Miðgarðsorm Presents The Street Fighter V Story Thread

hopefully not

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Well, they already said that Alpha Cody was originally going to be Joe, so…that with a different haircut probably?

And Mike is Balrog.

I dunno if the Alpha team would have come up with the idea of making Lee a drunken master, but that’s definitely what I’d want done with him now.

Other than that, they were only missing Retsu.

CvS2 nailed Eagle just as hard as Alpha nailed Adon.


Anyone else find it stupid lore-wise that G loses that earth power every time he is knocked on to the ground instead of earning it, as he draws his powers from the earth?


i find it pretty cool tbh

it’s a wink to Herakles fighting the giant Antaeus (son of same Gaia that G mention), who was blessed by his mother - the earth goddess- and was invincible as long he’s in contact with the ground… Herakles then lift him breaking the link and bear-hug kill him

Break the link is the key here
G does’nt have perpetual boost while on the ground… otherwise he should start the match with it as he’s standing on his feet :smiley:

He need to actively create a link (with the command move) to open a flux of energy, and to do it again if he wants more
Just before he’s knocked down there’s a moment he’s mid-air, and that’s the moment the link with earth get broken*

I think they did it good considering SF mechanics

*if anything is bizzarre G can jump, but again is about do something viable with game mechanics


Two questions:

  1. What characters would have to be in SF6’s debut trailer in order to surprise you?
  2. Do you think SF6 will continue 5’s “evolution in designs” route, or the characters will go back to a more classic look?
  • Characters that didn’t appear in SF5 and SF4 but appeared in previous SF 2D titles.

  • A character that already exist before in SF universe but now turned as playable characters.

  • Exclusive characters that only exist in other SF franchise like movies, cartoons, anime, comics, manga, manhua, panchinko and spinoff games now turned into playable characters.


My personal preference is classic. It safe for the franchise from merch and other brands because it is more about familiarity and recognition that even people that known SF 30yrs ago would still look at them the same as before.

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Well, I think that’s pretty much what’s expected. It wouldn’t be a surprise.

The only ones would surprise me are some forgotten SF1 characters.

Or some unexpected old and forgotten crossover characters like DamnD (just like no one expected Abigail to show up). Slam Masters would be completely unbelievable.

Maybe Haggar? Or even Strider or Captain Commando?

Yeah. Something like Shin (Mouse Generation… not Alpha the animated movie) or some UDON characters like Rose’s master, or even the characters from the blog like the other Yoga masters or the other CWA female wrestlers.

I’m pretty dubious about this. They either would have to continue the route of experimentation SF5 had, or go back to the SF4 style. Granted, SF5 didn’t get the best reputation among the casual audience.

But who knows, Netherealm followed up the “experimentation/evolution” route for MKX and then MK11, and it sort of worked.

I don’t know but something tells me they will bring a very unexpected focus, like being able to pick two different gameplay styles and probably costumes too, per characters and/or like the ‘grooves/ISMs’ from Alpha 3/CvS2.

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Considering nobody in S5 seems to be getting a new design, I don’t think the new people in charge of SF are interested in doing that.

Who knows, but the S5 guys are not the producers for SF6 anyways. I read it’s some woman.

It would be rather weird to see characters like Ken, Dhalsim, Sakura, Urien, Cody, etc., who just got their looks updated, regress to their classic selves.

Surprise would be more characters from the wider, connected lore such as rival schools (Kyosuke), Slam masters and anything else can be reasonably linked. No darkstalkers for example.

Would like revamped SF1 characters so they are finally playable.

Wouldnt like too many derivative characters like someones brother or dad or whatever.

Would like new characters from new parts of the world not explored.

Wouldnt like shitty anime pussies who destroy the soul of the game (looking at the shitty music concert boss in streets of rage 4)

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I would love them to introduce a Chun-Li disciple/successor.

Yeah, we all know their ideas to replace the protagonists with new rookies like Alex or Sean didn’t exactly work, but I still think Chun-Li deserves to have a full disciple.

  • A Shaolin/Tibet monk.
  • An Inuit fighter.
  • An Australian/New Zealand fighter.
    for example.
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Only a non-SF character would surprise me. And it would not be a pleasant surprise…

Oh yeah, cause Mr. X was such a toughguy. Bringing a machinegun to a street fight.

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i don’t want SF6 to surprise me, i want SF6 to please me

Now if they manage to please AND surprise that would be great

But to begin with, to please me even before cast they need to NOT fuck up art style


Ypu would notice initially at the beginning of SFV everyone got there classic design still re-invented and most of it isn’t likable in a way.

Then the next batch goes back to classic costumes as they were which felt better because it’s inline to the preference.

It’s not weird unless it’s Birdie that went through numberous physique changes and they would say he had currently gone to the gym.

Also not weird for the guys that wear casual clothes likes of Ken, Urien, Ibuki Cody, Balrog and Guile. It’s like changing clothes from where clothes they usual do and comfortable with. Even for Seth returning to male or having a different body would still work because of his nature being an artificial human.

Some SFV default can be said as they did wear those because of an occasion or just for the season for a particular event like Ken, Guile and Ibuki.

While characters like Bison could keep his SFV being the default because that had a twist of being default like and that is what he wore when he died. Same case with Karin, that she could keep that because it’s more just an improve veraion of her default not a radical change.

Dhalsim and Akuma could had just cut their excesa hair for example since in one year they could grow that long hair if they don’t go into a hygiene maintenance or something. But as we can see from the past they usually never grown them that way.

It would be also functional if their appearance there in the game was only to serve as flashback battle for other characters. Like for example if another character invidual story took place in the past and only to tell his backstory. That characer purpose is more on the past not the present time.

So it more reasonable and functional that the classic would be the default in many situation especially if the characters weren’t part of a major conflict in future titles.

At least he wasnt a bleach reject

Yeah there are a lot more SF characters can be bring from multiple source from different SF franchise especially those that known in pop-culture than using non-sf characters that doesn’t belong in a different world or using bringig back dead characters.


All I want from SF6…is ArcSys graphics…and “Everyone is here!”(eventually).

Completely disagree. They fucked a couple up, but the majority were improvements.

Most of the new design that were successfully change, were mostly just updated and tweaked version of the classic costumes not the like of the radical update and changes.
It’s even in the costumes polls.

Some costumes just do appeal just for the sake of change or just being curious of a different look but overall they aren’t something that those people would buy, purchase or even used for a long time. That even those were straight up fan of the character isn’t into it or would used another costumes.

Capcom should also look at the results of usage, purchase and combine it with the polls not just in SFV but also in SF4 so that they knew which costumes is beneficial to return and avoid waste of time and resources that is profitable in the future.

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I don’t give a shit about alt costumes. Because, if SF6 has ArcSys graphics, it won’t be able to have alt costumes anyway.

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