Miðgarðsorm Presents The Street Fighter V Story Thread

SVC:Chaos was more the wild crazy crossover. You had aliens, demons and a robot from the future. CVS was more grounded.

Actually, Capcom and SNK entered a contract to do 2 fighting games each. That’s why Chaos exists, because they had to do another game despite the difficulties they were facing.


I’d like a Street Fighter x Tekken x KOF game.

I mean, Harada said he wanted to do something like that.

Three-people teams, imagine, 1 character from each series per team.

Call it “Iron King Street” or something XDD

I think TK have compatible DNA with SF too

Like for SNK FF is SF’s little brother, KoF the skinny edgy nephew
TK is SF’s cocky son

But tbh i would not like it to become a threesome, find a stylistical compromise will become harder… and more than that have three games would just murder secondary/variety characters, as all three companies would want to push all their iconic main/cool characters in

Instead i would “just” like see a 50+1 char CvS, where both series drop 25 characters with a having a counterpart in other side logic, building a variety cast

What made KoF casts less interessing than FF to me was that KoF itself push in many chars that act as “cool main heroes/characters” (both being a “crossover” and due style) rather than follow SF classic model of very few posterboys and the rest all about build cast variety
(on other hand would be cool SF to offer some “cool slot” alternative to Ryu/Ken)

Then of course, KoF having big cast a bit compensate that, finding slots for variety too, but i find it weaker than in SF model

At the end FF is the real snk game compatible with SF, but KoF can’t just be ignored

Btw iirc Harada wanted not only a 3 sagas thing, called VF and DoA too, so a 5 worlds thing
For fun retardness i would’nt mind a simple gameplay without too tryhard mindset, with GIGANTIC cast
Like the ultimate tournament that ALL fighters of the world don’t want miss lol

Maybe allowing both 1v1s and multi-characters brawls
Does’nt need to be a fighting game technical masterpiece… actually as said could work with pretty dumbed down gamplay, i would embrace it being a jap FG themed all-in celebration that take itself as some kind of megaevent

Think Jump Force kind of light spirit, pretty different from my ideal CvS3 that would actually be legit game both as style and gameplay

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Just :clap: make :clap: Capcom :clap: vs. :clap: Capcom!


They didn’t even invite SNK to Project X Zone, how they dared…

How could would have been to have Kyo along them…

It was actually 3 games IRC. Snk made the negeo pocket fighting game, the card fighters clash and svc chaos.

Greedy Capcom wasted a slot on CvS Pro lol. And of course cvs1 and 2


Everybody in the pic be like “do you even lift bro” at Kyo

Terry and Ryo in the background shaking heads like “and we got replaced by him”

SNK’s take is superior in artstyle in terms of crossover take in their past partnership with Capcom

Not just because of the game mechanics but in terms of sprites

It’s unlikely to have multiple crossover that have similar gameplay

And it’s unlikely for an SNK partnership if were getting another SF6 or a Capcom all star alike that has a gameplay not similar to MVC.

And also it’s unlikely not for SNK to hold out their characters from Samsho and same with Capcom to hold out their character from Darkstalker if there is no Mahvel like game out there also.

I don’t think it would even be anime style with how this companies are making there fighters now it’s likely to be closest to how SNK do things nowadays.

While if it would be Capcom it’s likely be on DMC or SFV style. :frowning:

Agree, It’s unlikely to happen because of what the ransom attack revealed.

Yeah previous SNK shows more enthusiasm and love with 2D sprites. That they wouldn’t even allow Capcom to make Kyo and Iori. LOL

Their love for 2D and craft to their characters is miles away from Capcom that time.

I won’t be even surprised that those guys from SNK were the driving force for Capcom to recreate their sprites for CVS and reevaluate their artstyle for CVS.

It was almost to be made with the exact alpha sprite after some revision

It just shows that even before CFJ which was called mugen fighter, Capcom already dislike 2D sprites. And was just aiming to repurposed every available resources if weren’t for SNK.

Previous SNK loves recreation of their sprites, from the strikers and the cards in thirteen shows how they still love 2D.

While Capcom were trying to distance everything sprites in crossover in the late 90s and early 2000s. Rushing everything to 3D.

Yeah there were 3D characters transformed into sprites from in other games, but those were very niche compare to SNK had done. Capcom didn’t even made a sprites of Noembelu for Alpha and messed up with Ryu headband.

Even Zangief sprites were just remade in the head compare that to the effort of SNK with NGBC.


