Miðgarðsorm Presents The Street Fighter V Story Thread

I still want to see some SF3 characters and some that are major in shadaloo saga to be in SFV

I always wished that SFV would be the grand crossover game dedicated for SF from past and future.

A crossover not just with SF3 characters but the rest of Street Fighter(S) in other SF related media


I still hope SF5 to be an ultimate compilation of all Street Fighter even without all SF on it.

How? by showing what if match ups that people back in the day always being curious of if this street fighter met this street fighter

My first character would be HAGGAR


My Second character would be NECRO


The last is Shin from SFO


AND because this is part of a transition and closure to the current Shadaloo Saga

I still hope too see one of the most important characters in Shadaloo Saga

1.) Delta Red - Appreared in multiple media like comics, cartoons tv shows and cammy endings.


2.) Either T Hawk or Noembelu


3.) Last but not the least Jianyu and Xiayu as a two-in-one-character just like CVS2 chang and choi. - Something a reminence of Juni and Juli dramatic battle in alpha / zero.



They’ve always been. That’s why they share the same name.

I’ll be sure to let North and South Korea know that they’re the same country. I’m sure they’ll be glad to hear it.

Fuuuuuuuck off.

That’s much more complicated because those are political divisions, not natural land divisions.

Also, those are not their official names.

And you’re going to argue that the land division between NA and SA is less natural than the nonexistent one between Europe and Asia?

Still both Koreas.

Sometimes I wonder if 3rd Strike would have been as fun if it was mostly old characters with a sprinkling of new. My gut feeling is it wouldng have been.

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Yeah same thoughts even just adding 3 more classic it would had been okay.

I’m positive that if…
Necro had been Blanka
Twelve had been Dhalsim
Remy had been Guile
Q had been Balrog
Sean had been Sakura
Gill had been nobody
…the game would have been infinitely more fun.

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Actually had a typo and meant to say would NOT have been but agree with @The_Shakunetsu the shittier characters should have been replaced with their more established equivalents.

That said Necro is more fun than blanka to me.

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Or simply

No Sean, Yang, Akuma (sprite recycles), No Twelve and Q
These 5 slots used for Zangief, Sagat, Cammy, Vega, Cody
Gill and Urien being brothers but completely different design/moveset
Gill without red-blue bullshit, Remy with a decent color scheme, Ryu without blue shades on the head


I don’t dislike Necro, but ok

Almost anything better than Twelve, so very much agre

Nah, if Remy was done right he’s a better SF concept than Guile, dude was first France rep and using the national martial art.
Was also rare Capcom attempt at sell a lean/slim male char, with Savate being a perfect style for it

Not that i’m against time-machine remove Q to give slot to normal fighters, but Rog would have been 2nd pure boxer in a kinda small cast… and Dudley is better (i say this as SF2 taliban fan)

As above sai i would remove him, but why you have to ruing things :frowning:

Gill was great, having a completely new Boss who interrupted Bison streak has been one of very best moves of SF3
I wish as said above that Gill and Urien were completely different characters though.
Urien keeping being his normal self (even if he appeared after, he was just visually better than Gill) as he was perfect char
Gill with a completely different moveset and a bit different costume

…the game will have been a bit more fun, much more satisfactory, and infinitely more respectful to SF fans/legacy instead waste lot of potential in a disperate, silly and failed attempt to antagonize/overthrow SF2 legend

I think twelve was meant to be for vega players. I.e hit and run sort of playstyle. Problem with that, is a game centred around parrying even vega would have struggled imo

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It would have been “Street Fighter Alpha with less characters”.

I love Necro, much more than Blanka and Dhalsim combined, so no, just no.

I’d say such big extensions of earth need divisions, but ok, you’ve got a point.

Because of historical and political reasons.

Yes, but that should have just been Urien.

Urien is everything cool about Gill, with all the stupid shit cut away.


I remember my old thought regarding to the subject but this is more on a SF3 3S expansion like an USF3

If their would be character that can be substitute on slot it would had been.

No Twelve
Gill would had been Urien

Urien would had been great if he was made already as a selectable boss in NG and SI then Gill would be the non-playable boss at 3S.

Too bad Urien came late.

