[May 25, 2012] Ultimate Fighting Game Tournament 8 - Infinity [EVO 2012 TS] (Northbrook, IL)

I can’t wait for this, I missed out last year but i’m definitely not missing this one!

The trailer is now available! [media=youtube]tKa9JLuI7kg[/media]

I wanted to give everyone another update on the Guilty Gear XXAC side tourney at UFGT.

Right now the only option for running this event is on Sunday, which i know poses problems for many, including myself, as I will almost certainly need to be getting out of town by Noon Sunday. So, I talked to Keits and here are our potential options.

  1. Once he has final registration numbers, he may be able to find room for the event on friday or saturday. If this becomes an option it will be the first one I take, however keep in mind this means the schedule is completely up in the air probably until the week leading up to UFGT.

  2. I can run the tournament at anytime in the BYOC room, however this has one major caveat, which is that I will not be allowed to call ANYONE to a match who is currently in any Pool at UFGT. Only once a pool is over or that player is completely eliminated can I call them for a match. This means that we will likely have more than few delays in going through the bracket. Now if we can’t get a set time to run this friday or saturday night I would still prefer this option over running the tournament on Sunday, which i more than likely will just not be able to do because of my own travel schedule. I’m willing to sit and wait to run matches, but what really counts is knowing if the players themselves are willing to do the same.

So, if a time slot opens up friday or saturday we will simply take it and go, no questions asked. However should we be forced to go the BYOC route i would like input on what day you all would prefer: Friday or Saturday. If you are planning on attending and entering, make sure to hit me up and let me know what your preference is. I will do my best to cater to what works best for the players.

Thanks for your time, and I’ll update this as soon as I can with more info.

Now how did this get here

You’re not even mentioning or including all the downloadable games.

It’s very difficult to pile those up and take a photo of them.

I’ll be there. I’ll register before the end of the month. :smiley:

Payout information is now updated. Check it out!

Aw no kof evo bonus. Sadface.

That is entirely up to EVO, sorry Noah.

Payouts for every game at UFGT8 play by the same rules, making it as fair as I can possibly make it before sponsors get involved. Get the players to come out and ill funnel in bonus from the venue fees as listed.

SCV and T6 really should be on ps3 or you are gonna lose alot of players. Im speaking for at least 15 from WI

At least 15 players have almost 3 full months to track down converters for the event if they need them.

I know you said that you’re committed to 360 for SC5, but it has been the de-facto standard to run it on PS3, and for many calibur players, it’s the only game they play. I’m not sure how many people are already entered in SC5 (and were planning on using an xbox pad), but if it’s possible to switch, it would make a lot of sense to run it on PS3.

This should also be posted on 8wayrun as well if you want to draw in interest from the calibur community. I only happened to hear about this event from word of mouth from friends that play Marvel.

This looks great. Can’t wait to go, alas being on 360 is an issue for me. I play SCV and no tournament so far has had 360 as a platform for play. Why the change? For someone like me who plays pad it would be a huge issue. Just sayin’ n stuff.

I have to emphatically agree with the above posts protesting the use of 360 for SC5. Soul Calibur has always been held on Sony systems. The entire community has used this standard, and not running a tournament according to those standards, you would stand to lose a lot of potential entrants. I would love to come to this tournament and play, but I can tell you that having it be on the 360 is a huge turnoff.

WISCONSIN??? dude, where are my soul caliber players at. I want to get into that game!

We have a bunch of people who get together for quasi-weekly tournaments in Madison. Milwaukee has a scene as well, I think they hold their tournaments monthly. There’s a facebook group for the Madison community, and jimmypikachuchoi, the organizer of our tournaments posts announcements on the 8wayrun forums. I’m not really clear on the rules for posting links and stuff so I won’t link spam, but PM me if you want me to point you to the facebook group and/or the announcement for our next madison tourney.


Its been there for a while, sir.

The “standard” for SF and Marvel tournaments has been PS3 as well, but that doesn’t make it the best choice by any means. These games run better on the 360. T6 and SCV run better on 360 too.

Tekken 6 is very likely to be on PS3 for this event because community members asked about it very early, but I’ve already paid to rent all my equipment and I’m not sure I could make a change for SCV even if I wanted to. Using the same system for the WHOLE event is smarter, because people who play multiple games dont need to carry around more hardware. There is a lot of overlap with SCV and other games, while there is very little with T6 and other games.

I’m doing my best to please as many people as possible, but if you guys don’t want to come out and support because it isn’t exactly what you are used to, that sucks but I’ll have to deal with it. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve complained about playing SF4 and MvC3 on PS3s, but I still went to the events, had a good time, and supported the scene.

I’ll get with my equipment guys and see what I can figure out, but honestly I ran T6 on ps3 last year, and got you guys arcade sticks as bonus prizes, and made you subject to the same pay/bonus system as every one else… and the turnout was still pitiful.

SCV PS3 360 comparison

T6 PS3 360 comparison

Alright, it looks like Focus Fire will have PS3->360 converters (tested, lag free) on site for rental to anyone who cannot figure out their own solution. SCV will remain on Xbox360, but Tekken 6 will be switched to PS3.