Formatting stolen (with permission) from Karsticles’s amazing Dormammu thread.
A Word:
I want to make this a one-stop spot for all inquiries regarding Haggar. Please do not hesitate to suggest changes/additions or alert me to errors in the main thread or via private message. A brief overview of what is contained in each section:
•The Basics: General character information, such as X-Factor and health values, along with the legend for notation that will be used throughout the guide. Each move is listed, along with the frame data for that move as well as how to make effective use of that move in a generation situation. If you are looking for strategies on how to make one of Haggar’s normals, specials, or hypers useful in a variety of situation, read the “Discussion” portion of that move’s section.
•Strategy and Matchups: First, a general overview of your goals with Haggar is given. Then, a specific section exists for each character in the game; within these sections I will try to list effective strategies against each character in the game, especially options Haggar has to directly counter specific abilities each character has.
•Team Building: I have presented a general overview of what it means to make a team in Marvel vs. Capcom 3. This is followed by a section for each character in the game Haggar can pair with, along with the various synergistic abilities between Haggar and the given character.
•Gameplay and Combos: Here contains an archive of videos showing excellent Haggar gameplay or concepts, and also a listing of combos possible with Haggar. If you would like to contribute to this section, please be sure to read the rules for video submission.
Please do not hesitate to contribute! All assistance in making this guide as comprehensive as humanly possible is welcome; please do not hesitate to suggest changes as well.
Table of Contents:
The Basics
The Basics, Page 2
The Basics, Page 3
The Basics, Page 4
The Basics, Page 5
The Basics, Page 6
The Basics, Page 7
General Strategy
General Strategy, Page 2
General Strategy, Page 3
Team Building
Team Building, Page 2 (Akuma - Deadpool)
Team Building, Page 3 (Doctor Doom - Hawkeye)
Team Building, Page 4 (Hsien-Ko - Morrigan)
Team Building, Page 5 (Nemesis T-Type - She-Hulk)
Team Building, Page 6 (Shuma-Gorath - Thor)
Team Building, Page 7 (Trish - Zero)
Matchups, Page 2 (Akuma - Deadpool)
Matchups, Page 3 (Doctor Doom - Hawkeye)
Matchups, Page 4 (Hsien-Ko - Morrigan)
Matchups, Page 5 (Nemesis T-Type - She-Hulk)
Matchups, Page 6 (Shuma-Gorath - Thor)
Matchups, Page 7 (Trish - Zero)
Gameplay and Combos
Gameplay and Combos, Page 2
Gameplay and Combos, Page 3
Special Thanks
The Basics
General Character Information:
Haggar Biography
Character Art
General Statistics:
Health: 1,200,000
Level 1 X-Factor Bonuses: 140% Damage, 100% Speed
Level 2 X-Factor Bonuses: 165% Damage, 105% Speed
Level 3 X-Factor Bonuses: 190% Damage, 110% Speed
What’s New in U?
[]:d: + :h: causes hard knockdown
[]:d: + :h: hits OTG
[]:d: + :h: can only be canceled into :f: + :h:
[]Increased downward momentum after air-throw
[]Initial frames of Double Lariat assist are not invincible
[]Double Lariat assist causes soft knockdown
[]Start-up invincibility added to Rapid Fire Fist
[]Rapid Fire Fist is mashable (more mashable?)
[*]Final Haggar Buster damage can be boosted by rotating the stick/pad
:l: - Light Attack
- Medium Attack
:h: - Heavy Attack
:s: - Special Button
:a1: - Assist Button 1
:a2: - Assist Button 2
:atk::atk: - Any Two Attack Buttons
(Air) - Performable While Airborn
(Low) - This Move Must Be Blocked Low
(Overhead) - This Move Must Be Blocked High
(OTG) - This Move Hits Prone Opponents
(XF1) - X-Factor Level 1 Damage Levels
(XF2) - X-Factor Level 2 Damage Levels
(XF3) - X-Factor Level 3 Damage Levels
(XFC) - X-Factor Cancel
(TAC) - Team Aerial Combo
(THC) - Team Hyper Combo
(DHC) - Delayed Hyper Combo