SNK experiment with tons of sprites like in 94, even the time that 3D were the most popular. They even still did updates with popular KOF with there KOF98 and KOF02.

Because SNK loves their 2D fighters while Capcom 2D fighters isn’t the priority.

While Capcom SFA3 update were just repurposed sprites that were lock and exclusive in handheld titles. Even in handheld their are the dozen of SNK fighting games that have their artstyle unique compare that to the stuff capcom were doing that is mostly outsource.

Yes SVC were done meticulously from detail and movements compare to the CVS counterparts. A masterpiece of recreation.

I praise CVS2 system but the artstyle of CVS overall was never example because it was almost rushed that it’s going to end up like CFJ if weren’t some other company intervention.

What I liked only the most with CVS artsyle compare to SVC is the color palettes used.

Along with Red Earth.

Powerstone and more RS would had appreciation if there were at that time but we know them in that era

True that’s the difference between Capcom and SNK even before.

That time RE and other action non-fighting games were was Capcom flagship titles.

Which was the main cause why there crossover projects were mishandle and other fighters were either rushed or cancelled.

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Cammy concept art for XMVSF



I think that Cammy debut in XvsSF before Alpha 3 IIRC

Well, she was also in Alpha 2 Gold before she was in Alpha 3.

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Max thinks ther are reasons to think Capcom and SNK are collaborating again.

Well, I know I shouldn’t have done this, but this later talk about the CvS made me start to wonder how a roster for CvS3 could/should look like in this nowadays.

da -believable- roster (20 chars per side + 5 dlc)


  1. Kyo
  2. Iori
  3. Benimaru
  4. Ash
  5. K’
  6. Terry
  7. Ryo
  8. Robert
  9. Kim
  10. Mai
  11. King
  12. Yuri
  13. Joe
  14. Athena
  15. Leona
  16. Yashiro
  17. Blue Mary
  18. Tizoc
  19. Geese
  20. Rugal
  21. B. Jenet
  22. Shun’ei
  23. Angel
  24. Kula
  25. Shion
    (Characters I would like to have included too):
    Choi/Lee Pai Long


  1. Ryu
  2. Ken
  3. Chun-Li
  4. Guile
  5. Zangief
  6. Blanka
  7. Dhalsim
  8. Cammy
  9. Fei Long
  10. Vega
  11. Bison
  12. Guy
  13. Cody
  14. Sakura
  15. Alex
  16. Dudley
  17. Rose
  18. Juri
  19. Ibuki
  20. Akuma
  21. Menat
  22. Oro
  23. Akira
  24. Sagat
  25. Urien
    (Characters I would like to have included too):
    C. Viper

I remember I used to struggle much more with these rosters. Nowadays I think I simply conform with the 20 ‘staple characters’ one should expect from a game like this, and 5 ‘wild cards’ to add variety and newer characters I like.

But I just think I outgrown some of the ‘early-to-mid-2000s’ guys from SF3 and KOF Ash Saga I was once enamored by.

Also I think most KOF XIV/SFV characters are pretty terrible or mediocre at best.

Yes you are right, her debut was in that gsme.

Welp…Twitch just spoiled the last season character to be Eleven.

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Holy crap if this ends up being his final look as well…what an absolute miss of a character. A total wet-fart of a final DLC release…

Fingers crossed that Eleven (which is a name I really like by the way cuz I love numbers like that) has a major redesign and is surprisingly cool looking and plays awesome (Not holding my breath but PLEASE surprise me Capcom)

Whats with Capcom and leaks lately? Ever since that E. Honda leak a couple of years ago…

Apparently, the new SF5 team doesn’t even know the plot of their own game, because Eleven was cannibalized for parts to fix Nash…

And now, the WORST SF character of all time gets an echo fighter? For fuck’s sake…this is Abigail all over again, but 10x worse.

Nice to know SF5 sucking wasn’t just Ono’s fault.

Edit: On the plus side Twelve will have a real obvious partner for my tag teams.


Oh, come on, we all know that the final character will be




I’m hoping for subterfuge since they were winking with one of their tweets going “February Eleven” and the eyes emoji. My hope is that some completely, ridiculously fun, out of the left field option like “Oh, Eleven was used to revive Charlie, this is a post ASF Charlie who’s not quite Charlie, but not quite Eleven as he’s settling into a new form” as is some half Shadow Charlie, half Eleven weirdness. I dunno. I…just am really wondering if this is it or there’s something clever in the wings, cause if I’m being honest, this is incredibly disappointing if it’s just Eleven in a prequel story and then poof. Nothing.

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