Miðgarðsorm Presents The Street Fighter V Story Thread

Speaking of G’s true essence, in vs quotes he seem to even admit the appearance being farce with Sim

“Close your eyes. In your mind’s eye picture me there!”

As if Sim, given his spiritual awareness, would see something pretty different

Plus of course, the other big spiritual “expert” of SF cast (Rose) is going to likely focus a bit on him too (that and of course will probably smell still alive Bison’s trace on Ed)

I’m curious about Oro’s verdict too, but he’s more likely going to focus straight on G’s power nature, while Rose will probably get actual story involvement and portray a more complete picture

There should be a difference between “Capcom World” and “Street Fighter world”.

SF4-5’s rule seems to be that “anything makes sense under any context, nothing is ever out of place”.

I’m pretty sure they could put a purpled-skinned 3 meters bald woman with four eyes disguised like a praying mantis wearing a tutu and cowboy boots in the middle of the street and no one would ever pay attention to her.

STREET FIGHTER II: THE ANIMATED MOVIE made a good case about how the Street Fighter characters could make sense and seem login in different contexts of the same universe.

SF4 and 5 are simply another absurd saturday morning anime/cartoon.

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I mean, he makes some sense there. I’d want new DS characters to be on the same level as recent ArcSys characters. And Strive is only launching with 15 characters.

That said…Capcom is a much bigger company than ArcSys, and should be able to do more.


If Darkstalkers had the same level of audience of a Tekken or a Mortal Kombat, I’d say go for broke and launch the game with the “EVERYONE IS HERE” approach + 4 new characters.

But it’s not the case.

Darkstalkers has always been pretty niche. That could change in the future, but for now I’d say don’t put all your eggs in the same basket. I don’t want any new DS game to bomb, and there’s a chance it could if they invest too much on it.

I’d say creating and introducing new characters that appeal to new audiences is a better way to get attention than an “EVERYONE IS HERE” approach.
If you leave out 2-4 ‘classic’ characters, you make up with the new ones and that will probably interest both veterans (who should be interested in new characters in the Darkstalkers franchise) and newcomers. Then you’ll have the chance to “complete” the “Everyone is Here” roster with DLC after the game proves succesful.
Killer Instinct did it sort of that way (probably free to play won’t be the best model for a new Darkstalkers, but you get the idea) and it worked.

But remember, Darkstalkers is also a game that is not easy to play. Gameplay-wise is very complex… just like Guilty Gear.
So, unless they completely “casualize” the gameplay to make sure everyone can play and make sure it’s a sale success, I wouldn’t want an “Everyone is Here” launch roster.

Better let’s see if you can recover your captive audience and grow it a little, but without completely casualizing the game and making it for scrubs.
That’s sort of what SF4 did (compared to the Alpha and III games), but it sort of fit because it reminded people of the classic SF2 gameplay. Darkstalkers was NEVER simple.

It’s all about fanbase and popularity that’s why the is prioritize than the other.

Street Fighter as a fighting game isn’t the same interms of gameplay. It’s shifting and changing intentionally didn’t used the word evolving for a clear reason.

DarkStalker is the more combo and flashy Street Fighter in the 90s.

Because of that a DS title game won’t have problems with a SFV gameplay mechanics can and there would be no problem with it. While that won’t work with SF4 gameplay mechanics.

going back look how he used those words like

“under capcom’s world tone make perfect sense” he used large scale description that are basically pointless and has no definite detail. that why you will often see him agreeing and disagreeing at the same time in a same topic. Contradicting his own.

In that context was clearly said as same thing, as stuff that capcom can see fitting SF universe

that’s sadly something that existed even before SF4/V (partially SFA and obviously SF3 and EX), but i miss how this apply to G.
His design is nowhere as extreme as some others in SFV and his concept wich may explain it is still partially a mistery

We have in same game a spiritual dimension demon, a likely alien blob-man, a tranny cyborg

As long G will be revealed as somebidy that awkward tried to build an image/symbol for the people he’s well far from break any kind of SF existing limit

…wich would be pointed by everybody as trash and out of SF style.
Seems something that could get a pass in Guilty Gear, not here

