Miðgarðsorm Presents The Street Fighter V Story Thread

@magegg @Cestus_II @DarthEnder you guys still hanging around here instead of megashock?

Sorry, the Megashock forums are boring.

What I mean is those guys had better chances than Mike and Joe that already been technically replace.


Anyone else thinks V-Trigger was a mistake?

There’s some cool stuff in some characters but it’s in half of the cases a “combo extender” tool and it’s not self-explanatory.
Most of casual people who play the game (including me) will just pick them with no idea of what they make unless they watch and memorize a tutorial. That drastically reduces their options, compared to the Ultra system of the previous game.

Some people would even say Street Fighter V was a mistake D:
A bad combination between a small launch roster (because of development problems and that they didn’t want to delay the game) and a system most people didn’t dig.
Also some people say the V-System -at least in the beginning- forced you to use your character in a very specific way, and it made many characters feel like you’re playing the same character every time.

I wonder what SF6 will do to compensate? Return of the custom combos?

A few weeks ago I had an idea/vision for SFVI (a little tongue in cheek by taking cues from Tekken) that would refresh the gameplay by simplifying it, and I also envision much more detailed character models and animations.

The idea is to have less characters (and self-limiting the amount of them by creating a system that would make a lot of characters not fit on it) but the ones you’ll have will be much more complete and with higher quality, as well as a more “open” gameplay.
I just think the unlimited barrage of new characters has sort of become a snowball, nowadays people wouldn’t be pleased if the next game doesn’t include at least 50 characters since more and more keep coming and everyone’s gotta have new favorites.
A game more focused in the gameplay (an “open” gameplay) and less in the characters could be the solution?

  • The game will have a more physical approach than the previous SF games.
  • Martial arts characters will be given more priority in the characters roster, with ‘fantasy’ stuff downplayed of sorts.
  • There will be an “EX gauge” that limits one of your character’s special moves (which include Zangief’s special throws as well as most projectiles).
  • It depletes after you use your move but fills again within a couple seconds.
  • Super Arts can be performed on red health.


  1. Ryu
  2. Ken
  3. Chun-Li
  4. Guile
  5. Zangief
  6. Cammy
  7. Sagat
  8. Sakura
  9. Guy
  10. Abel
  11. Juri
  12. Rashid
  13. Laura
  14. Ed

The problem is the trends isn’t the same as they were. So it’s unlikely to go less fantasy characters and pure martial arts like sports or something.

The best thing and safe is when choosing a casting is something that also compromise to the audience but also be story wise(fit on particular saga) and gameplay wise.

Well, Tekken is doing alright (arguably better than Street Fighter) and its fantasy stuff is very limited.

I like the idea of SF6 being a complete detour, leaving the “SF5/SF3 sequel” for a later time, thus not having to compromise anything for the sake of the roster (in fact, the game could simply feature the vaguest of the stories… if any story at all) and simply being a great game, from the gameplay perspective.
I think it’s what the franchise needs at this moment. SFV was already a storyline-driven thing and a fanservice fest.

In an ideal world, this could be a “Spinoff game”. But, you know, the name Street Fighter SIX is the title that will sale.

It transformed into one actually, it’s not the same thing as it was where it was like Law, Lee and Paul way back Tekken 4

The martial art type of game that was still closest to the core is no other than Virtua Fighter

But that would be possible if that would take place in the past before Alpha.

It still hasn’t transformed into KOF or Street Fighter.

And I’m not saying a possible focus would be turning SF into VF, only a step closer to Tekken… for a single game.

It can be returning to the past settings like SF1 or before alpha or before SF1.

It can still have a younger version of

Ryu and Ken…

Chun li, Guile and Charlie…

Haggar or even Gief can still be there

I was thinking about Art of Fighting :stuck_out_tongue:

lol SNK don’t know how to expand that franchise and most of the fighters that are martialarts like theme in AOF3 were mostly buried to obscurity in other words they weren’t successful same as those that were majority in SF1.

Garou and Real Bout characters were the one that gets to appear in other titles.

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I think the most recent Samurai Shodown game proved that a more “limited” gameplay could lead to a satisfying game and also able for casuals.

SFV was overflown with complicated systems and most casuals I’ve seen preferred the simplicity of SFIV.

I think a more “brute” gameplay like SS/AOF and an Art of Fighting-like system that limits how many special moves you can pull off in a row could be refreshing for bot casual and veteran audiences.
For casuals it would force them to avoid hadouken spamming and think of different ways to play their character.

Would people like it? I don’t know. But it would be refreshing.

I think Capcom will be more sober with their next SF game, opposite to the overbloating SFV was in every aspect (gameplay, story, character roster, fanservice).
IDK, it’s just a feeling.

