Miðgarðsorm Presents The Street Fighter V Story Thread

Eleven having unique moves is also a bad idea. Why?

  1. Because people would rage and complain that it should have been a NPC character from the cinematic mode instead a lazy work of just mashing various character 3D models to form a new character. I believe SFV staff already anticipated this early on.

  2. So how about unique animation while fighting along with his very own V-abilities and CA for Eleven? It’s because it would lose it’s purpose of being a showcased random select for stunt and exhibitions, And regardless how small a change when it occur in the match balancing issues comes into place. some of his permanent V-abilities and CA would either work terrible or better if paired with the special of some character. Then would go back to (1.) that people would say that he should had been a NPC character from cinematic mode instead

Capcom probably, likely and already anticipated this early on.

If they did that to Eleven that would backfire really terrible for them to make Eleven an Amalgam character or made him another Shapeshifting character. People would rather have a new updated version of Twelve if that is the case. Plus Seth is already existed.

If he at least changed between rounds, he’d at least be doing SOMETHING unique that Random Select wasn’t.


When in the pre-match he transform into 3 characters gave me hope it was the case, but seems it’s not

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I hope a least he transforms into a new char if you rematch. That would give him something extra over standard (not existing online) option.

I not sure why they decided to force picking a char before going online. When I saw this, I thought at first that it will work like Tekken, where you have different ranks for each char (which is something I like a lot because I’m willing to switch more between characters or trying a new one without risking my rank online).

But well. I won’t complain about the free fries in my burger order.

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i was wrong

They resized the slots(now smaller), now next 2 are going to take above Dan/Eleven slots

Last two will probably go at the sides of the upper line

So the character select screen will not be a an equal parallelogram on each side. Who thinks that they’ll do 2 bonus character (Abel?, Decapre?) for 2022. Since Decapre is partially playable and already has designs for story costume and battle costume. Abel also has a redesigned model and story costume.

that’s a better idea and everyone was hoping or either mentioning for a Mokujin transformation every round.

it doesn’t create conflict or alteration in the gameplay.

Were pretty sure that current guys in Capcom is aware of the existence of the extra random select feature in early SFex since they are collaborating in SFV

but It might be that they choose it not to be because to they want players to adapt quickly with the situation instead of spending another time to figuring out

The select screen should be balanced thanks to Eleven.
You should end up having Dan, Rose and Akira on one side and Eleven, Oro and the mystery new character on the other.

I don’t like Decapre, like one of my most hated characters… but if mean get her+ one (male) extra character, i will be all for it

Abel i don’t know, with the premise Abel and Fei Long were my two most wanted characters at this point, him having a character model in ASFdoes’nt say much… playable characters model ingame change from ASFversion (Ed, Kolin), and Abel did’nt got even a fight style as NPC… there are literally generic shadaloo soldiers that had more shit done lol

Again, i will love get Abel, but is they they’re still at step zero with him
Plus japanese are kinda against give hype to “normal” characters they find bland, i’ve hard time imagine them adding Abel as special end (would be glad to be wrong though)
If they want go cheap to the point of add Decapre i would expect the other to be some bullshit like Bison-possessed Ed lol

For now i accepted SFV will close like this

I just hope they DON’T go trash on the 5th char
Considering they said all S5ers are somehow linked with story, i’m starting to fear with Oro coming they will use him as excuse to pull a Shin Akuma Bullshit to clash with him

As much i HATE get variants of characters taking a slot, at this point i will prefer Rose showing G’s true face and get no-bullshit, completely different G as the 5th

But Gods, PLEASE, not Shin Akuma/Oni/Whatever

From that point if they want add two more chars


Looking at that pic of the roster makes me feel like SFV probably has the best looking roster in the series since Alpha 3. Something about it had a nice little touch to it. It might have had a terrible launch but they had redeemed themselves to a small extent since. Here’s hoping they learnt from their mistakes for SF6.


Hope youre right. But the model leak also seemed to show this change.
After her completely awful model in SF4 I am really hoping she comes out looking good.

If they mean already linked with the story, then I’d have to guess it’s probably either Abel or C. Viper. Abel obviously with the role he plays in ASF, and then C. Viper has appearances in people’s story modes, just like Oro did.

I guess Gouken also appeared at one point.

A little too many new characters.


Abigail with Hugo
G with Q
Eleven with Necro
Dan with Sean
Lucia with Maki

…fuck yeah.

I’m ever conflicted watching it, sometimes feels it’s best SF cast i ever seen, sometimes i can’t unsee how in some area they gone worse than SF4

For sure SFV cast had the greatest potential ever, but damn some slots truly feel wasted
Wich i could erase five current slots and replace them with five that made it to SF4 lol

To be honest cast wise SFV started good
Base cast+Season1 was already a damn good cast, aside Sagat joining too fucking late

Most of cast building shit moves happened from S2 onward imho

Yeah, Base+S1 was seriously great. It was obvious they just took their SF character popularity poll and were just adding all the top characters that hadn’t been in SF4(Karin, Q, Mika, Alex, Charlie, Urien…). Except Q…

I’m excluding C.Viper because the 5th character is very likely male
Both because S5 have already Rose-Akira and because the 5th was said to have very few costumes… no way they do C.Viper without a bunch of waifu alts for fappers

On Abel… i would like it as i said, but i’m not sure WHY they should have chosen to make the mysterious char gimmick on Abel
I mean, Oro?
I could have seen it, like building him up as incredible big deal
Could have made sense too, being a Guest from RS could have justified it

But they chosen to make both Oro and Akira visible… and they make it up all that mysterius char for Abel? Seems strange
Unless there’s something crazy going on they don’t want show, like his evil/cyborg side taking over, but still feels a stretch as capcom never bothered that much develop him, not even in SF4 where he could have been important

Maybe they just literally didn’t even have the character art finished. :stuck_out_tongue:

Jokes aside if they ever chose to add a couple of chars after S5 to complete the character grid AND they want follow the story-relevant thing, i would welcome C.Viper+Abel

As for the 5th, may be somebody that come from S5 characters stories…

Possible candidates i can think:

  • Dan - nobody relevant i guess

  • Rose - she will likely focus on show G’s true face and/or she will see Bison’s spirit inside Ed

  • Oro - May push Akuma to tranform in some bullshit version to fight him

  • Akira - Daigo? We already know a 3D model of him exist, even if likely he works like Nadeshiko

Maki’s so damn boring. I didn’t like Lucia’s new design, but I take her over seeing Maki again.