So without the expansion in mind I would had prefer Haggar in because of Hugo is there

along with Karin, Dictator, Claw and one of the Shadaloo Dolls

Idk if would have worked as you say
I prefer Urien over Gill, but i don’t see Urien fill that role… unless you change Urien, wich will be a shame
Lot of his charisma come from his anger and frustration too, and that’s was because Gill
Lot of his impact was about be “pure”, dude was angry af and pankration his way to crushkilldestroy the fuck out of people… but that would have made a kinda “flat”(?) Boss, we had Urien pure brutality also because Gill took the role of be a scheming villain, with fake etiquette and all that shit
Urien is even unstable, even limited… and that’s cool part of him

I like Urien more than Gill but i think the Urien we like work so well also due Gil’s existence too

What i was guessing was that i would have liked more if dynamic between them stayed the same, but Gill had a far less physical style (to have them very different and even a bit opposite)

Make him just a genius who can master both fire and ice, two -opposite- elements at same time, something extraordinary that allow him to be by default above Urien* without training as much, care as much about mastery fighting and not even needing being as physically powerful
This would have offered direction for two pretty different characters, and could have keept (or even increase) Urien’s rage

*i know many think Urien does too control 2 elements too (electricity and metal), but in reality i’m kinda sure Urien “only” have control over electromagnetism wich allow him to do both tricks

Is also true this kind of Gill would not fill the role SF3 guys had in mind for him, so in their vision would not have worked
As childish it sound (but considering how tryhard they wanted eclipse SF2 make sense) they just wanted a Boss that looks the most powerful Boss you ever meet in SF under any point of view, a superhuman that outpunch, outkick, outlift, outrun, outjump Bison (and later Urien) and at same time he even have that great control of ki tricks that seem almost having magic/divine powers.
To be honest he did that well, i think most of us see him first time thought “this dude could wreck Bison, and probably make it look kinda easy too”

The other problem is that in reality there was no Urien, they did Gill and then wanted give us a playable, toned down Gill -> Urien

Idk,for how i see it the Urien we know exist at his best in a context where Gill exist too

Last i may add part of Urien’s charisma also come from you wanting him be the #1, and that’s also because he is’nt
In so many anime mr #2 is a super cool/badass char that instant become fan favourite, and conscious or not people root for him harder because the author chosen he’s not destined to be the #1

Urien have that sub-boss badassery that honestly age better
Watch Sagat
Bison became a silly parody of himself playin in loop his boss bs, Akuma get daily dick sucked by capcom writers that praise how japan stronk god of fighting he is, yet nobody with taste care or even can stand him anymore
Sagat is a fucking loser since SF1, where he lost to ginger Daniel La Russo
Yet to this day Sagat still feel legit. Dude is badass, his presence is imposing
He was Bison’s dog and still looked legit
He dropped the whole villain shit and still the short interaction with Ryu in SF4 felt hype
Even so many years after in SFV see him and Ryu fight in the trailer was cool af

Urien have that kind of vibe, i honestly like if they did’nt change him
For my ideal SF6, Gill should stay out of the cast grid (doing his scheming things), Kolin and possibly a “fire” hand in doing the actual fighting

Urien in but with the kind of role he played in SFV
On the side, being just badass
Wich is kinda same thing Bison did for most of SF4 and was probably the most refreshing Bison we seen in years… and ruined it when he jumped in to wreck the Boss (wich was fun because “fuck Seth”, but bad under some other points of view)

Dan has patented his projectile lol


So, no Dan release date yet?

Yeah just teasing

People are speculation and rumors were pointing it to be in Jan or Feb lol

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I think soon we will know if xmas Dan or not

9/12 there will be maintenance, i guess another SFEX (FEXL) alt, and hopefully something else
Sure for now they’re not making up hype as if we are very close, but maybe is just usual dumb capcom being dumb

I have not many hopes for xmas or even 2020 Dan, but surely i will like at least get official trailer + new mechanics show off

Last time with VS2 they showed them gradually and took weeks to see them all, it was nice way to fill the waiting
I hope this time the lack of that is’nt due update being very far (feb/march)

My almost optimist guess is get something to chew in dec (balance patch? new mechanic?) and see Dan like early January max, that would not be great but not VERY bad either

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