Miðgarðsorm Presents The Street Fighter V Story Thread

I would go with the retcon suggestion people had for the Mike-Balrog debacle and declare Biff/Alexei Zalazof, was Alex from SF3 all along the way.
Just immigrated to USA undercover and assumed a new identity thanks to his friend Jean Reno or something.

BTW, Mysterious Budo freaking rules. I also love Astro/Scorpion.

That’s where G loses me. But maybe with a good story and a good stage I would put him above the kids.
The main issue with Kyosuke is not strickly that he’s a high schooler, I mean it’s still an issue but if he was the only high schooler and it was clear that everybody else is better than him, it would be ok.
But here there are already a ton of them, and he has this lightning attack that puts him on the level of the best fighters in the world in term of chi manipulation.

They died a little with every iteration after champion edition. And I wouldn’t put Sakura as the worst offender. Classic anime high school is a direction I didn’t want SF to go, but one I can accept because there are anime high school martial art mangas that I like.
Robots and genetically created monsters? This is far worse.

KoF is nothing compared to Fatal Fury and Kyo was a huge step-down. It only went downhill from there.

Gym teacher Sakura is the best Sakura one can obtain.
Gym teacher Kendo user is not the best Kendo user we can get.

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Fair enough.

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Aside it conflicting with whatever plan they may have with Alex past, and assuming for whatever reason capcom want do that, on the timeline would still be impossible…
Alex was like a 10yo kid during SM days :smiley:

Yeah, i’m not debating that
I’m saying regardless of bizzarre concept G is a credible treat to another SF char in a fight
On the other hand…

…on the other hand this.
You have one or more HS that are capable of chi attacks and may be put on SF level.
Wich to be fair return to orginal SF sin, when SF chosen Sakura was “good enough” despite nothing justified her being good enough

I think are different issues
Sakura ruined the perception SF was about best fighters of the world (or freaks able to offer enough treat), the very best at their thing, clashing against each other
Robots and lab shits are not my thing, but (similar to G case above) they could still be sold as sufficient treat even for best fighters of the world

Is what i was implying… was kinda “disprectful” out of nowhere pull that very young Kyo guy and suddently Terry got left behind (and whole FF lore with him)

But again, aside sakura misstep, at least we have that Capcom usually is more careful at that
Any other very young chars got some kind of build up/background to make them someway legit, are usually either heirs who passed entire life training or in posses of special abilities: Karin, Makoto, Ibuki, Elena, Menat, Sean, Yun&Yang, Ed… all of them got something, and still all of them are portrayed as essentially still green

Tbh her starting an actual pro fighter path would be imho the best they can do with her to make slowly forget how nonsense they started with her… don’t doubt many would see it as boring, but whatever

On other hand her having normal life and still being somehow SF level is just a continuation of the original bullshit

Agree on this

Yeah… well… Capcom and timelines, Capcom and schmimelines.

Speaking of Slammasters

The Wraith was may something I like even before season 1 was announced in SFV.

I even write some ideas of his moveset, V-skills and V-trigger.

Continuing the discussion from SFV Character Request/Anticipation Thread

Another that would come into consideration is

Ortega and Tim Titanic which I also been wanting since before.

Continuing the discussion from The Ultra Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread

But Haggar is something above anyone else of them

I have even wrote a whole moves and even a story for Haggar

Continuing the discussion from SFV Character Request/Anticipation Thread:


I like the way he reacts after certain specials


Titanic Tim just feels like he’d be another Hugo/Abigail-type.

Although…if they did add him, I could team him with Birdie and then team Balrog with Vega on my tag teams…

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I really wished we could still have CFN back it’s the best thing.

to keep thing busy and something to make a float for news and something to talk about online

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Yeah, body build style more like Abigail, but as fight style more pro wrestler vibe like Hugo

But tbh he does’nt bring much new variety, we already have englishmen (if anything get Dudley/Eagle back to SF) and is design even resemble a bit T.Hawk lol

Giant wise i say give me Hugo again or new char from Iceland or some gigantic samoan
But not gorilla V shaped a la Abigail, Hugo with the whole head-torso heavy design was so much more unique, gave much better the idea of face an heavy af opponent

Would be fun see a giant that claim to be world’s strongest (as pure strenght) man

I think is about time these two split, they hate each other and worked together only because they had Bison as common boss… Shadaloo’s fall should be the end

Rog can either try work again with Birdie or become Urien’s dog… after all Urien already settled the terms clearly
Rog would probably not directly test him ever again and Urien can pay good money

In ASF i liked see Juri in Urien’s company too, would have been cool see both work for Urien in future, they would make an ironically fitting trio lol

I agree. But Vega is someone that’s hard to find a partner for.

