Miðgarðsorm Presents The Street Fighter V Story Thread

I could, but that’s why THEY work as a team. And they have other connections.

That’s what I have, but only if Seth regains his sanity.

I had her with Vega years ago(I thought they’d get along, both sadistic killers, Juri is attractive, etc.), but then ASF made them really seem to dislike each other.

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I think it is
Is essential part of SF soul

Nation is ever been a very big element of SF universe

Even SF4 had it still strong

C.Viper- USA Agent of CIA
El FUerte- Mexican Luchador
Rufus- Loud obese murican biker
Hakan- Turkish oil wrestler
Juri - Korean TKD rep
Gouken - Japan af
Decapre - Russia
Abel - France <- ok was weak but story explained, yet they refused give bs lazy “unknown”
Seth - Unknown <- rare case where unknown should be accepted

Compare it to SFV

Laura - Brazil
Zeku - Japan
Lucia - USA
Abigail - Canada
Necalli - unknown
Fang - unknown
Ed - unknown
Falke - unknown
Kolin - unknown
Rashid - unknown
G - unknown <- only with legit excuse

They can go fuck themselves

…could add trannyseth and kage too, but consider them characters seems too generous

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Stop projecting yourself to me because your always loosing argument, always busted for making up stuff up and pretending to be something else because your a pseudo intellectual and a egotistic person that is self absorb who hates to be corrected by your mistakes and pointed out of your lies.

You and your weirdos scum friends that you defend, shill, support and protect here like XKira along with his apologist tatsuroko A.K.A. Ninjaworldwarrior16.

You belong to the same weirdos and scums like XKira and his apologist that you defend constantly. You flock with them.


The guy has a female partner and a man but pretending to be a girl. His not even gay or homo, And continuously spreading fake news even constantly caught.

“birds of the same feather are frauds together”

And the Tatsuruko/Ninjaworldwarrior16 that would send tons of personal message to me that would want to believe xkira and even follow me a discord.

Your the weirdos and freaks here. You a pea brain WHY? because you are easily fooled by xkira and dedefending him. Everyone knows you defend him here because you are one of his ass licker of xkira.

WHY are you scum? because you help frauds and also mislead others with made up categories that you don’t even other stand in desperate attempt to win arguments.

Obviously your not ignoring because your dumb WHY you are dumb?
I wasn’t even tagging you before nor mentioning you or quoting you on the recent comments but you are affected because obviously your looking at my comments. You even last time edited your post when I posted at your wrong claims.

OKAY BECAUSE OF THAT I WILL BE NOW QUOTING YOU in this comment and mentioned you here in this comment @Cestus_II So you see it. Since your obviously just pretending ignoring thats why you commented defensively as I was replying to magegg

Actually I want you to ignore me but your not doing so WHY? because you feel bad being pointed out with your made up stuff that’s why your conscious which is seen in how your comment with magegg in the progression, I don’t mind you lying while i’m discussing FACTS by using truth pointing out your lies.

Then you would just resort to the usual ad hominems and misogynist rebutts. You often end up even contradicting yourself in the other discussion like trying to agree and disagree.

The truth is you can’t handle correction and losing, When being caught making up things you mislead and alienate others with terms that they aren’t familiar with and that you heard from me or other because of a desperate attempt to win arguments you resort to ad hominem and projection.

Here’s a word of advice you better stick up with SF reference and SF wiki stuff than create concepts and jargon you don’t understand because your dumb and ignorant liar. WHY you are dumb and ignorant liar? Give atleast 3 examples for both modern western style and modern japanese style that are 3D. Which also compromise to what you were saying in previous discussion. You can’t right and you can’t also define those along with the 3 examples?


Wait a minute, Stop pretending and projecting yourself to others. Your 09ers and part of the 2nd batch.

I have been in here for almost 2 decades of multiple storythread and even groups. I have seen people come and go here. people divided into conflicts and arguments don’t act as if you were long here and part of the initial group.

You just hate to be pointed out by you lies. You claimed to be superior among others that you claim their opinion is “automatically invalid” but ended up you being busted for copying and making things up. Everything you claim in comments about yourself and projecting to others might be you yourself is.

I myself had my name in the best magazine in my area for creative works not just “once” but for years and had real experience for more than 10 years ago in real life on art and creativity even you just before you even started registering here.

Not like you that just claim stuff in internet comment section and speaks of contradictory. That’s a real creative regular job not just a someone that just said it on the comment section of the internet. AND I don’t invalidate others opinion with my profession and experience like you did to others but rather give the details and depth.

You claimed before to work in well known company by that time while saying negatives things at capcom, but just might be another of those lies you might even just be starting working. Your obviously a 20s individual pretending to be something else and would resort to lies if started losing in internet debates.

