Miðgarðsorm Presents The Street Fighter V Story Thread

That assumption is already way off. SF3 doesn’t take place 15 years after SF1. They’re, like, less than 5 years apart.

Who is “real Abel”? We’ve never been introduced or even hinted at the fact that there is any such character.

Abel is likely produced by the same process that created Cammy and Decapre. And there’s never been any indication of there being a “real Cammy” either.

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i thought that was more or less the gap
Like Ryu being around 20 in SF1 and around 35 in SF3

Maybe i thought a period too long , but on other hand 5 seems too short too
Take Mel as example
Eliza was pregnant in SF4 time(so already late in timeline), and in SF3 Mel looks like 6-7 years old

What if that giant magma monster we saw in one of kikis artworks is actually G if you consumes too much"Earth" energy

If i’m guessing right the monster you speak of

That’s NECALLI monster form

But is true that we may have seen G crazy look behind the Lincoln gimmick he does for people, in his page of concepts
but no idea if will end up being canon or if will just end up an unused concept, maybe Rose will see him like that :smiley:

That’s the way it was back when SF1, SF2 and SF3 took place in the years they were actually released. But that’s no longer the case. Because SF operates on a sliding comic book-style timeline now. Games still take place in the year they’re released, but every PREVIOUS game shifts around in the timeline in order to accommodate it.

Which is why SF5, which takes place before SF3(which originally took place in 97), has everyone with smartphones and social media.

So it’s pretty much basically:
SF1=3 years before SF5
SF2=2 years before SF5
SF4=1 year before SF5
SF3=1 year after SF5

And it’ll be that way until SF6 comes out and establishes a new “now” and everything else moves around to accommodate it.

Yeah, but Mel is also several years old in SF5, which doesn’t take place several years after SF4, and several other years before SF3.

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Yeah, i agree SF timeline is supposed to be sliding and purposely vague

But at same time as you can see it’s not possible either the each chapter as 1 year after thing, because no way sfv Mel is 1yo or sf3 Mel is 2yo

Correct me if wrong, but also think to remember people claiming sfv Sakura is supposed to be in her early 20s like 22-23, wich would be like 6-7 years after SFA age (15/16 i guess)

Capcom itself does’nt seem to hide decent amount of time passing (even if they are very careful don’t specify it), given that this was made in alpha days adult ones were supposed to be SF2

My opinion is that given we will never have a precise timeline, 2 years average between main chapters will be a much clooser guess given the character’s development
Mel would be 2 in sfv and 4 in Sf3 wich seems still off, but half absurd as 1 and 2
Sfv Sakura would be 6 years older than her SFA days and so on

In SF Memorial it confirms that SF1 takes place in 1987 and SFII is in 1991.

Gamest Mooks released around 1997, states that Ryu is 33 years old, Mel is 3 years old, Ibuki, Elena and Sean are born in 1980 thus making them 17. The SFIII fanbook also talks about Elena transferring to a Japanese highschool during her 2nd year, and we already know Ibuki graduates in 3S which takes place a year after New Generations/2nd Impact.

Regardless on how he looks in 5 with it’s terrible art direction, Mel is still 3 years old in SFIII.

Then there’s SSFIV where they showed character ages for T. Hawk and Deejay but took it down within the same year for some reason. Juri was stated to be 25 in her OVA anyway so the ages are valid.

T. Hawk & Juri original profiles

T.Hawk Age

Juri SSFIV profile

  • SF1 = 1987

  • SF2 = 1991

  • SF4 = 1994

  • SF3: NG/2I = 1997

  • SF3: 3S = 1998

It helps that Juri is born in 1st January while Mel is somewhere in February like Ken. I never believed the whole Simpson sliding timeline thing, where even in SFIV they poke fun at the fact that Sakura isn’t a school girl in her Aftermath Episode and on Saikyo Blog.

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Doesn’t Elena study at a French University in her 3rd Strike ending? That does add up with her age, assuming that she’s about to graduate her high school education at the time of 3S.

An actual French man who actually practiced MMA/judo?

Do you think the game will recieve a new, final cinematic opening after the S5 characters drop?

You cannot expect consistency with sliding timelines especially when the franchise retcon their history every now and then.

What you can expect is that they are adjusting things to a more comfortable situation for expansion and extension to give way for future sequels and prequels.


Does’nt exist than man you speak of
“Abel” itself is a biblical name given in same vein of “Seth”
Abel and Seth were first and third sons of Adam & Eve
Surprised there was not a Cain

Sambo/MMA is just the style he has been taught, as all these clones get some kind if fighting training

Because that’s when they stopped doing that, while at the same time invalidating those other sources you mentioned.

Yeah, those sources were canon at one point, but they aren’t anymore. Because SF games no longer take place during specific years, and characters are no longer born in specific years. Because if they did, Ryu in SF3 would be in his 60s now thanks to SF3 taking place after SF5, which takes place in, like, 2016.

You know what, that’s fair. A year is not specifically mentions. It’s more vague indications in SF4 and 5 where things like Bison’s defeat in SF2 are treated as if they happened a few months prior, as opposed to, say, 5 years ago. And SF5 practically leads right up to the start of SF3.

I believe Capcom said that Cain was originally going to be Seth’s name, but Garou already had a final boss named Kain, so they decided not to go with that.


Even some Alpha 3 stories had been different after SFV Arcade mode and some events on Alpha 2 is now considered canon which was supposed to be overrided by the SF Zero/Alpha 3 endings. For example Nash

Things are not expected to be fixed with past media source but rather retold to corespond with the recent events and updates.

Even SFV AE reboots itself with the death and destruction of Nash in The Shadow Falls

Capcom intended it already to not be specific with the timeline years in the recent titles it’s for the sake of being flexible and smooth for an expanding franchise.

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Overall, to me its pretty obvious Capcom has adopted a sliding timeline (to bring things more to modern times) but naah the gap within games I believe are supposed to be much more than 1 year appart. That is the sense I get by how characters behave, as well as the Mel factor and as somebody else mentioned, Sakura’s age difference (and no, even if we entertain the notion of Sakura being a lapsed student during SF4 IMO it does not negate the passage of time that much, I dont think she is thaaaat lapsed).

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The sliding timeline has been obvious for a VERY long time.

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Tbh i’m ok with Seth being “Seth” , make them sound of same family but not SO strong connected as you would expect from Abel-Cain… and after all as usual Capcom did’nt bothered much either creating some great plot to build hype on them as each others nemesis

Maybe they could have still used “Cain” as some kind of name for Abel’s Soulless mode, considering he become angry and violent it could have fit

Hey guys, wanted to share some images from the Long Wolf & Cub manga where we see the ultimate assassin “Lone Wolf” Ogami Itto confront a living Buddha. As you can see, he can’t kill him because the monk Wajo has attained Mu. Wajo goes on to explain…

Wajo even discusses sakki…the killing lust. Another word for sakki? Satsui no Hadou. Surge of killing intent.

This is further reinforcement of what I’ve talked about before in regards to how Mu works and why it stops the Shun Goku Satsu (and indeed is an ultimate defense). Only one that attains Mu can combat someone in a state of Mu. This is also in Hokuto No Ken.

Figured people would appreciate this little bit of info on Mu from one of the most influential manga of all time.


No, Cain should have been Ed’s name.


Agree. Wtf is Ed