Miðgarðsorm Presents The Street Fighter V Story Thread

They will NEVER have legal issues over Balrog.


Just like K9999 would not be legal issues for SNK.

It’s all nonsense statements by people with no idea what they’re talking about

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I don’t think this matters as SNK discarded him as soon as they got the series back and getting the superior Nameless to replace him.


For people that don’t frequent The SFV General thread, I just posted this. Which is a cool change by Capcom.



But Skullomania’s fighting style is shit, to be true.

Not worthy of Street Fighter.


Actaully It’s not about they can do it.

It’s not worth the trouble, It’s just playing safe than spending budget for aleast priority.

Boxer’s name is confirmed to be Mike. Just not in NA.

Mike Bison IS his Japanese name.


I remember an interview surfaced more than a year ago were Tyson was in some sports show and the host pulled up a pic of Balrog and told Tyson the story, Tyson was actually very flattered. Now, that doesn’t mean he would’ve been the same in the early 90s, mind you; the point is that he seems cool about it now.

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Yeah. Companies always have to watch their back, anyway.

I’ll be honest, despite how much i love good portion of SFEX cast and i find a tragedy that SF can’t use freely the best designs it had… i say fuck Skullomania too

Garuda too while at it

But point is despite me not liking the idea, it fit what i expect the secret 5th to be, and see how the old polls already influenced them (they gone already out of expected path to get Akira)

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How the fk is Sawada more popular than Nash and Eagle? Wtf



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Memes. Memes are power.


What i would LOVE would be get lot of SFEX alts, and then they add a SFEX arcade path with them

my ideal selection would be:

Allen - Ken
Darun - Gief
C.Jack - Cody
Pullum - Menat
D.Dark - Nash
Hokuto - Karin
Rosso - Ed
Sharon - Falke
Hayate - Zeku
Garuda - Akuma
Shadowgeist - Bison
Skullo - Dan
Blair Dame - Lucia


I like this list but Garuda in this shitty akuma neutral pose :nauseated_face:

The disrespect my man Skullomania is getting here digests me.

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Japan loves tokusatsu, Skullo is Tokusatsu. Skullo is inevitable and cannot and will not be defeated. This future brings a smile to my face.

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Fine with a bunch of alts. Hard pass on the Arcade mode.

Well then, maybe you’d be more comfortable in the Fighting Layer story thread.

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FEXL could have used a SNK type boss for its arcade mode.

I also appreciate the efforts that Arika is going through to sustain the game with its recent netcode changes.

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You mean, waste a bunch of development resources on a non-playable character, when they barely had enough to finish the roster as it was?

I guess something as innocuous as that is enough to bother you.

It would have nice to have such a thing and that goes double if the character does turn out to be playable, just to the give the player something else to mess around with while offline, if Arika did have more time and resources available at the point they were making FEXL. And, there are a few other fighting games that have done a similar thing in the past, often initially, like some some older KOF titles for example or a previous Tekken (specifically for Tekken 5 in Jinpachi’s case or Azazel in Tekken 6, though Jinpachi was technically available later down the line in DR’s case). And, even then, Arika can still utilize preexisting characters for that very same role, whom would probably turn out to be someone like Garuda. Then before or after such an event in that mode, the player would likely have a climax match against the character’s designated rival and then assess the results based on that. This is just an idea of what could have been if Arika was a bigger developer.

It is enough that FEXL has an arcade mode (among other useful accessories and playable modes) in the first place, considering the circumstances around the game and it still warrants support from its player base.