Miðgarðsorm Presents The Street Fighter V Story Thread

What you want is an additional feature from the upcoming Eleven to be also included for the generic random select which never existed before or took from it.

Because you want color and costumes for when doing random select.

So Eleven isn’t the problem. And turning eleven to another generic random select doesn’t solve it also.

But all want is just an update to the other random select which is all of a sudden after eleven is revealed.

I know you hate new copy cats, shotoclones and echo fighters from existing. and calling it’s existence pointless. But this doesn’t guarantee a new character slot.

It’s a freebie from the upcoming product that’s why it’s said to be a bonus because it wasn’t announced to be included before in the content they mentioned previously not something that is part of the package earlier.

Oh, I read that wrong then. Fair enough.

It’s still worse than regular Random Select though.

Other than it existing in most other online fighting games, including SF4. But it never existed in SF5, no.

Not to hate on Ono, but is it a coincidence that all these SFV changes are coming after he left?

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Personally, I don’t believe in coincidences

There’s obviously a new management going on, but considering that Ono has been largely a figurehead since SFxT I think it’s more the new management putting in work than Ono creating problems when he was still nominally in charge.

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and it’s not Eleven fault obviously.

C’mon, Being conscious or concern about color and costume is not what people are into when doing a character roulette or when they are using random select. it’s for an exhibition, a stunt and a quick match. Not to think much when choosing a character, Because It’s the opposite of counter picking mentality.

Eleven is the perfect way to show your doing a stunt an exhibition in a real match.

That’s why it’s an innovation in a random select. It’s for the showcased that separates ordinary match to spectators.

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I think it wasn’t him, the last time he was the one that is asking for additional characters to the higher ups, because people were asking and requesting for newer ones to him at twitter.

The good thing with the current one are they are showing stuff in development and not making tease or being too secretive.

Is it just me or are the character models for these last characters really good and, more importantly consistent?

They seem normal to me.

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Rose looks really bad right now (Yes she’s WIP) and proportion wise doesnt seem to match the rest of the cast. They also nerfed her tits - shes meant to have huge ones.


Proportion in SFV are more define and had more variety than the previous games

Yeah she slimmer and tits have chane

The hell it isn’t! Just cause I want to play random doesn’t mean I want my character to look like shit when I do it!

That and the Monster Hunter guy is over at the FG division.

MH, RE and now SF are all doing the same thing when showing off their updates.

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Proportions in SFV are more putrid and inhuman than previous games



If you had problems issues before with the existing randomselect that became all of a sudden after Eleven is mentioned then asked for the generic random select to be updated instead.

People have been asking for random select (a basic feature in fighting games FOR DECADES) online in SFV since the launch of the game

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then the available generic random select should be updated instead.

I don’t think she has smaller tits, it’s just that her standing stance has her with her chest facing toward the screen, and her scarf is covering it (which is just how it was in her Alpha sprite).

Look for an animation that changes the camera angle or moves her in a different position and if anything she looks more stacked than in SFIV.

That’s…what we’re saying. Yes.

Tbh they already wasted time making Eleven 3D model, something that chances are will not even EXIST ingame
I’m saying that as we seen he doesn’t have an ingame intro as “Eleven”, so they may have gone lazy on winning cutscene too

Tbh i feel like more than random select alternative has been used as cheap chance for them to do another “6 characters Season” without have to do 6 characters

But they at least admitted to NOT consider Eleven a regular character… small gesture, but still

What i wish is they put slight more effort at make it feel a bit more acceptable/less cheap move, pushing him more as character even if extra one

To begin with give him actual intro, during wich he morph into the character

Then winning cutscene, wich i doubt he will get

I would have also liked some gameplay gimmick, like example the ability to morph mid-round burning one EX meter bar
You hit him while still “sphere” you block his transformation
Not even something you have to balance much, would be almost an handicap mechanic essentially
I’m NOT talking mid-combo stuff, more like G’s earth charge long animation

In short, i accept themselves calling it extra, but still since he’s taking a slot would have liked some more characterization

As he is, he just look random select with crappy color+voice mod lol