SF2TAM is everything i wish SF could be, i don’t understand how this goes against anything i said though

SF4/V are not stylistically like SF2TAM, but neither SF3 or Alpha were
You are accusing SF4/V to have turned SF into something too bizzarre, when well before SF4 the saga took that path
immagine immagineimmagineimmagine

And yet
Somehow this
became something beyond acceptable, look at that hat! This shit would not pass in SF2TAM

Mmm yeah, just like fuckton of stuff SF did after SF2

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G representin Vitiligo sufferers. +1 for diversity


Oh I agree of SF3 going the bizarre route. But those guys were SUPPOSED to be mutants, weird and bizarre. You see Oro being a weird hidden hermit, Necro and Twelve being freaks, Gill being a sect leader hidden thing and people running from Q in the streets.

Meanwhile, in SF4 you have a blue Lego-haired weird bright red skin man wearing some Monster Hunter outfit there in the streets and he’s supposed to be just a regular human being no one finds strange.

And yes I would say G doesn’t fit in Street Fighter. We had bizarre designs, not freaking cartoon characters that look like they’re cosplaying as a buff Abraham Lincoln, it’s just too funny to be an actual Street Fighter character, looks more like a parody of it.

G is more in tone with parody concepts like Rufus, than the sort of anime-fitting SF3 tone.

Don’t forget Fang is along those category also with Hakkan, They are going cartoonist in some aspect. G was a successful; character compare to the other that was in the same category.

And he doesn’t get that that those were MUTANTS.and FREAKS that was a common theme of SF3 because he doesn’t understand it or has clear distinction between those concepts.

He can’t separate mutant to cartoonist like characters.

There Mutant nature makes their movement, physique and animation compliment to each other.

Look now his avoiding what he usually say like hating western style and japanese style is what capcom should do to SF… because I called him out in the previous discussion and he doesn’t understand it other than using those terms. Now his using capcom style as what he want too? but the thing is he has no clear understanding what capcom style is he couldn’t probably point a modern example also of those.

He probably can’t even also point out what he like in style sf2 anime which he is saying too other than saying it standard. I’m sure his not in the same preference with what DarthEnder is into sf2anime or the said arcsys like visuals.

He just used to those terms and jargon words to make it sound he has a standard of basis but clearly he doesn’t know what are those and cannot have clear distinction which is not and is in modern works. He just talks highly of himself but his a pseudo intellectual.

None of those were acceptable either.

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I just finished watching his video.

Most of what he is saying is some concept that Me and DarthEnder is saying in SF and DS.

Like Warzard and GnG to be integrated with DS which what DarthEnder has been saying for years now.

Those historical battle and dead characters fighting as part of memories were or what I repeat had said to be like “Flashback Battles” to serve as a link for dead character reappearance in future game and The History mode which is something I was mentioning early before AE cameout for SF which was a retelling of previous events instead of recreating them in a new event.

History like mode was done in much other fighting games specially in anime FG title in even on snes era.

Which is why I like.what he had said.

I like also that he include Son-Son, but I don’t think Amingo as a fit and also the idea on marionette and shadow.

I don’t like his MVC4 because most of the ideas kinda unrealistic.


I have! Thanks for noticing!

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Not the point.
Any request you make for a game is part of a negotiation, whether you want it or not. If you start your negotiation from where you hope to finish, you won’t get it.

Capcom has demonstrated again and again that they are unwilling to put more than the bare minimum into their street fighter games, often less than the minimum. If you accept that by lowering your standards you will end up with even less.

I remember buying SF IV and Soulcalibur IV nearly the same day. I prefer SF charcaters and athmosphere but in every other aspect, Soulcalibur was largely superior and felt more complete. Was there any good reason for that except greed ? No.

I don’t think Dudley’s giving much XIX, early XX vibes. More like british upper class with some Freddy Mercury added in. Yes british upper class calls back to the victorian era but it is still present nowadays.
G on the other hand looks totally anachronistically. It can make sense as a wrestler disguise, although I’m not sure how americans would react to a wrestler using this personna, but it needs a context that G lacks. I think we agree on this : with an individual stage that adds to the character and a proper storyline it is easier to accept design that borders on the weird.

