Miðgarðsorm Presents The Street Fighter V Story Thread

I like Arcsys anime style too but it’s far from reality as of SF6 expectations.

And Alt costumes will be among the top options and along the priorities of Capcom to monetized more with their SF titles. It’s probably one of the successful dlc schemes than others, regardless we like it or not.

I don’t know, I don’t think a very predictable roster would be a pleasing surprise. Vanilla SF4 was a completely predictable thing and it did please people who came back to the series after many years, but the absolute lack of surprise for lifelong fans was disappointing, even when they were fine characters and all.
I think the most surprising thing in Vanilla 4 was that Seth shared a couple moves with Urien and that’s all.
In 5’s base roster there were a couple surprises in the initial roster, such as Nash’s return and Birdie being part of the base roster.

SF5’s “most predictable roster” would be bringing back only the most popular characters, along with 4 completely irrelevant throwaway newcomers (anyone noticed how none of the Vanilla 4 guys ever returned? I think the Vanilla 5 guys will receive the same fate).

So, the “predictable” SF5 base roster would be like: Ryu, Ken, Chun-Li, Guile, Cammy, Zangief, Bison, Akuma, Sakura, Juri, Urien, Menat, Yun, probably Blanka and Sagat, and 4 garbage newcomers.
I wouldn’t say that would please me.

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Yeah…I know…

sigh…yeah…I know…

At this point, “not fucking it up” would be a pleasant surprise, yes.

There’s always gonna be a sort of ‘fuck up’ (depending who do you ask, of course).

  • SF4 some people think it fucked up with El Fuerte, Rufus, Seth and Decapre.
  • SF5 some people think Kage, the ton bunch of new characters from S2, or Abigail or some shit.

I know you’d say they’ll “fuck it up” with a guest character.

But well, in this present day aside from KOF, EVERY fighting game has had a guest character of sorts. Ingrid was probably the closest thing Street Fighter had in the A3 ports.

But I won’t get surprised if there’s a third party character in SF6 or even SF5 Season 5.

It would be a sort of “fuck up” if it’s Norimaro or some shit, but I wouldn’t get worried. I think their guest characters will be more like what Virtua Fighter or Dead or Alive did, with characters tha dot fit the series.

A Tekken or FEXL guest most likely.

Anyway, we all know who will be the final Season 5 character, since nothing else would make sense. Of course it’s gonna be


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Third strike had the best style graphically. Not too anime but not too “realistic” either. SF4 was ugly but not a bad effort for their first real 3D SF and SF5 was inconsistent (good models/designs vs really crappy ones)


What is surprising was the return of Gouken, Evil Ryu and the new another Akuma version which was Oni. Then having some of SF3 combined with some from Alpha cast finally.

Seth wasn’t something especially he was expected to be dead and a pawn. Even his destruction was obvious.

The casting of SF4 wasn’t to please lore goers but to the traditional audience and it did work regardless how sf nerds always want thing far ahead and see to what ahead of the future is for their favorable characters and disliked ones. They might be the same on wanting change but they differ on the idea of what they wanted things to be change. It’s like wanting things for the sake of change.

Having change is not always an improvement especially if is a constant one. Since were talking about brand and a franchise of video games that is not something that was meant to capitalize and focus on story.

Many franchise tried to appeal to their each modern crowd. Everything would seems right at the beginning then won’t aged well because those so called type of fans are ever changing.

And most of this franchise that tries to satify this everchanging niche. Would soon disregard all the radical change and goes back or revert to the popular iconic presentation which is successful formula. If the change were sucessfull (which is seldom) they would treat it later as a seperate brand and not part of the continuity.

We have seen this in many many franchise not just videos games.

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Well, that’s true.
I don’t remember if he was in Vanilla, though (and I mean the original arcade release).

I think in general, SF4 and SSF4 rosters were very good choices. They timed which characters they released (yeah, because no one wanted to give priority to Dee Jay and T. Hawk) very well and there was a bit of everything represented.

Could have made it without Gen, though.

The real problems came with Arcade Edition and Ultra. Yun was a good choice since he’s got a huge following gameplay-wise, and Yang was acceptable since it was sort of a model swap so they had part of the job already done, but Oni and Evil Ryu seemed like overkills.
But for AE, even if Rolento and Elena were great choices, Hugo didn’t fit the gameplay and Poison in my opinion didn’t deserve to be a Street Fighter character; that’s more of a SFxTK problem, though.