It’s still like they are still trying to have a slight anime fighter like appeal in terms of gameplay

I personally think it’s to gimmicky.

I’m not a huge fan of each character having completely unique gameplay systems. Street Fighter isn’t BlazBlue. Learning a new character shouldn’t be as complicated as learning a whole new fighting game.

I COMPLETELY disagree. Most of the dumbest shit that’s in Street Fighter now(robots, ancient Aztec demons, etc.) was in Tekken FIRST, and I think Tekken is a huge reason why SF thought it was okay to do those things, because half of Ono’s design sensibility was just “let’s rip off Tekken”.


It wasn’t a gimmick.

Personal Action was a gimmick, for example.

V-Trigger was completely integral in order to truly exploit the character.

But yeah, the basic idea was that one of everyone having a different abilty.
I just think these abilities were way too specific; for example, Sakura has two different installs that improves her combos in two different ways… a casual player won’t know the difference until after some practice and so.

But they were mostly combo extenders. And I didn’t like that. Too complicated and too specific.

Hi dude, nice to see you
Yeah at the end i just stick here

Overall i think was a mistake split the group, as we was already an endangered species with ridicolous low panda numbers
My 2cent we storybros could have talk all together to chose if stay or go

To be clear, regardless of wich version believe i think whoever have the crap brain to talk shit on somebody’s dead mother deserve whatever happen to him, let alone a get little lifetime forum ban, but that’s my opinion

But after years of forums i learned teh internet is full of scum, weirdos and little shits that have loud mouth behind a screen, easiest path is just ignore (literally eternal “ignore” function in my case lol) who’s not worth your time and keep enjoy the forum with others

Idk, for what’s worth despite saying i consider it a mistake (for the consequence on our neverending-thread) i respect you guys for taking that moral decision, but still wish you did’nt

Idk starting with the premise i dislike (as personal taste) huge parts of your SF6 vision/cast, i find hard in particular accept the notion SF need to resurrect Joe and Mike.

Would push it to the point that if i have to do a list of characters that i would block from return ever again, they would likely be there

Joe would be redudant af unless you work heavy to change him but at this point i would prefer SF to just open new paths creating a new kickboxing character.
While at it, if i must get a kickboxing rep, pay homage to legendary K1 days and give me a dutch kickboxer, possibly a not-blond one.

Force a Joe resurrection to me would feel part of capcom’s obsession of watch if there’s any scraps of food (with vague nostalgia taste) in the freezer to reheat it covered with some mediocre spice (Abigail, Lucia), instead lift the ass and go out searching fresh good ingredients to cook an actual quality new dish

Mike is somehow even worse
Afroamerican boxer who looks like Tyson
SF2 Rog was even actually called “Mike” before the whole name bullshit started
Reality is Mike -being essentially same character, beside official bullshit- should just have been canon merged with Rog and call it a day, with some half ass retcon line like “Young Balrog fought in SF1 period too, under a false name” BAM, done

Despite huge number of USA chars i’m all to get a new afroamerican char, while Dudley can cover boxing rep better than Rog.
But i say go for the dropped King Kobra wich was great concept (either the bald break-fu one or the Abdul Jabbar wannabe), much more unique and it even end up getting plenty of internet positive reception anytime i seen the sketches posted on some message board

Tbh Joe and Mike somehow just managed to be the two most generic fighters of SF1, no easy feat

I agree completely on Eagle and Retsu though

  • Eagle already got his restyle wich was great and i ever seen people being positive about it. Cool redesign, very unique style, even pop culture tribute… Eagle got everything, i’m still surprised he did’nt managed to sneak in SFV

  • Retsu just have pretty distinctive aesthetic and shorinji kempo after getting SF-stylization can give him pretty unique vibe

These two are surely the ones i would like to see from SF1, scrap the rest imho

I also agree on Gan, said on the past that i would be ok with him take the role of Sumo rep.
Unlike for Gief, i’m ok with let go Honda as long somebody else rep Sumo

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Id have Karim but from a different random country like Zimbabwe of whatever

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Well, i would not be against more characters from Africa of course

Senegal, Nigeria, Morocco etc are birthplaces i will like to see appear in SF, and of course we already discussed 99 times there are some interessing possible concepts for it

What i was saying is that despite my love for cast variety (so also nations of origin) to be pushed as much as possible, and the obscene amount of USA/Japan fighters, in specific african-american case i would easily give a free pass

At the end SF got an endless list of white americans, while black ones stops at 2 (Mike, Rog) with them being essentially same character lol

ps: i’m still sad no Elena in SFV, one of biggest 3 missing pieces imho

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