Miðgarðsorm Presents The Street Fighter V Story Thread

Well, also Batsu -> Akira at this point lol :smiley:

As said whatever idea they thought to add Demitri in a story that had Metro City as setting could probably be recycled in terms of how he was supposed to be toned down i guess

Even if i will prefer him just to stay hidden sleeping for centuries in some romanian castle, woke up by some intruder (Menat/Rose can play that role) and then returning to sleep
Minimum impact possible on SF world imho

Having Demitri just canon walking around the world interacting with many SFers would either be non-canon or give kinda big strike to SF universe

About code holders i feel Ingrid being so complex matter i guess broke their whole chances lol
DD and Rook were connected to her, Death iirc was even supposed to have same blood/relative

If Demitri appears, the only reason would be trying to promote/hype people up for a new Darkstalkers game.

We all know that.

I wouldn’t like that, but that reasoning would definitely help me to compartmentalize and be able to ignore Demitri’s appearance in SFV.

No, that’s STILL not acceptable.

Sakura was at least Japanese High School Martial Artist. In a game about Japanese High School Martial Artists.

Street Fighter is not about fucking movie monsters. A Vampire would be just as stupid as fucking Necalli. And just as stupid as that Vampire they added to Tekken.


Key being “well, the closest to being acceptable” -> STILL not acceptable

We are assuming an hypothetical scenario where Demitri jump in and you have to make him damage the least SF lore

If you have him in you can’t remove the fact he’s a vampire (wich is the sore point)

From that point only thing you can do is at least ignore the whole DS universe that come with him (so it’s not the “same Demitri” who fought Belial, Pyron and Jedah), and have him “just” as a vampire sleeping in some romanian castle

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The least damaging would just be to say “Guest character, not actually in the lore.”


Or just to redo CFAS and call it a day.
Keeping Demitri out of SF.


Obviously, yes. That’s the best way.

Would love it if it was Shin Sawada. You know you guys would too.

I wish one of the two USAF guys from ASF had been Sawada…

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Hinting Demetri or a Vampire like being named Demetri is not really good to SF.

It’s just like hinting every darkstalker already existed in SF someday or sooner.

It’s not the same case even with another version of Ruby Heart in a CFN profile.

Unlocked Skullo G, code version change him a lot… i think Skullo fans are going to like it, he become very close to this (except tall as fuck and with “G” on forehead and belt)

Surprising loyal alt (code), except terrible pick… but again, 1000 times better than fucking Cammy-Blair Dame without blue hair and with censored costume LOL

i hate the idea of a slot wasted on ssomething not canon*, but yeah in this case may really be the easiest way out lol

*even on Oni, it was a complete turd but at that point would have prefered it being canon explained as some ki channelling shit gone very wrong

Tbh as much i like Demitri i will keep him out of CFAS too
What i liked of CFAS was that could be sold as some sort of SF world side-story/spin-off but Strider and Demitri ruined that vibe

Tbh i’ll not even call it CFAS and give an actual -not “crossover festival”- title

Game had a bizzarre soul, was like too modest/grounded to be a crossover madness and at same time too bullshit for a legit story LOL

Still think D.D., Rook and Avel/Death could have been cool SF characters

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Okay, well, fuck that then. If the name has that kind of baggage, we’ll clarify.

Just do “Capcom Vs. Capcom”.

Or just “Capcom Versus”. That’s got some smoothness to it.

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Capcom vs Capcom sounds perfect to me and can get any type of crazy shit there
Epic scale, multi-universes clashing with giant cast of whatever SF, MM, DS, RS, VJ, DMC, MH, RE, PS, WZ, GnG etc

CFAS was something far smaller in scale and somehow more “grounded”, with almost coherent cast and story… not what you would expect from a Crossover Festival kind of game, but the idea was cool in his own way for a something different

I will be ok with both as two different things, but the latter i admit it will intrigue me more for possible effects on SF world expansion

Crossover Festival would be cool and welcome too, but is more like fun without much else

There is no problem with CFAS having other Capcom characters like Strider and Demitri because there other that were part that world which are the essential new characters isn’t very street fighter fitting neither Final Fight.

The conflict and the story of the game wasn’t very Urban Fighter or something because the story revolves to those set of new characters from CFAS wouldn’t even fit for a street fighter expansion story.

Because it was never made a SF world spinoff It was just a Capcom All STAR game.

The SF spin-off back in the day is already Final Fight and SFEX.

Their backstory and conflicts involve were different and there world story would only raise question and confusion like Necali.

The new characters are the essential of the story. So it’s another new power conflict and gifted individuals came out of nowhere again that was never been mentioned or talked in the past. Which makes it terrible as something to make part of SF. It so it remains better as a crossover.

This is why Ingrid carry some negative thought to the community of her being include as a Street Fighter.

It wasn’t a coherent cast and story that would fit SF even with demitri and strider out of the picture.


The only thing that makes CFAS sound to fit with SF world is because it’s entirely using the settings of Final Fight and the character it borrows from SF in that game.

So what’s left with It is its new characters with backstory and motivation that isn’t very SF either.

Then there’s the game’s major plot… Like why the cast are were gathered and fighting which is very terrible also for a street fighter story. Even replacing other characters like Demitri and Strider with more final fight or street fighter characters.

So it was better to stay as a Capcom crossover title. Rather than being a new fighting game IP using familiar cast from street fighter and final fight to sellout with the current trends of audience that are into 3D mechanics like Tekken. 3D fighters was rising to popularity back in the day.

For who wants to see it, at 02:53

It’s not different though, cause that’s what SF is.

If Capcom is doing a Crossover Festival, I want it to be crazy MvC2-level.

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It’s different as being not a main SF chapter, so it could have been a thing without the duty to fill the expectations a main chapter should satisfy

Could have worked as a nice experimental filler thing if handled correctly

Yes, it’s exactly what i’m saying, CFAS as it was would have been disappointing for that purpose

From a Crossover Festival i would expect it to be like MvC2 or at least NGBC
I want see large cast of chars from a great variety of series, fighting in stages that pay tribute to these series

CFAS was going like in opposite direction

I definitely don’t want an MvC2 Crossover Festival shit.

The series reach its bottom in the Capcom side when they started to include such absurd characters like Phoenix Wright or Frank West.

Capcom doesn’t have any ‘currently active’ franchises that could lend to good fighting game representatives anymore.
Could they pull off some characters from Breath of Fire and other old games? Maybe.

But I’d rather like a CFAS thing with characters that could actually fit in a fighting game and form a consistent universe.

In NGBC there are characters like Marco, Neo Dio and etc

Those aren’t urban fighter like but more along the categories of Demetri and Strider.

It is no different it’s just making the other SF characters extra in a SF world theme while making CFAS new character that suddenly appears from nowhere as the main characters with a bizzarre plot.

Since when do their Vs. picks have to come from “currently active” franchises?

You think Arthur, Firebrand, Haggar or Viewtiful Joe were active when MvC3 was coming out?