SF5 was a complete mixed bag. There were a few good comebacks in the initial roster but having Guile, Urien and Alex as DLCs sort of sucked.

And S2 I don’t know what was the logic of that but the decided to overstuff the game with new characters that I don’t think did anything for the casual audience.

And well, Lucia, Abigail and Poison… extremely weird choices :s

Oh, well, I change my mind. Other than including Nash, Alex, Urien, Gill and Akira, the SF5 final roster seriously sucked.

Hey, so not sure what the rules are here on self promotion so if this isn’t cool let me know and I’ll edit all this out.

I’ve started making videos on YouTube that cover the events of fighting game stories and my latest one is covering Street Fighter 3. Please feel free to watch it and let me know what you thought or if there was anything I missed. Thanks!

What Happened in Street Fighter III? Part 1


I’m suscribing :slight_smile:

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Awesome, thank you!

Subscribe nice content

I’m more on Zero or Alpha style then SF 3 is more on the better side of animation for me.

SF4 is more on cartoony and semi realistic and in SF5 still in the cartoony and semi realistic but as an improvement of the previous one.

Thawk is an important character despite some didn’t appreciate him like the others. He has a role to fill in the shadaloo saga. His not another character just to be there because of completionist sake or for the sake of being part of SF2.

His a relevant character and unique at the same time.

His there for the sake of the story and shadaloo which makes him important to the shadaloo saga and also to the lore. That’s why he should had been in SFV or Noembelu to conclude his character motivation in the Shadaloo Saga.

Too bad this guys are also left out even they appeared in comics and cartoons. That they are also so relevant characters in the lore of shadaloo saga and they are even considered fighters.

Yeah but he’s not popular. Hardly a selling point. It was alright that they dumped him together with other 9 characters in the first game expansion (well, I’d actually consider Super the second expansion, first one was Vanilla console).

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New characters isn’t popular by default

And about selling points it’s more than just about character popularity. that goes across edgelord version and clones of a popular character… but also alternate costumes too selling point is factor.

And clones are disliked for having similarities to the another character despite being designed unique in gameplay aspect.

Thawk isn’t a hopeless character and non sense character. His not Rufus or something terrible.

There are even similar archetype that Thawk belongs into that still in reappeared other modern fighting games. His much flexible than honda.

He may not appeal to anime fanatics but he can be reinvented like the other character that falls in his category archetype and similarities in character design.


Not saying he’s a bad or terrible character. T. Hawk simply… not popular, and that can’t be denied.


You know it, baby!

I can get behind this.

I’d prefer using ArcSys techniques to look like the SF2 Anime movie. But using ArcSys techniques with SF3’s art style would work also.

I love Alpha 3’s concept art, but I’m less enthusiastic about it’s in game art.

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Plus one to that.

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Definitely agree with the game looking like SF2 the animated movie. That would be awesome but probably not very cost effective at all.


The fact that most consider Juri to be base roster SF6 pleases me but I think she could end up as DLC again like it happened in SFV just because people will pay for her.

Afaik she was planned as base roster of SFV before Capcom messed the launch up.

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I don’t see how it would be any more expensive than Xrd or DBFZ. And Capcom is a much larger company than ArcSys.

It’s just a matter of whether they’re willing to spend the budget on SF or not.

Well, all the S1 DLC was in the story mode. So I wouldn’t be surprised if the original plan was for the S1 characters and the story mode to be in the base game.

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I never said i want it to be “predictable”, i said that as long i get a cast that please me, i don’t need to be surprised and i will not cry about them “playing safe”

Them pleasing me is all i ask, if is in predictable way or bold i don’t care

The “predictable” start cast you made up would not please me for example
The “bold” cast of SF3 was blasphemy

Please me is the core, “how” is up to them

I’m faaar from conservative when it comes to hope for the future cast of SF: keep old way, but bring new faces
I said multiple times my ideal SF is like “character i want”+fuckton of new chars

This does’nt mean i would embrace super “bold” controversial cast only for the fuck of it
If i must receive trash, i prefer them to stay classic
If i can receive great newcomers, keep in the freezer vets i don’t need

Zeku is more interessing concept than Guy, Abigail sucks next to Hugo
Kolin has been awesome new entry, Falke has been absolute waste of slot
Muh SFV still does’nt have muh Bruce Lee/Jet Kune Do rep Fei Brolong, somehow they had to defrost fucking LuciafromFF (destroying what actual Lucia was) to do a mediocre concept out of it

Do good things, don’t do crap things