Miðgarðsorm Presents The Street Fighter V Story Thread

That looks boring.

Yeah because it’s generic but it feels organic for his character. There is still a room for Capcom to play with which is the lower part. by making it stand out the the rest of the other boxers in terms of the visual design.

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Ryu and Oro thrown in the middle is a bit the absolute OP though lol, an Oro+whoever team would win basically all fights without add a post SFV Ryu who can perfect Alex without effort :smiley:

Mine would be something like your, small differences

  • Yun & Yang
  • Alex & Tom
  • Hugo & Poison
  • Necro(+Effie) & Remy <- euro rave wierdos team
  • Ryu & Oro (chill af)
  • Ken & Sean
  • Ibuki & Makoto
  • Chun & Q <- Chun investigating on him
  • Dudley & Elena
  • Urien & Twelve
  • Gill & Kolin
  • Shin Akuma & Both Arms Oro as supasecret Boss

Bam, cast covered
Add the 3 npc is small stretch, considering Poison/Kolin became actual chars later, and Tom is probably the lore npc that i most want as new char and he’s proven himself good enough to attract Gill’s attention for a fight

edit. Dudley+Elena

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Oh, you’re so right on Urien & Twelve/Gill & Kolin.

I also like the idea of Remy & Necro, but I’d like also to be able to give Effie a chance to be playable :confused:

Too bad Remy is just a loner.

And well, Chun-Li & Q is too much of a stretch too. Better G & Q?

I thought we was allowed only SF3 cast, SF3 npc max

Chun is hard to pair with anybody in SF3, so does Q
Chun is a cop and cops were investigating/chasing Q, closest i could get to find a way to link both chars left alone

Yeah G an Q would do easy good team, as long they are not same person lol

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OK, my fix, taking your ideas:

  • Necro & Effie
  • Chun-Li & Q
  • Urien & Tweleve
  • Gill & Kolin
  • Akuma & Remy (well, both are loners and sort of ‘hate’ other fighters, I mean…?)

just no

Both Necro and Remy seems designed around euro 90s rave/club scene they kinda blend well despite being so different

Akuma and Remy just have nothing :smiley:

Would give a point if Remy was powerful and somehow inclined to murder a la GMotW Freeman… in that sense he could pair with Akuma despite differences, as Necalli with Akuma in SFV

But for how we seen SF3 Remy just no

Said that whatever, it’s not like capcom is taking notes lol :smiley:

Well, yeah, that’s the weak spot, but I mean… yes, I’m disturbed about how freaking good the Necro & Remy pairing works, man… but man, Necro has to be with Effie…

Remy can hang out with his gay friend from the magazine.

Now Street Fighter IV and Street Fighter V canonic pairings?

  • Rashid & Azam
  • Karin & Birdie
  • Laura & Sean (I mean, maybe?)
  • Mika & Nadeshiko (or Mika & Zangief?)
  • Necalli & Ghost Bison? XDD
  • Nash & Kolin?

In my vision HE IS with Effie :smiley:
But Effie is his Nadeshiko, jumping in occasionally to help
She ever seem to me as some sort of Harly Quinn like support char (even before recent redesign), rather something able to stand and bang with SF characters on her own
She would enrich Necro’s figure too, as unlike Mika-Nadeshiko the story actual support them being in same place together

It’s back again

I don’t think SF6 would be a tag game unless it would be a spin off not a flagship that doesn’t play like typical SF. but who knows with the rumors floating around recently…

Necro is best default with Effie.

Well, unlike Nadechco, Effie has the chance to have her own fighting style and become her own standalone character…

I mean, Nadechco has it too, but she’s a pro wrestler just like Mika.

I don’t know, I rather not. I don’t like tag team SF because that would compromise the roster, probably forcing them to add extra characters just to pair with others, or have extremely absurd pairings (like SFxTK had).

It would be ok if the tag team is only a gameplay thing and not a storyline/roster thing.

It would be fine if you can pick your ‘main’ in Arcade Mode and have an individual ending, and just in some characters, you have a special tag team ending if they’re canonically partners.