His hair is beyond stupid. His skin color could have been a lot more subtle as well, although it remains within the boundaries of possible, contrary to Blanka. Everything else is ok, if not great.
I don’t see what problem you have with his outfit who looks very similar to the official turkish wrestling one for me.

I would be totally ok with that, tbh
None of these (and many others) to me contributed to SF greatness (i like Oro, but could have been done without go SO sf3-wierdo, i like the idea of greek pankratium god wannabe Boss, but Urien could have pulled it better if completely different written), and if i could time-machine them out giving these slots to more typical SF designs i would

What i’m less ok with is call a “SF style” rule that apply only to shit one don’t like
I got my opinion on what i consider “SF style” and i apply it to the whole saga, not to selected parts
I’m not even a G fan tbh, i just find silly suddently outrage over something when far worse got a free pass

Well, the clothes themselves could cover wide range, but the addition of that hair/stache combo and the whole imagery background the character have is a call back to earlier '900 at least
Wich does’nt mean Ddley can’t live in modern present SF world

G himself uses fucking youtube to spread his message :smiley:

Indeed that’s the point i made from very first post
G’s design can make sense as soon what’s hinted (the whole Lincon shit we see is a farce/disguise done by an HUGE weirdo) is actually told as part of the character story

Not sure how those that wish SF had normal/urban all clothes would react at G’s true look if ever revealed, but this is another story i guess :smiley:

Will reply to this later, shit to do now
But short version, you keep double down in same hole

I have a good feeling we’ll see Mike and Joe debut in the first cinematic trailer for Street Fighter VI.

I wonder how much of Ono’s SF6 concept was scrapped. If the character models were kept, there’s a chance the first batch of characters will be “paired” of sorts.

I also think Abel and C. Viper will return for the next installment.

Other characters in my wishlist for Street Fighter VI:

  • Mysterious Budo (even if that means Sodom wouldn’t return)
  • Victor Ortega

(Yeah, after Akira I think anything could be possible for the Street Fighter expanded universe. It would be nice if they welcome back their fourth cornerstone of the SF Universe, after Street Fighter, Final Fight and now Rival Schools…)

As much I liked them in SFV and I also did a vtrigger and vskill ideas for those two before the Charlie Trailer was shown.

I believe they fully abandoned those characters it’s like they were a mistake for so many reasons like them being participants of SF1. And it’s like Cody and Balrog are already their better versions.

I always wished they would finally have a agreement with Tetsuo Hara on his character designs for Slammaster. Slammasters and Final Fight are one of the most fitting Street Fighters

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I just have the feeling they’ll be back.
Don’t forget it was widely believed they were the guys appearing in the Street Fighter II opening. Yes, it was debunked/retconned in the past years, but I think Joe and Mike could be back and recreate that scene.

I don’t know, I just think their return could actually be a big thing. And well, if people compare them to Cody and Balrog, there’s always a way they could modify their movelists (like they ever had one) to make them more unique, just like it happened with Nash/Guile or Yun/Yang.

There are ways for them to develop and become full-fleshed characters. They could even completely retcon/change their fighting styles.

I also think Retsu and Eagle could be back.

1- On Hakan’s design
Hakan is mostly great fit for SF.
I say 8.5/10 concept, 7 as execution
Turkey’s rep who does turkish wrestling, as legit premise as a SF char can get
He also worked great at give a new country rep (first middle eastern too, if we don’t count SFEX), a rival/some lore for Honda, and with huge torso mounted on short legs gave SF a new body type, something that even if subtle SF ever need for visual variety
Leaving aside for a moment the hair, his head was cool, very SFish and instant recognizable.
His costume design as Mattchaos pointed does’nt go that far (for SF standards) from traditional turkish wrestling attire (because just as Ryu, Gief and many others, Hakan is not supposed to have a normal life attire, but his style uniform)… sure, they added elements to it like the chest stripe or bronze elements, but these have been placed there to enrich an otherwise too simple figure

What i hated was indeed the hair color, that got a bright cyan just to stand out (remind Remy got bright green hair+red pants as part of SF3 “show off” mindset), i would have liked it far more if they sticked with this gray with just slighty slight azure shade

