Mayoral Moustaches and Violent Hugs - The Ultimate Haggar thread

Deadpool assist resets the ground bounce before using up a ground bounce, so if you hit him at the same time Deadpool assist hits, you get the ground bounce to reset before Deadpool uses it up.

Shown in this video: [media=youtube]3vvwVRmxKHQ[/media]

Thanks for the explanation and the video showing it. Are there other assists that can accomplish this?

So, now that Pile Driver leads to as much damage as a hit I figure it’s time to throw out the grab mix-up ideas.Worked in vanilla, but the hit was never an issue as the opponent would just sit back and eat a grab or two. It’s pretty much a standard grappler mix-up of low hit or grab, with some assist usage thrown in for good measure. Apologies if this is all old news.

  1. For the annoying issue of advance guard shitting on Haggar pressure where you don’t have a lock down assist, you can use the low :l: kara low :m: mix-up. Pretty much tick with the low :l:, then choose to either fake the low :m: into Pile Driver or continue with it to catch jumps (done correctly, possible to frame trap mashed hits to stop the pressure with either the low :m: or the Pile Driver; I like :m: and :l: versions for this).

  2. In the instance where you may guess wrong, two choices. You can accept the advance guard/ jump-back (jumping up presents the TK Back Drop or Headbutt mix-up; unlikely option) and work your way back in or back it with a projectile or beam assist to get another guess in. Only problem with the second choice is that you won’t have enough time to call an assist in for the combo after grab, so you may have to mix-up the grabs with :h: Pile Driver. If you want to run the straight low :l: tick without the :m: kara, you have the option to use a normal grab (fully mashed, should give you time to call an assist on the low :h: afterwards) or TK Back Drop for jump guesses, where the assist covers a bad guess. Pretty sure you get a high/low mix-up with air :l: if you whiff the Back Drop; need to check that again.

I’ll update when I think of anything else. Also, a bonus to any beam assist/medium or fast projectile assist is that you can combo off of ground pipe on hit. Ground Pipe + assist call, cancel into :l: Hoodlum and continue. Also works with select mid-range assists like tatsu, possibly Frank’s Cart and a few others.

I don’t have much to say that isn’t in the description and title. Just remember its a WIP and nothing said is personal, just humorous.


Hey guys, some other online random videos. with post commentary. gameplay wasn’t the greatest but I thank psn for that. hope it helps some of you[media=youtube]soGL-g9TBho[/media]

I am glad Haggar became a better point character with his several buffs. I usually main him an team him up with Frank West and Skrull/Ghost Rider/Arthur. However, I’d like to master his deadly resets mix-ups but I’m not really sure of the correct commands: should I do dp+L, jump MH, air pipe, then land stand or crouch L and DP+H ?
Are resets also possible after a L or M violent axe?

Thanks in advance to the Mayor’s mainers!! Dat’s why I love wrestling!!

Yes resets are possible after light and medium Violent Axe. See here in my video.


This should help you get started. Just remember that a) I’m terrible and b) I didn’t create them. Just posted the vid.

Thx a lot Densuo. Wanna try asap!! Now, I need to decide who teams up with the Mayor and what assists chose between Frank West, Hulk, Nemesis, Sentinel, Iron Fist, Hawkeye, Wesker, Skrull and Dormammu.

Keep in mind that resetting after Violent Axe is a little bit more tricky with execution as you can’t cancel into it whereas L/M will cancel.

Understood. I should try anyway for tricky shenanigans!!

Not sure if this has been asked yet, but is driving me insane.

I can mash most hypers for full damage. No matter how much I mash 236PP I can’t get even remotely close to the max amount of hits. Normally I just hit a+b+c, how do you guys mash it out?

Mash like a piano. On pad I switch my hand position so I can piano. Stick I piano it.

I am running Haggar/Frank/Hawkeye as my main team but Frank is definitely the weak spot on my team because he usually comes out at lvl 1. So I have been searching for some better ways to level him up with my team without relying on tacs and came across this video in the frank forums.



This works great but the problem that I am having is setting up a RFF so that I can get all of the hits. The best that I have been able to come up with is j.:l: :l: :m: RFF or just :l: :m: RFF but I am having trouble actually pulling this off with my opponent staying on the ground. I know with practice I will have much more success at it but I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions on how to pull off a full RFF more easily.

RFF is weird, you have to mash during the super flash and during the super itself to get all the hits.

The best hit confirm into RFF is c.:l:, c.:m:, :f::h: xx :qcf::m:(only the first hit) xx RFF. You can only land a fully mashed RFF on a grounded opponent though. If you hit then any other way its best to avoid the RFF.

From watching the Winter Gamefest, if you have another meter you can DHC into shopping cart super and you can get a camera shot afterwards. (Done here by Just Joe at ~39 mins I think I remember a video in the Frank forums that explain this where if you land the shopping cart super higher than normal you will have time to take a picture. Don’t remember exactly the conditions…

IIRC, the way it works is this -

Mash during Super Flash : Determines the level of the super (level 1 has no special effects, level 2 will have the eye glint, level 3 will have dark red flames emanating from Haggar’s unquestionable manliness)

Mash during Super : Standard mash scenario augmenting the amount of hits.

Do keep in mind that while the levels have a minimum amount of hits (note that this is off the top of my head and I am in no way a Haggar authority), you still have to mash in order to reach the desired result. So long as the hit counter says 49 hits or more once you call Frank, you’re good and you will get Level 4, 5 if you don’t screw up the follow-up (which is H, S, land, Snapshot then Survival Techniques if meter, if not, whatever. I’d probably drop the combo and then call in Hawkeye and roll with Frank for day 1 Captain America style mix-ups.)

This has been working great. I dont know why a longer combo is making it easier but whatever works. I tried the DHC into frank from that video for a long while and could not get it. Is anyone actually able to do this? The timing for the picture must just be really tight which would be too hard for online play but it would be nice to have that option.

Who told you my secret?

Hey Guys,
Lvl5LazerBuddha has got some good stuff on the way. Keep an eye for some more Mayor highlights


It’s feasible online. The thing with the “longer” combo is that it allows you to mash less and still get the magic 49. I’m able to do this consistently. Try to hold the Assist button to tag in once you can no longer mash with any relevance. As soon as Haggar is done, Frank will tag in, allowing Haggar to be Assist OK in time for the snapshot.

Wednesday Night Xanbats (UMVC3) - Unkn0wn, Meep, Fourth Star, Coma, and more!

Fourth Star’s Playing Haggar out here