Miðgarðsorm Presents The Street Fighter V Story Thread

I think Abel is definitely worthy of being in Season 6 because of his prominent role in ASF.
My picks for Season 6 would be:

  1. Abel
  2. C. Viper (sort of should be there too; she was also one of the salvagable people of the underrepresented SF4).
  3. Sodom (for God’s sake!)
  4. Dudley (I agree he’s too awesome to be left out)
  5. Retsu (I love the design and I mean, why’s SF1 love so taboo?) – but also it could be a new original character.
  6. (If you know me, you already know who he is)

Nah, they could record their voiceclips from home then send them over Capcom.
Or they could get new actress.

Makoto, Elena, Ibuki, and Alex’s journey’s started in SF3. Didn’t stop Capcom from wedging them into SFIV and SFV. Hell Makoto’s entry made no sense at the time because she was younger than Elena, Ibuki, and Sean.


They were never depicted as incompetent as Sean.

Imo what SF should do re story in every iteration is have a bunch of “core” characters which are cannon to the story and timeline. And other characters which are there purely for gameplay purposes.

You can give them a minor arcade mode storyline i.e say Cammy needs to go and find catfood for her pets during lockdown lol or set their story in a different time period but wont have a say on the “main” story.

This way you can build a cohesive story without worrying about ages, contradictions etc but still have your fan favourites in the game for the actual fighting


Strangely cool.

Which literally has zero to do with the situation. They lifted Makoto’s story straight from 3S. Hell, you could argue they did the same with Elena.

I want to believe, but having high expectation would only leave you to heavy disappointments.

It’s not about correct or incorrect.

I myself like Sean instead of Dan too and i mentioned that when they revealed the characters. that it should had been Sean.

But the problem is they turned Sean into a kid that probably still isn’t a fighter, His character cannot be easily cheat and hack like their alteration like they did with ED because they had a different situation.

Sean can return in SFV without Shoto kind of gameplay but his more shown to be less interested as a fighter in SFV shadow falls. So it would bring conflict and confusion. Yet I won’t be bothered if they retcon and ignored what they did with sean in shadowfalls

This is why the the Juri OVA makes sense because it doesn’t try to put everyone else…

Yeah it does not but that character is the only final fight and street fighter fans mostly yearning to see in an SF title ever since Guy appeared in Alpha along him finally doing a confrontation with Zangief. Akira was a character that get popularity request to appear crossover titles and not SF.

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Exactly. Trying to shoehorn 40+ characters into a single story just doesnt work. I just got a power rangers vibe from the whole ASF story, blargh!

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From Ryoredcyclone, retwitted by AKIMAN himself:


I knew that one of the inspirations for Guy was the actor Sho Kosugi. I also knew of the backstory “Guy went to the States after having failed the university admission exam”, and that this backstory that Akiman sensei thought for him became official with SF5.
What I didn’t know, though, was that even this episode was based on the real life of Sho Kosugi!

The Japanese wiki page recounts that Kosugi failed twice his university admission exam, and was so distraught he actually considered suicide; but his older sister persuaded him that maybe he could’ve found better fortune elsewhere, and paid him a fly to the States where Kosugi went with only 120 dollars.

This isn’t the first time Akiman obliquely acknowledged the inspirations; he has previously casually mentioned Lucha Doll Mai in an apparently random manga list…
(the list mentions Football Taka, Grappler Baki, Pro Golfer Saru and of course Lucha Doll Mai).
Oh, and OBVIOUSLY Akiman follows Shinji Hiramatsu on Twitter:

Also, an older Akiman twitter explained his original ideas for Abel and Seth. VERY interesting, more about that later.


No, but Dan is arguably more incompetent than Sean, but it doesn’t stop him from being playable.

It’s why I always liked Alpha story approach where everyone does their own thing.


Well, I don’t really want Haggar in the game. Unless they make him way too different to Zangief. But still, two pro wrestlers with kind of similar builds would be a little boring and reiterative.
Why not SF6 having Haggar instead of Zangief? Mah, a SF game without Zangief would be weird… so, who knows.
But I’d say after Akira, Haggar’s chances are definitely higher… for next SF chapters if not for SFV.

Yeah. But Dan is more popular and the game isn’t big enough for two joke fighters.

IDK, I’ve started to think if Capcom could someway release CFAS as a PSN game or something. I’d really be interested in playing it, and it seemed to be complete enough to be playable.

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Haggar has plenty of potential to be different enough to Zangief at least to the level of Ryu to Dan.

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I’d rather start with Haggar in SF6… then, as DLC Season 2 or something, add Zangief.

If Zangief is first and Haggar is later, people would complain they’re giving them “a clone”.

If Haggar is first and Zangief is later, people would be glad they’re “bringing back a classic character” :stuck_out_tongue:

We’ll I believe they can do it. They were successful with tons of character in SFV like Urien and Gill. Ryu and Ken and also Ryu and Kage.

It’s just talking the philosophy of Clark and Ralf in KOF. Haggar nowadays evolve a lot from what he was in Slam-master. His MVCi version proves that and they can go more further other than just referencing his other moves interms of animation to be alike with Gief but differs from either one of the following beginning, mid or recovery.

The character that should be stuck with his moves and never changed is Gief.

I want Prototype Abel and King Cobra to be playable in SF6.

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Eat shit.

That’s the ONE awful character trope SF has still managed to avoid. Kids.

Yeah that’d be cool.

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There’s always a first time for everything. I think SF can have a kid character, it would be something unique.

Also, it completely plays with the character concept, that is that it’s usually understimated by his opponent. Some sort of unbelievable judo powerhouse.

Also, Makoto is sort of that too.
It’s not like there isn’t kid fighters NPCs already anyway. There’s one of those Yoga Masters who is a kid.

And back to NPCs/unused designs, I liked Gen’s disciple too (that Gato-like guy).

I think a part of his design went to Necalli, however.


Yes but there SHOULDN’T be.

Just because there’s a terrible fucking idea they haven’t done yet, doesn’t mean they NEED to do it!

They didn’t HAVE to add a robot. Didn’t HAVE to add an alien blob monster. Didn’t HAVE to add Abigail. But they did and they all SUCKED!

For once, Capcom, just DON’T do the terrible idea!

King Cobra is the only character from the drawing board that I want to materialize.