Miðgarðsorm Presents The Street Fighter V Story Thread

Nice to know. More power to you. But there’s still room to criticise the design as something out of place.

Interesting info, SNK should have more inspiration to the hair of this guy at-least than making the accessories as something too relevant that standout to his design

They even copied the fold in the pants that isn’t really something should have gone for if they aim to make a homage.

Like Juri’s design?

I dunno if homage is the right word. It feels more cynical than that.

“This is what’s popular with the audience we are trying to cater to, so we’ll try and do the same thing.”

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10 new fighters, stages, additional moves, additional mechanisms, a brand new story that is the continuation of the one in SF4. It was deemed too large to be a DLC, and possibly was, at the time.
That’s one hell of a season of DLC.
Some companies get away with publishing the same game over and over again with slight changes. That’s basically what KoF was doing, with little complaints. But it wasn’t accepted specifically for SSF4, why?

Indeed, the only actual sequel, but what was done for SF4 had a direct impact on the sales of SSF4, and subsequent versions.
Now, if you have a look at the reviews for both games, on the link you provided, you can clearly see my point, yes SF5 did worse, a lot worse in terms of review, not that much in terms of sales, but there are people who didn’t like SF4. A significant portion of the review are from people who didn’t like SF4, and what do they have to say about it ?

Never said it wasn’t a success that brought back the series from the dead, all I’m saying is that “big” depends really on your definition of big.

The competitive scene is a microcosm, nobody should care for them and nearly nobody does.

So you imply that I’m right but it’s obvious somehow?
First I’m not saying they didn’t buy every sequel, I’m saying that a significant portion of SF4 buyers were nostalgic buyers that were ready to be seduced by fighting games again and were putting their hopes in SF4, and SF4 failed to reignite the flame for those people, and as a consequence it lost them to the SF franchise for good.
Was it possible to do so? Yes. Not easy certainly, but it was possible.
Diablo 3 was in a similar situation. Diablo 2 had been a huge success, but Hack’n Slash was considered a dead genre at the time, especially the more or less isometric view version. Diablo 3 came out clearly betting on nostalgia and despite some issues it succeeded to cash on this nostalgia and ended-up on of the best selling game ever.
See List of best-selling video games - Wikipedia SF4 is nowhere, not even close to be on this list.

If this is a measure of success, so did SF3, and SF alpha. Didn’t prevent Capcom to stop SF games for a long while after that.

Yes, that’s the impression we have, and to be honest the impression I had, too, but trying to search for facts … how did it reinvigorate the figthing game market ? I had a look at sales for other fighting games and the effect of SF4 is far from being obvious. Some licences gained sales, some lost sales, the only thing SF4 reinvigorate for sure is SF sales.

Yes, the market is totally different. There is vastly, vastly more players and potential buyers. And while the competition is stronger than ever, look at the link I provided : more than half of the games of the games on this list are posterior to SF4.
And it’s not as if there’s no market for fighting games, look at the sales for Smash Bros, Dragonball, or even Mortal Kombat now.

SF4 did well, maybe even extremely well for what was expected of it, and that’s certainly the problem, it wasn’t expected to sell that well and was developed with a small budget as a consequence, resulting with a game that was barebones, lacking features for its time, and that failed to reinvent the fighting genre as it had the potential to do so, given so many people were ready to buy it on its name alone.
So while I did really like the game, I can’t help but be disappointed by what it could have been and wasn’t.

But does’nt make him less bad, specially if they use him as important new face and not some side gimmick

And still unlike Shit’ei it was good deisgn :smiley:

Had way superior palette with less colors that get along better together and have cultural inspiration, was also maybe too rich of detail but in a such coherent way that the eye just roll with it, specially because the theme is clear and recognizable. And of course sold the character origin.
Looked anachronistic for sure, but characters in FG ever get free pass for that
Really, the only new chinese character design worth something, even if worked much much better without mask

Not sure if drop that in pros or cons tbh

Depend what you mean

SFV Juri is bad!
I agree, is trash and a double sin as aside being bad, replaced something that was great

SF4 Juri is bad!


At the time, sure. Though SF5 would go on to make all of that, and more, DLC. :stuck_out_tongue:

This is the scientific proof that it’s an objectively bad design


I tried to call it a homage because they guest KOF characters in their game before something like a mutual relationship and also because it’s was originally a the tencent fighting game before acquiring KOF .

So it’s more like Shun’ei is a spiritual successor to those characters in that game.

So I rephrased it as a homage instead of what Magegg originally said that is a counter-ripped off or a revenge something.

I see it like how other original designers and creators tries to import their characters, but the problem is it’s either tied to a specific fictional universe, different franchise, different trademark and different company. So instead they recreate the character for a newer fictional environment inspired by those likeness and quirks.

But you are right that it’s more sellout to the target demographic of audience that’s why the design felt tied and limited to a fad and trend, because the gears and accessories that is very generic as a representation of his character.

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Oh look its DD from capcom all stars and Sanjis bro no 2

Guess we must be few days away from some fucking news, like a week or something

Last time they made their usual silly update they said Dan in february and some preview of upcoming update in early year/january

Boat for early january already sailed, but they’re still in time to at least nail the month lol

I like Dan and i will surely use mainly him for some weeks as soon he’s released, but i’m waaay more hyped for new mechanic+balance patch



Art by Shinkiro for Megaman’s 33rd anniversary. I bet Duo would look great in his artstyle.



So umm… is Meitenkun from kof a guy or a girl.

She’s a guy.

Sweet wallpaper

But yeah, when you have to pick an angle of Vega stage to give Menat one, it’s clear something gone wrong LOL

Well, whatever, this spring at worst she will share the Rose’s one… but still

If we did’nt had fuckton good of useless ones (lol at 2 xmas 2 halloween) we will probably be closer to personal stage thing

I understand they do it to avoid the “duty” of have to do almost 50 stages, but still they could have achieved it with 2 chars for every stage doing alt versions


It could be worse. At least the Vega stage makes sense considering how influenced by North Africa Spain’s architecture is.

But it’s sad that Menat hasn’t got a stage that represents her.

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So, aparently the NGP version of SNK Vs Capcom (fighting game, not the card one) will get released on Switch. I recall it being quite good and with many features.

I would love if they somehow made it posible to play it as a 4 button game instead of 2 buttons with time pressed strength, but I know that is far fetched for these quick ports.


I hope it’s a sign of possibility with both SNK and Capcom for future collaboration. I don’t want to hope but who knows.

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What are you talking about, she TOTALLY has a stage.

She has that room behind the waterfall in New Zealand!