But again, he’s not the first to get bizzarre hair color without much logic even leaving out Remy eyesore: Adon, Rose, C.Viper, Menat, bunch of dolls etc

On the shape of his hair… yes, i get why was controversial (and i don’t like it much), but i also get why they gone that way.
SF ever did an huge geometric stylization of haircuts (list is endless) using impossible shapes, that’s not new, and they wanted to make a stylization of thick very curly and super oiled up hair, wich have effectively a not typical look… idk if you ever seen a person with thick sheep curly head of hair with heavy grease on, but i can see how they came up with the circles thing
Could be handled -much- better? Yes likely, but if was’nt for the eyesore color i will have noticed it -much- less

On skin tone i would have preferred it to be bit more browinsh and bit less reddish, but tbh even excluding extremes(Blanka/Necro/Oro etc) use an extremization/caricature of a skin tone is nothing new for SF… good example Sagat, who’s supposed to have normal human skin was greeenish af back to Alpha days and he’s as yellow as Hakan is red in SF4.
I also have the theory they wanted represent he was eternally a bit sun burnt (due being ever oiled in a hot sun country), but this is just my guess based on an old interview wich iirc said a scrapped idea was make him weaker -at least when oiled- to fire/burn shit

2- On Hakan compared to G
As said you keep double down on same point, you group the two as same category only based on the fact that you find them equally ridicolous
They are not the same conceptually, simple as that.

Same for the G-Rufus comparision, actually i would say are Hakan and Rufus to be conceptually closer.

Hakan -like or not- is straighforward in his appearance, he’s supposed to be a “normal” fighter presenting himself in his traditional attire, simple as that

G is a completely different case
He’s a man we don’t know shit about, likely linked to Q’s mistery, somebody so abnormal that not even people with advanced insight such as Sim or Menat can identify his nature. Gill had to fight him before notice anything, and even there is probably because he have seen it before (G power being possibly somehow linked to Illuminati’s arts)
Rose will likely be the one to give some answers.

All we see is what G chosen to show us in his streaming exibithions, wich is likely are a farce/performance/acting
Even beside clothes, his way of behave is completely different, act as a circus ringmaster, wave and does speech for an imaginary audience, his CA even point at you
So far most likely scenario is everything G does when we see him is a calculated and artificial show
He even influenced whole look of SFV
Just remind first time ever we seen him in the trailer he looks like a TV showman with scenography, lights and all

These you speak about are likely for G as normal clothes as this dude wear this

Battle and Story (aside Q vibes mask) have him suddently sport waaay less flamboyant vibe, reason being these are not used for G’s Show

So i judge G’s design for what it is, and i say it works as long the story will be completed showing the man behind the circus ringmaster mask
If they don’t, he will just be one more chara design that got potential crippled by poor writing

After all one day they even said he’s “the Boss of SFV”, without leave anything else in our hands to support that till today
Reason i believe the mysterious Fifth may be a “True G” if he is’nt something more marketing like a Guest or a SF6-related newface

I have the same feeling with those two because they still appear in modern SF artworks and they were even candidate for CFJ.

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I don’t know if that can be taken as a sign of anything, since if I got it right, Capcom has a new President and Street Fighter a completely new director/producer.
But I mean, Akira was planned for CFAS and ended up appearing in Street Fighter. So, there is a chance.

Well, this is my most recent wish roster for Street Fighter VI:



  1. Ryu
  2. Ken
  3. Chun-Li
  4. Adon
  5. Mike
  6. Joe
  7. Eagle
  8. Karin
  9. Rose
  10. Vega
  11. Cammy
  12. T. Hawk
  13. Akuma
  14. Sean
  15. Necro
  16. Urien
  17. Oro
  18. Makoto
  19. Abel
  20. Viper
  21. Rashid
  22. Menat
  23. G
  28. Mike Haggar
  29. Mysterious Budo
  30. Gan
  31. Victor Ortega

(take 6 of the above characters and make them DLC)



Yeah, if there’s going to be any new Rival Schools character to make it into Street Fighter, I want it to be Gan.

A much cooler sumo fighter than E. Honda.