[May 25, 2012] Ultimate Fighting Game Tournament 8 - Infinity [EVO 2012 TS] (Northbrook, IL)

I’m pleased to announce Ultimate Fighting Game Tournament 8 has been booked! Stay tuned for details, and we’ll see you all Memorial Day Weekend 2012. (11 months notice?!)

**Register - **

Registration now open. Players must register online to be seeded by region and skill into the brackets. Players who wait longer to register will pay a higher venue fee. Players who choose to register at the door pay the most (please don’t do this), so register as soon as you solidify your UFGT8 travel plans.

**Location and Date - **

May 25th – 27th, 2012

Crowne Plaza Chicago-Northbrook
2875 N. Milwaukee Avenue
Northbrook, IL 60062

**Prizes and Payouts - **

Our payout structure will be similar to last year. Pot bonuses and depth of payout will scale up as more people enter an individual game. Roughly the top 10% of finishers will receive a payout.

Details can be found here - http://ufgtus.wordpress.com/prizes-and-payouts/

Additionally, participants can earn seeding points for all six of EVO 2012’s games at UFGT8.

**Game List (Xbox 360 Version unless otherwise noted) - **

Super Street Fighter 4 Arcade Edition Verison 2012
Soul Calibur V
Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3
Street Fighter X Tekken (Rules TBA)
Mortal Kombat 9
King of Fighters XIII
Tekken 6 (PS3)
Mystery Game Tournament (128 player cap)
Super Street Fighter II Turbo (Arcade Version)
Vampire Savior (Arcade Version)
Street Fighter 3 3rd Strike (Arcade Version or 360 Version)

Special Events -

Panels - Featuring Sp00ky
SFxT Character Auction
UMvC3 Character Auction
Pre-Game Show Special Exhibition

**Fun and Games Corner - **

Featuring Super Balrog Ball, Pac Ball, Kombat 21, and two brand new games.

**Staff Members - **

Keits (Director)
WSOP (Assistant Director, Pool Supervisor)
MURPHAGATOR! (Assistant Director, Mystery Game Director)
Rocksteady (Panel Director)
Tuboware (Hypeman, Enforcer, Dog Pound)
Humbag (IFD)
Big Marcus (The Thing, Dirty Looks)
Heroic_Legacy (Man with the keys)
CurlyW (The Bracketeer)
Webster (Dark Blackness)
Live Stream -

Level|Up will be streaming UFGT8. http://www.leveluplive.tv/

Nice going’ Keits. I may actually make a UFGT, now that I’ve got almost a year of notice. ;D

Now you’re telling me a tourney way in advance. Time to plan ahead!

EDIT: Photoalbum with over 400+ pics to those who missed UFGT7:

if this is even half as gdlk as 7, you better be there

I will be attendance once again. I have to figure out how to outdo my last performance. Hmmm. I should start winning!

Start by not bringing a jug of milk big enough to feed a 3rd world country, taking only two sips, and then leaving it on my registration desk!

Welp you know that I’ll be one to help again!

UFGT7 was more than worth the 8 hour drive from Canada. Definitely going to be there for this one.

I’ll be there so hard.

Might this end up being the first SFxT Major? Keits you got a sort of streak going.

I love streaking.


Can I be staff/commentator/auctioneer/hype-man again!?

Is it bad that I’m already psyched for this!?

I know you already know this but I got your back for assistant director and chief of mystery games trolling (aka tournament)

I need a ride from the airport . can anyone help me??? hhahahahah

sup on that super marvel 3

We’ll see if I’m in the traveling mood next year, but if I am I will definitely come to this it was by far the most organized major I attended in 2011 …er ever

This thread gives me a raging one.

If you and Murph want the help, you know I’m in to help with the Mystery tourney.

Yes! And we could probably use help for Focus Fire X Keits!

That one’s a bit more up in the air. Already going to a tourney that month (I don’t travel much) and I have no idea about work then.

I’m already there camping for 11 months going to be the very best like no one ever was!!!

You know I’ll be making it out again. 7 was too good.

Couldn’t make it to UFGT7, But I’ll be sure to schedule in advance to see this.