[May 25, 2012] Ultimate Fighting Game Tournament 8 - Infinity [EVO 2012 TS] (Northbrook, IL)

definitely be there, I know its early but can we run an EX3 side tournament this time?

My plans fell through to go to UFGT7. But despite graduating this spring and having to move/find a job/learn to live/whining, I’m hoping to make it to UFGT8. Chicago isn’t THAT far via train, and who knows, maybe I’ll just end up moving to Chicago?

I have already taken a day off for this. and am going to book my hotel room. UFGT7 was the best tourney i have ever been too. ever… this will not dissapoint.
thats what i like to call big damage!

Soon, I travel to Ohio for SB. During this, my father and I will be working on Super Balrog Ball.

Super. Balrog. Ball. Get hype.

Working on a potential game list for UFGT8, but the uncertain release dates of a few games is making me unsure. Here is what I’m looking at right now, all tentative of course. Did I miss anything that we should be playing?

SCV (if its out in time)
ST Arcade (If Zenblaster is bringing his cabs)
Vampire Arcade (If Zenblaster is bringing his cabs)

I dont think TTT2 will be released in time. Left off the list is 3rd Strike Online, which we could play if people are interested. Anything else I missed (other than BB and AH3?)

I think that list is pretty complete. Add arcade CvS2 incase zen wants to bring his board.

I didnt even know he had arcade CvS2. That would be a fun throwback.

Will VF5:FS be released in time?
If not, Chaos Breaker?

We dont want to add more. If anything, we’d need to cut something.

I’d be curious to see which of either T6 or 3Soe would get better numbers. It would be tough to say how many people would still keep up with 3s with all the new games out, but you can say that doubly so for T6 which hasn’t gotten decent numbers for a while.

It also depends on how much equipment I can afford to rent from Focus Fire. Scheduling this bad boy is going to be much more difficult than last year.

More games, more players, more TuboWare, MORE HYPE.

Hold on Zen has a CVS2 board? WHY HAVE YOU BEEN HOLDING OUT ON US MAN? :annoy:

I talked to Zen about that. Apparently, it isn’t portable like the CPS2/3 stuff is. (NAOMI)

Count me in. Coming from NJ this will be fun just like last time. Can I run pools again??

You certainly can. We’ll make an announcement about volunteers in the future, and we’ll make it worth your time to help out.

If 3sOE happens it should be 360 or bust.

Yeah, 3s won’t require an army of systems to run on so please use 360.

Can’t wait for ST ST ST ST ST

Clearly I’ll be on unlocking duty again for whatever game has the longest and most arduous story mode for unlockables.