I think Rival Schools had individual endings despite being a tag team game.

  • Rashid & Azam <- YES

  • Karin & Birdie <- Shibazaki over Birdie, otherwhise you can wait for Akira: both somehow Bajiquan/Hakkyokuken users in SF, and kinda working rich jap gurl + jap streetgang gurl shit going on

  • Laura & Sean (I mean, maybe?) <- YES

  • Mika & Nadeshiko (or Mika & Zangief?) <- YES

  • Necalli & Ghost Bison? XDD <- though one. On reality easy one would be Necalli & Kage, but everything we can do to forget kage exist should be done, plus of course no current plot support it.
    If only they did Necalli was woke up by Illuminate presence in Mexico, Necalli-Urien would work well (in SF3 Urien got a stage -a base maybe?- in Mexico), plus no Twelve to pair Urien in SFV.
    Suggest just go for entire SF universe, wich is already hard, rather than one chapter lol
    EDIT: oh i forgoth trannyseth exist. Trannyseth and Nec both wannabe bosses who hold a grudge on Bison can work
    Urien get Juri maybe, good counterpart to Gll+Kolin

  • Nash & Kolin? <- Guile&Nash, Gill&Kolin

Effie have more more visual uniqueness for sure (Nadeshiko design is too flat as she is), but tbh again i just find her more believable as Necro’s support rather than as something that can stand her ground… and tbh i don’t consider Necro to be THAT strong either, so a little help (like for Mika) is not that overkill

Nadeshiko on paper have better fighter credentials though, we know she’s on a level comparable to MIka

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Does Guile actually team up with Nash in ASF? I think they don’t share screen for much long.

Shibazaki not a fighter, though.

Well FrankeNash basically does’nt team with anybody in SFV, but later in ASF we see him and Guile recovery bit of old bromanship to stop Abel on cocaine

PS: Added to previous post
EDIT: oh i forgoth trannyseth exist. Trannyseth and Nec both wannabe bosses who hold a grudge on Bison can work
Urien get Juri maybe, good counterpart to Gill+Kolin

Apparently he is, wich is more than we can say about Effie :open_mouth:

I hate the idea. Just like I hate Hein from KOF.

Well, Effie is a mutant and an experiment. Pretty sure she has a few tricks under her sleeve.


But still
“He is also a considerably skilled fighter.”

But again, as said just wait for Akira and easy pair is done

Wich can mean anything in terms of abilities, so she can go SF level, to useful support char, to less

Only thing we know is so far when we seen them facing an opponent Necro was the one taking fights, i may be wrong but nothing in SF current lore ever suggested an Effie fight

Wich can mean nothing, but still

Which means she has more possibility compare to the the butler that we don’t have any bio of a fighter and skill.

If Poison can join, Effie can join, I’m sure.

I like ABA from Guilty Gear and I also like Necro.

BTW when an ASW Vs Capcom? That would be incredibly awesome :smiley:

Whatever, going back to the tag team stuff.

It would be cool SF having a , as long as it’s a new thing.

  • Street Fighter x Tekken tag team system wasn’t good enough. It felt clunky, there weren’t true “team-up” moves (only separate animations), and winning by only defeating one guy wasn’t good. I also thing the “character funnily running across the screen” looked stupid, it didn’t fit with the 3D graphics.
  • Capcom Fighting Evolution “tag team” was a mock-up.

I’d mostly be interested in a KOF XI-like system (and if it is with 3 characters instead of two, even better), but that doesn’t seem likely.

Anyway, Street Fighter isn’t any of those things. The true interesting thing here would be to implement the tag in a never seen before form.

I was thinking about something similar to the simultaneous 4-people battles from SFxTK but that would be too much of a mess.
Why not each player fighting one opponent and being able to switch opponents during the fight under certain circumstances?
Well, it’s just an idea. Would probably be too gimmicky.

The “team-up moves” from TTT2 worked and looked very well.

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CAPCOM recently got about 1TB of internal data stolen, I wonder if SF6 details (at least from the aborted Ono version) could leak… :thinking: