Miðgarðsorm Presents The Street Fighter V Story Thread

Hmm, just saw this, make of it what you will:



I just also don’t think Eleven is a 5th character or the last character in this season.

I like Charlie Nash to return but I don’t think Eleven fits as Shadow Nash because Shadow Nash special attacks are like Shadaloo Soldiers which are enhance with Psycho Power like the Dolls.


Which most of his known attacks like Sonic boom and Flash kick is infused with Psycho Power. It’s one of his highlights other than being a whole dark palette

However I think the other Shadow would fit as an Eleven clone but not exactly


For Shadow Lady that isn’t a complete Chun li clone or even Chun li.

But rather a character that tries to masquerade like Chun li and fails at mimiking her techniques

So to compensate with this the fake one that tries to shaped her/his body parts to mimic other deadly objects and weapons instead.


And also can explain the weirdness of the launching homing missile at her back and etc.


So this basically explains the bizarre attacks of Shadow Lady

Like Rubber Soul aka Fake Kakyokin in Capcom Jojo game


Since Eleven and Twelve are mass produce.


As for Charlie Nash, His remnants can be something that FANG would took out because of the infused with Psycho Power within him from Bison itself.

But can soon breakout and escape from another shadaloo lab.

Since they change Charlie Nash ending in SFV AE. That they still have the body

With Psycho Power absorb directly from Bison, Combined with the technology of the Secret Society.

He somehow begins to have Bison’s capability to recover after major physical damage and multiple organ failure…

Why because he gains a regeneration capabilities from the Eleven fragments directly infused to him by the secret society.

but he has no elasticity

So with both technology of Secret Society and some Bison traits combined in Charlie Nash body, he is now able to unknowingly reconstructing his own body because of regeneration capabilities from the tech of Secret Society.

Which unlike and different from Bison that need a laboratory, host and scientist to reconstruct his body.

Bison body even existed even after being blown to pieces in the C.Viper SF4 aftermath video

But another difference is that he can’t handle as much as Psycho Power like a lab constructed Bison body is from a Psycho Drive.

With also the Psycho Power with him, He is also haunted by Bison telepathically like the other host but his hate and vendetta against Bison is strong enough that he manage to overcome any mind control attempts.


He can also detect Psycho Power infused beings in a certain distance.

Only good thing about Eleven is that it cancels out the “guest character” drones.
SF would truly die if they had a guest from another company.


Why would they mass produce Eleven? He was deemed a failure.

Because The Secret Society already did… a MASS PRODUCTION of Eleven clones

And take note were still in the timeline before twelve even exist

We don’t know if there were some that escape, survive and even kept for further research and purpose

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it being “extra” char wohld be only hope to accept it tbh

Would also make S5 a normal 6 char season and make the character selection grid “normal”


A guest character would be great. It’s hype and awesome for the community and playstyle diversity. I’d pay good money to use Terry or Iori in a Street Fighter game, for instance

Honestly a guest character is the best way to go out. This is the end of the game. Any existing character will have ZERO plot relevance (bad for us) and will almost be guaranteed not to be in a sequel. A guest character lets us get someone new to play as without borking anyone over for SF6

I don’t think Eleven is the worst possible choice for a 5th character.

First, I think Elven is a model, not just one unit. There are multiple “Elevens” I guess, so it doesn’ break the story.

Next, he’s a new character and since Twelve isn’t in the game, we can’´t consider 11 to be a “palette swap”, and I’m pretty sure they would give Eleven a lot new moves and bring new things to the table. These synthetic clones or whatever have potential to bring a lot of new and unique traits under their sleeves.

Oh, well, they say he’s an extra character, I’m ok with this, I didn’t like Eleven’s design, such stupid head.

Characters I’d like to be the fifth one:

  • Sodom (definitely no. 1 in my list)
  • Necro (another character I love but I don’t think he will be the case)
  • Eagle, Retsu or some other revived SF1 character
  • Goutetsu (would be fucking dope)

But I doubt that they can be any returning character. They’re clearly saving a bigger surprise, it can’t be something as simple as just a random returning character.

Ideas I’m not prepared for:

  • Another ‘guest character’. If this one actually fits in the SF Universe I’m alright. Like, Gene or Haggar or something. But if they put Dante, Leon Kennedy or some of that garbage, I’m so fucking out.
  • A third party character. Again, if it’s from a fitting fighter, like some SNK, Virtua Fighter or Tekken guest, I think I’d be alright with it. It would be rather weird, though, since SF has never had third party guest characters.

My bet is still it will be somebody new.

But. Just don’t make it be some palette swap from a character that’s already in SFV.

But also, judging by the slow way everything is rolling out, and the alleged discontempt with SF6 early builds, I wouldn’t rule out that we’ll have like, 3 extra characters in 2021-2022, or a final 6 season next year (maybe this time Sodom will make it back… he’s only missing Alpha guy -yeah, I don’t count ports or palette swaps-).

Despite the leaks

I’m still expecting ELEVEN isn’t a some kind of a traditional character like Seth because Eleven was supposed to be a…

Eleven won’t have his own CA and V-Stuff.

I think Eleven not an echo-fighter like Ryu is to Ken, Cammy is to Decapre and Hugo is to Abigail that @DarthEnder dislike

And Eleven not the fifth character or last character

Eleven will be one slot wasted on scifi lab trash just like Twelve was

And we already have Seth, wich make the thing just worse lol

Hope is true the guess that he’s an “extra” shit, because one more normal male fighter would be awesome

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Being a sci fi character doesn’t mean his gameplay will be automatically bad.

Yeah, I know a lot of people aren’t into sci-fi for SF, but Twelve already opened the floodgates and having a variation of that character, with improved gameplay (which I expect) wouldn’t be that bad. In my humble opinion.

i’m not counting gameplay, anything can have good gameplay, including trash characters

Wich does’nt make trash characters a good idea

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Well, that’s your opinion.

I don’t think Twelve is a trash character (although he wasn’t effective in-game, I like his design and concept, and brought some never seen before elements to the game) and I don’t think Eleven would be either.

Everyone has their own opinion.

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Yay, let’s celebrate corporate censorship!
I’m glad there’s someone keeping those damn artists in line. You don’t want them to be able to make whatever they like, right?

I hope they’ll go after Mortal Kombat next. My Christian gaming experience has no place for all that gore, blood and violence, and the same should go for everyone else!

Back on topic, is there really a rumor about Eleven of all things?


Glass half full version: “Season 5 is really 4 characters with one asset recycle bonus character”

The Ultra SFIV strat, except in Ultra even the 4 new characters were taken from SFxT.

Was kind of hoping Max would be right and it would be Terry Bogard… Oh well

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Right, but, you could have just…put Twelve in the game.

This is the Abigail situation again, where instead of just adding Hugo, which there was no reason not to do, they made an entirely new(and worse) character out of his headswap and put him in the game when nobody was asking for that.

Only this time, it’s way worse, because at least with Abigail, the character he was ripping off was actually cool. Twelve is, like, the worst SF character ever, and now there’s gonna be fucking TWO of them.

Same. I want the last real Alpha holdout to finally make it to the 3D era.


Well, if your opinion make you say Twelve and Eleven are’nt trash, my opinion is better apparently