[May 25, 2012] Ultimate Fighting Game Tournament 8 - Infinity [EVO 2012 TS] (Northbrook, IL)

I approve this message. (Except the drinking and driving part)

all items ready to be packed in the van.see everbody thursday

Wow Zenblaster, so godlike

If you can bring mario kart 64 I can bring my 64 and a couple controllers. Just need 2 more controllers and beer.

Hey Keits, I was too lazy to count. How many entrants are there total for KoF? 64?

Its not a total, emergency registration is still available. However, at close of online registration, 85.

PS3 pad users, there will be XCM Cross Fire v2.0 converters available so you can use your PS3 pad on an Xbox 360 console.

Note: These will only be available for rental at UFGT8. The cost is $20 for the day. A $60 deposit on top of the adapter rental cost is required (or valid credit card on file) as well as a photo ID. The $60 deposit and/or credit card & ID will be given back when the adapter is returned. There will be a limited number of adapters available for rental (up to 8).

^ what a fucking joke. More money dropped on the tourny ontop of the huge venue fee. This is why scv should be on ps3. A few of chicago elite scv are refusing to play in the tourny due to the fact its on xbox as well. GG. 20$ per day for a converter is a joke. Its a 3 day tourny… wtf are you thinking. I want my money back honestly.

Hogosha hooked me up with his stuff, I should be good.

Don’t know that I feel quite this strongly, I’m dual modded so I don’t have a dog in this fight, but $20 did seem rather steep when I read it, especially when most people won’t need them for a full day. Pools are in 2hr blocks, right? Maybe something like $5/2hrs could be worked out, that would have a faster turn around on the converters, too, since there are only 8 to go around.

Just throwing ideas around.

I got two ps2->360 converters that I built and will bring with me.

Gummo If I could get one of those off you that would be great. Tho Idk who you are. Im still mad that this is the only major that will have scv on xbox. Just doesnt make much sense to force ps3 players to drop extra money on shit they dont want or need for any other tourny the rest of the year

I’ll be the guy thats busting my balls modding arcade sticks all weekend.

if you need an adapter that probably explains why you dont know matt Kappa
if you dont have a dualmod or your own converter you just arent taking things seriously.

I take college seriously…

…isn’t, isn’t that good enough? Isn’t it? :oops:

it is not

not unless you’re getting a BA in converting controllers


That price is high, I’ll talk to Evan about it. However, the bolded is a pretty gross double standard. I bought converters or dual mods for your favorite system ages ago, as did most of the rest of us.

No offense, but if someone needs a converter for all three days (very possible for people in Friday’s pools), they’re probably just better off dual-modding as it’ll be pretty close money-wise. I appreciate what you do for the community and I know you probably end up losing disturbingly large amounts of money when you do a fighting game event (as opposed to, say, a FPS tourney of some sort), but that’s a pretty steep rental price for an incredibly small block of time.