Miðgarðsorm Presents The Street Fighter V Story Thread



At least Arthur, Firebrand and Viewtiful Joe are fighters… sort of.

They will most likely pick some some of the ‘newest’ characters from new franchises, so prepare to see a few regular humans from the newest Resident Evil games, and that shit.
Not characters from dead franchises like Star Gladiator, Slam Masters, Warzard, etcetera.

The point is, I don’t want ridiculous non-fighters (old or new) like Phoenix Wright or Frank West in my game.

I’m sorry but…how is Frank West not a fighter? His entire game is him absolutely murdering shit.

Ridiculous character that cosplays as Mega Man in his super. Fucking unbearable.

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That’s fine, but that’s different from not being a fighter.

Personally, it doesn’t bother me. Crossover games don’t need to be serious. I have no problem with Frank or Phoenix.

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CFAS was the concept of a serious crossover, where they would have created a consistent alternate universe where the SF guys, RS, Strider, among others, fit together.

I really liked the idea.

And I still you can still resurrect it, maybe even bring in some guys like the Captain Commando guys or Dante (toned down versions).

I’m simply not into ‘crazy festival games’, but well, to each its own taste.

Well I didn’t.

Capcom can barely support 2 fighting game franchises as it is. I don’t need one of them to be Street Fighter while the other is “Basically Street Fighter, but with slightly looser character limitations.”

I want Capcom’s 2nd fighting game franchise to be as different from Street Fighter as possible. And that’s Vs. And I want Vs to be as Vs as fucking possible. I don’t want them watering down Vs to be more SF-like.


To me MvC died when in 3 they started use a more western/comic art style, but tbh considering is a crossover with MARVEL i guess it can make sense and tbh i never cared much anyway

But for a Capcom x Capcom?
I would like a colourful and clearly japanese/anime style (not ambiguous shit, not even like teppen) and characters from:


Street Fighter
Final Fight
Devil May Cry
Ghouls n Ghosts
Captain Commando
Viewtiful Joe
Star Gladiators
Rival School
Power Stone
and whatever else

Sell me this vibe, or don’t even bother (and go fuck yourself)

As i said myself too would have prefer to get a CFAS like thing, but even less crossover than CFAS was
A “smaller” filler game where cast was like
15 Street Fighter+Final Fight+minimal Rival School presence
10 new characters

Would have been an interessing thing to see, would have even been useful to try new characters for SF future without risk them into an actual SF with hit and miss results

…but what i’m saying is if you have to do a Crossover Festival, do it right.
CFAS was weak at that

Agree. That’s the reality of the present situation.

When a fan is wishing another SF-like game with other popular characters that crossover in the franchise to be a modern fighter as possible that is around with a modern SF.

It’s like that a fan is giving a deathwish to SF franchise as whole and end it to be replace with something else entirely.

It would divide the community and obviously the one would crossover characters would sell the most. Regardless it doesn’t play well or being accepted in competitive community as long it has the characters, nostalgia and mode they want it’s gonna beat SF franchise in terms of sales.

MK is the proof of this. And NRS knows there asset that they can profit. While Capcom is making profits with DLC characters and costumes.

And sale is the motivator of funding of a project by the higher ups. This is why RE and MH is getting the much support with Capcom.

because fighting games is still remains in a small niche to the present day even in it’s comeback in 2007.

And SF franchise is struggling to compete with funding to the other franchise that Capcom own while it also will struggle against attention to compete with those that already release,

Division and making Spin off of SF or SF like is a disaster that would kill the main flagship franchise.

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Stop pretending,. your cringe as if you were interested in the beginning.

Go play your Soul Calibur 3 that your standard right

That’s not Capcom crossover game that’s an SF game because the settings and characters are SF characters.

Labeling it as a Capcom crossover to expect a separate release Street Fighter game simultaneously is terrible way of lame excuse to justify what you want and kill the main SF franchise by dividing it.

Restricting other Capcom characters with SF characters only is an attempt replace the direction of the franchise.

Your using this image as a way to make you sound believable and telling those were the character design you want but your ditching them not to appear in a Capcom crossover.

You are misleading and contradicting at the same time.

You even put a spoiler of other franchise but your not including their characters in a Capcom Crossover you are advocating want by to be just to be exclusive with Rival Schools, Final Fight and SF. Your not asking for a proper or right Capcom crossover without relevant characters that from the image you posted… It’s just asking another separate Street Fighter.

You want no Darkstalkers like Demetri and no Warzard. Those were japanese game designed by Capcom OGs that include Strider. There’s no point not including them in a game that has Capcom and claimed to be a Capcom crossover.

I want the openings to the Project X Zone games, but as a fighting game. And with only the Capcom characters.


Somone should get the namco x capcom sprites and make a game out of it if possible


there a few characters mugenized already.

Ew, sprites. No. ArcSys that shit.

Yeah, i usually don’t agree with the need of cell shading for SF but for a CvC would be best solution possible

It would also help create an homogeneous style even with characters from very different series

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Like I ssid before I don’t mind a spinoff Street Fighter using sprites or SF4 models being recycled.

Because it isn’t the premium experience and it doesn’t compete with the main flagship title.

  • In terms of resources
  • In terms of budget
  • Its just like USF2 and some KOF titles like 02UM and 98UM

It isn’t also something that would define the status of the main SF that can put it to hiatus again or replace it entirely.

Not feasible as hella expensive and a game like that would require shitloads of characters. Agree in principle tho, would look great.

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Plus, if they ever DID make Darkstalkers 4, they could reuse the models of any DS character they’d put in Vs. :stuck_out_tongue:

Hundred years of DLC, Morty!

So, Capcom keeps on altering their old games it seems, like they did with the AF logo on Guile’s stage, seems like they removed the rising sun in Honda’s stage from the newest Switch compilation of Arcade Games.