Balrog has Birdie or Ed as people he has already worked with. But Vega only ever begrudgingly works with people who hate him. Unless one of the Dolls actually LIKES him post-brainwashing for some reason, maybe because he let them escape in Alpha 3…

I used to think Juri and Vega would really get along, but then in SF5 they went out of their way to make them dislike each other, even though they’re so similar.


They are, both bother me, but one does so more than the other. One is just pushing the limits of the genre, making SF a self parody, the other is forgetting there’s a genre at all.

Yeah, if Kyo had been a more mature guy, with the look of a dedicated martial artist, I wouldn’t have found that disrespectful, because it is ok in this universe to have other big fishes that come out of nowhere, but as it is, yes.

Yes, but it doesn’t go with anything she indicated so far. The only dojo she joined is Dan, what are her chances of going pro with that? Plus she would have to change a lot physically to sell it.

I don’t think they are that similar. On the surface, yeah, Juri pretends to be something like Vega, but her reason to be in the game from the start (revenge for her father) is very different.

Yeah, but now that Bison and Shadaloo are gone, they’re both just a couple sadistic killers that like to perv on cute girls.

And since Juri herself is hot, Vega doesn’t have his usual complaint that he has for his working partners.

The only other way to work it would be to put Vega and Decapre together as a kind of stockholm thing for her, since her mask and claws were originally a result of Vega’s influence.

Then you put Cammy with Chun Li, because they often team up. Then you can put Viper and Juri together, because they’re both spies sorta.

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We both know that Bison isn’t gone, and Juri is more after Bison than she is after Shadaloo.
And Juri is missing an eye, I don’t think Vega could accept that without complaints.
You can pair Juri with a lot of other characters, but Vega is difficult, yeah.
Why not with Fang?

Unless they want pull a KoF and have him like Kyo that one day just arrived and suddently was on par (or above) with vet heroes Terry/Ryo…

It’s even worse when you look at the concept art for the KOF’94 opening. This is what Capcom should avoid doing if they add more RS characters.


They could still work together since both of him and Juri can be mercenaries and assassins for hire or for personal interest but it needs a third party to make them collaborate.

Like Kolin made Charlie, Juri and the other collaborate against Bison.

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Kolin/Juri would be an interesting team up since they’re so different, even though both are sort of alligned with evil, they go about it in very different ways

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Hey, Darth Ender.

Just out of curiosity, what would be an ‘Everyone is here’ roster in 3-fighters teams, instead of couples?

Like, Chun-Li-Guile-Cammy?




Cause FANG is perfect for Bison.

I started doing that once, but it was too hard so I gave up.

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I have a solution on that.

I like more of an interchangeable teams like some characters having multiple team possibilities.

I have been talking about that multiple times in the past threads and other non-story threads. I believe it would innovate a team based game.

Yet it seems like nobody is into my idea. And everyone prefer teams building to remain staple like KOF that every character would remain to have only one designated team and some would had two for an occasional reason.

I like players would discover team combination. So it can fill out for other characters that has less interaction and compatibility with other characters.

Like Ryu can be paired with multiple characters that he fights with in the past.

He can be paired with Ken and Sakura

Sakura to Blanka and Dan

Ken with Sagat and Sakura

It broads the possibility of a team combination without making a team felt MEH. Or just for the sake of having a team because it’s a gameplay mechanic…

Bison can be with Birdie and Fang or Balrog

Ed can be with Balrog and Falke

Menat can be with Ed and Falke

Menat can be with Rose and Oro

Every combination has their own ending more variety.

It also makes casual test other characters with the characters they are already familiar with.