like shit in ASF, but they could have simply put him way closer to SF3 timeline… playable Ed himself is a version of him months after ASF/character story, he have clone faster growth but still

We had worse

Id be interested in seeing how you would redesign Abigail

Well, it’s simply: new boss in town.
These new guys probably loved the original outfit so they unceremoniously dropped the new design.

Like a lot of Kiki’s stuff(many story alts), Kiki one was more generic and “urban”

I like they keept orginal one, is far more unique/recognizable

I think they just solved that part within Poison’s SFV character story

From her words feels like Hugo is’nt able to do anything but beat people up and he ran from the challenge of became a pro wrestling star wich involve many things to learn inside and outside the ring

Then in same story we “see” he returned to Poison and i guess this just launch us straight to SF3

The fun thing is that probably SF4 Hugo should have not fought like he did, because in theory he learned some advanced pro wrestling moves (see example his Ultras) AFTER Sf4

In terms of gameplay, Hugo and the other newcomers were added because of SFxT. It’s like Yun being in Alpha 3 MAX because of CVS2 despite that making no sense, so I guess canonically Hugo in SF4 is more weaker and less skilled than he would end up being in SF3.


As said i’m mostly ok with SFV design we got, i would just get rid of the full retard proportions and return closer to FF look

Rough shoop but something similar to this, would still be a giant but waaay less cartoonish bs

Yeah, it’s like that

They’re also seemingly doing nothing with Oro. Which sucks because Oro’s design is fucking TERRIBLE.

Stupid potato man in a cloth diaper…

Give me MY Oro!

Nah man. Kiki, Abigail also has better hair, better face, doesn’t have the stupid tires. I like his tan skin. His shirt and pants are basically the same, other than the color.

I think the gi tied around the waist thing actually works better for Dan than it does for Ken. Dan already had the undershirt and it just looks better on him.

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Sean’s not actually that big. He is in sprite form but all the art shows him as not being quite so built.

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What annoys me about this is they randomly chose characters to give new default costumes to but not to others. Why not Zangief and Rose? You cant tell me Zangief is any more/less Iconic than Dhalsim and Vega for example?

All characters in SF5 should have got a brand new default costume imo including the season 5 characters. Only two exceptions I accept are Ryu and Chunli but at least Chunli had a changed default in the Alpha games.

Also fk Akuma new retarded ass look.


I did’nt liked the hair, and we already have two big fighters sporting a mohawk… at least SFV Abi seems to have (aside weird leaf shape) something closer to a flat top buzzcut, not so far but still (another area where Hugo bring more variety)
Color scheme was weird, same for belly out and big earrings

I don’t mind the tires, they link him also to strongman competitions imagery (intentionally imho), wich is cool considering he’s the first SF character ever who fights only using pure brute strenght

I hated his story alt with the mask and tires though

I remember when i did that, i was inspired by Grappler Baki’s Shibukawa
I would still like an Aikido Master in SF who looks frail af, but have godlike technique

We don’t know what they will do with Oro’s alts, but i would not keep any hope in that direction… to Oro a martial art uniform (or any MA ceremonial/ritual/symbolism) probably lost any meaning long ago

I think alts will play on hermit wierdo look

No idea what to expect though, sometimes you can look for art where a char is dressed different, but in Oro’s case seems impossible find him in anything else than potato sack
Only one i seen is

and basically you can’t see shit lol

Yeah it’s true he’s not big as Ryu-Ken as the sprite lie, but canon wise he’s still built enough to fight, he was listed

5’9" (175 cm)
149 lbs (68 kg)

Wich is same size Ryu was listed back to SFA and SF2
Even if we know SF2 weights were bullshit, i can buy that for SFA Ryu at least

And official art did’nt had him skinny, but built like a fighter

He was portrayed as lighter built than Ryu and Ken(in some art pieces in particular), but still as strong enough to fight…
To not count in same game Yun and Yang were both smaller than him (and better fighters)

At any point of his existence Sean ever been more credible fighter than SFA’s

Now, i don’t want Sean in SFV, after we got Dan i hope to not see any other shoto family character till SF6

But could have been 10 times more credible inclusion than stuff we already seen, for this reason was funny see people counting Sean off… when in SF timeline we are already pretty close to SF3 Sean

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Well I would say he is. He’s right up there with Ryu and Chun Li.

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Yeah Zangief is absolutely as iconic. Basically all the original world warriors are at that level ESPECIALLY someone that has been meme’d as hard as Zangief thanks to the SFII live-action movie


I really can’t figure out who the mystery character is for season 5…Maybe a new character?

But who?

Not as much as Dhalsim the first stretchy fighter in a game. Or Vega, a spanish narcisist ninja? But they had subtle changes but zangief is soooo special they didnt change a thing

Zangief is THE grappler of Fighting Games. Even Anime, SNK, Tekken players that try their hardest not to mention SF in a positive light, have to put respect on Zangief’s name when it comes to grapplers.

Gief also had the most dialogue in that Wreck it Ralf movie. For SFVI i imagine Chun-Li & Gief will be the only characters keeping their old designs. Unfortunately Ryu will get the Ken and Akuma treatment.

Lame redesigns so Capcom can make more money from the nostalgia costumes.

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Glad they did’nt touched Zangief design, is already perfect

If anything i wish they give him back brown hair and azure eyes as he used to have.
Brown hair in particular, they removed brown hair from fuckton of characters


It’s probably that they had no idea that time how to update zangief

I think now they already know the direction for him.

They might go with something related to this


and this


Yeah the color part is the one that is awful. While the Abigail we had looks ridiculous because of the tires.

My criticism with it since the beginning is the posture of Abigail it’s terrible and looks weird or out of place. He should had been like Juggernaut.


And still they misrepresented him with the wrong impression lol

They are itching to change and reinvent it

that depends maybe the NPC or those that appeared in cinematic mode like Azam

Those were roles

But not the likes of Viper and Oro that is only seen in illustrations

Even those characters like Azam with roles their might be a possibility, but it doesn’t automatically mean that they are ready of already prepared or preparing for it. Goes still how people perceive and request them(Like Kolin and Akuma.) that makes them considered and start to be worked upon.

Having a 3D models and animation aren’t a huge portion of accomplishment for a fighting game character. those were the minor and earliest to be done.

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bizzarre timing