[May 25, 2012] Ultimate Fighting Game Tournament 8 - Infinity [EVO 2012 TS] (Northbrook, IL)

dope. i’m so ready.

I’d like to see a TVC casual station.

Oh, I think I see where I am. Wasn’t TOO difficult to decipher.

Well i checked out my pool for King of Fighters… I really have mixed feeling about it lol!

I have mastacj in my pool (F3). I’m very excited. Good luck to the other player’s in my pool.

Mastacj: Beware, I’m taking notes on everything you’ve done.

If anyone would like to play against me in umvc3, ask me! I’ll be wearing a badger hat/badger related clothing. I may be able to take $10 money matches as well.

I play zero/dante/sentinel.

Good luck Sanchaz! Show him your neutral game.

And no combos!

JK beat his ass family.

Just saw the big box of mystery from Murphagator…

It is bringing it’s kids this weekend.

My body is ready.

Sweet I’m in a bracket with WolfKrone?! I’ma fuck him up and create the upset of the century :wink: (high hopes)

Prepare for the worst. Hope for the best.

In king of fighters, I’m in a bracket with ChrisG, MastaCJ, and Romance… That is going to be one hell of a learning experience.

Good luck man. Be confident in your game and do what you’re good at. :slight_smile:

Thanks man. I appreciate it. I will definitely be trying my best.

Try posting in the Chicago thread in Regional Matchmaking -> Midwest. More likely to find a ride there.

Yo Keits, I remember you mentioned there will be PS3 to 360 adapters on hand. Want to take that option, but will there be enough to accommodate everyone? I’m only using it for 3rd Strike anyway so I won’t need it the whole weekend, just want to see it supply will meet the demand.

Excuse me if this has been discussed in the past, but how are the televisions in the hotel rooms? Are they CRTs or LCDs? If they are LCDs, are they very laggy? Reason I’m asking is because I’m thinking about bringing my 360 with me.

Haha, good shit man. That’s one helluva bracket. If ever there was a chance to get some really solid high-level KoF tourney exposure I’d say you’ve been given it. Go in with a good attitude, and you may surprise yourself. :tup:

I hope Focus Fire has enough to meet demand, but I cannot be sure. As always, your best bet is to provide your own solution.

They are LCDs, and you can only plug into them via the RCA port (Yellow Red White). They do lag noticably, but its not unplayable by any means. That said, if you plan to game in your hotel room instead of hanging out on the showfloor (unwise!) bringing a CRT or Asus is a smart move.

So there is this tournament right? It’s in Chicago right??? And it will be the best tournament right???


also: Mario Kart Drinking and Driving…it is going down…

I can make this happen