Most you knowledge in SF because your mostly aquired by staying here in the thread and by repeating ideas from me and others, but obviously you weren’t in the time that ALPHA1/ZERO1 was released in the arcade that you usually say a lot wrong about Mahvel games. You probably had played SF2 not during the time it early 90s in the arcade which contradicted your claims.


For me Hakan is street fighter like character too.

Yet Magegg was pointing out there was something wrong on the movement along the whole physique of those characters he mentioned…Yet you justify it with physical features from nit picking from various characters and previously the mutant like characters. lol

Like I said:

Why cestus can’t? because he doesn’t understand it other than repeating thing like ideas and references he reads in the thread from me and other contributors.

moving on…

we had tons of new generation like characters:

from SF3, Rival Schools and from the recent games

What lacking is aged individuals like masters, leaders, mentors and sensei’s especially in the female side.

Somehow Lucia and Zeku were a fresh themed characters that fits in.

But in SF6 we need new females that are masters, sensei, mentors and leaders.

Most of the successful fighters now are young females and few young men.

But the priority should be more on returning characters from Zero and SF3 that never been in SF4 and SF5.

A character like Retsu, Eagle and Lee is decent character to return

I would put exception to the likes Effie she is welcome to the cast since she is already a establish background character.like this guys



Every background character that was a fighter deserve to be fleshout as new character than a new character suddenly came out of nowhere that needs to have tons of excuse about their sudden existence and past involvement.

Final Fight Villains would be interesting new characters too,

I would rather have more Final Fight characters than rival schools and guest characters appearing in SF.


If they’re going to reintroduce Eagle I think he would need a change in design, since his outfit is almost the same as Dudley’s.

Or Dudley could be redesigned.

If both are going to appear in the same game, I mean…

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Ew. Shak uses the bright color scheme for the forums?

I’d prefer Dudley gets the redesign.

Or, if we do the tag team thing, neither, so they match. :stuck_out_tongue:

What’s the problem with bright color?

It worked better in my phone

Agree because his more flexible in personality and character

While Eagle design is relative to several inspiration and references


And also related to his bio is related on a bar just like king in KOF

What do you think with CFN Dudley redesign?

So crappy.

I wouldn’t object if they make his Freddy Mercury homage outfit to be his main outfit.


How about his alternates

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These are very good.

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I want the color scheme had a touch of green

I like Dudley as an actual boxer.


Thay should defo be his redesign if he ever returns.

Tbh i don’t care how similar can be to Eagle’s, Dudley design is a masterpiece and should stay as main
Dudley, Alex, Yun, Hugo and Ibuki are the five SF3 design that should stay untouched for how perfect they was imho

He’s a clear case of “don’t fix what’s not broken”

Risk for no reason to be another Alex situation, where a char that used to have an almost perfect design for SFV got forced downgrade to a 7/10 concept (Bengus) wich end up being a 3.5/10 due crap job of modellers

Said that i ever wanted to get the Boxing Champion alt @DarthEnder2 posted
I was disappoinded he never got it in SF4

Similar i was disappointed SFV Alex did’nt got MMA/Pride one
Simple but funtional to the fighting uniform concept (plus Pride tribute for fight sports fans), could have gone as Story alt having him fight Rog like in that old SF3 canon piece

Actually instead be with Zangief, Alex’s arcade ending could have been with the tournament that got Alex-Rog as final, would have recovered something that was already canon and cool

I liked the idea of Alex vs Gief, but was handled very poor while it got huge potential
They could have got Alex losing the first (the tag team they showed us in ASF, and forgot like nothing), then train like a madman Rocky4 style and go defeat Gief in Russia
Would have been epic mini-arc for him, instead all we got is him ALMOST fighting, him getting captured by Fang to fight holograms or whatever and him fighting Dhalsim in a parking because fuck hobos

How we ended here starting from Duddley’s design?
Idk, is the beautiful thing of this thread LOL

Bad for your health, bad for the environment.

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Dudley-Eagle tag team would be incredible :smiley:

If a 3 people team, add Birdie for the league of english gentlemen, with them scolding him 24/7 LOL

Street Fighter III canon tag teams:

  • Yun & Yang
  • Alex & Tom
  • Hugo & Poison
  • Necro & Effie
  • Ryu & Oro
  • Ken & Sean
  • Ibuki & Makoto
  • Dudley & Elena
  • Gill & Urien
  • Twelve & Q(?)
  • Chun-Li & Akuma (they will procreate together their son Tormo, protagonist of Street Fighter VI)
  • Remy & Remy’s gay friend from a magazine

Thanks never knew that I was concern only with the contrast. Thanks.

And this comes out better than the rest of the alt I wonder Why this didn’t make in SF4 despite it look nice.

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